International Bee Research Association

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1981978-0-86098-104-6International Bee Research AssociationGarden Plants Valuable to Bees
1994978-0-86098-214-2   ''Anatomy and Dissection of the Honeybee
2001978-0-86098-237-1Eva CraneTHE ROCK ART OF THE HONEY HUNTERS
2005978-0-86098-241-8S.K. RainaA Practical Guide for Raising and Utilizing Silkmoths and Honey Bees in Africa
2003978-0-86098-243-2Lesley GoodmanForm and Function in the Honey Bee
2005978-0-86098-246-3S.K. RainaA Practical Guide for Raising and Utilizing Silkmoths and Honey Bees in Africa
  ''978-0-86098-247-0S.K. Raina · Richard JonesA Practical Guide for Raising and Utilizing Silkmoths and Honey Bees in Africa
2006978-0-86098-248-7William D.J. KirkA Colour Guide to Pollen Loads of the Honey Bee
2009978-0-86098-260-9Richard JonesThe IBRA Museum Part 2: Skeps, Tools and Accessories (The IBRA Museum)
  ''978-0-86098-262-3   ''The Pollen Grain Drawings of Dorothy Hodges
2010978-0-86098-263-0William D.J. KirkPollen Identification Cards
2012978-0-86098-271-5William D.J. Kirk · F. N. HowesPlants for Bees: A Guide to the Plants That Benefit the Bees of the British Isles
2017978-0-86098-278-4Norman L CarreckThe Small hive beetle: a growing problem in the 21st century
  ''978-0-86098-280-7H A DadeAnatomy and Dissection of the Honeybee
  ''978-0-86098-281-4Stephen John MartinThe Asian Hornet: Threats, Biology & Expansion