Paleontological Research Inst

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
978-0-87710-206-9Cynthia NingCommunicating in Chinese: Listening and Speaking Audio CDs (6)
1977978-0-87710-222-9Joanie M. EricksonBulletins of American Paleontology: Revision of the Gastopoda of the Fox Hills Formation, Upper Creatceous (Maestrichtian of North Dakota)
1971978-0-87710-361-5C. J. MauryRecent Mollusks of the Gulf of Mexico: With Pleistocene and Pilogene Species from the Gulf States
1960978-0-87710-363-9Winifred GoldringHandbook of Paleontology for Beginners and Amateurs: The Fossils, Part 1
1980978-0-87710-378-3Harold E. VokesGenera of the Bivalvia: A Systematic and Bibliographic Catalogue