year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
1996 | 978-0-86078-610-8 | Sinnappah Arasaratnam | Maritime Commerce and English Power: Southeast India, 1750-1800 (South Asian Publications Series, 11) |
1997 | 978-0-86078-611-5 | Andrea Hintze | The Mughal Empire and Its Decline: An Interpretation of the Sources of Social Power |
'' | 978-0-86078-612-2 | Philip Carabott | Greek Society in the Making, 1863-1913: Realities, Symbols and Visions (Publications of the Centre for Hellenic Studies, King's College London) |
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1997 | 978-0-86078-614-6 | D.S. Chambers | Renaissance Cardinals and their Worldly Problems (Variorum Collected Studies) |
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'' | 978-0-86078-616-0 | Robert Feenstra | Legal Scholarship and Doctrines of Private Law, 13th-18th centuries (Variorum Collected Studies) |
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'' | 978-0-86078-618-4 | Gabriel Nuchelmans | Studies on the History of Logic and Semantics, 12th-17th Centuries (Variorum Collected Studies) |
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'' | 978-0-86078-623-8 | Christopher Page | Music and Instruments of the Middle Ages: Studies on Text and Performance (Variorum Collected Studies) |
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1996 | 978-0-86078-625-2 | Patrick J. Geary | Authors of the Middle Ages, Volume IV, Nos 12-13: Historical and Religious Writers of the Latin West: Historical and Religious Writers of the Latin West Vol 4 |
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'' | 978-0-86078-627-6 | Catherine Johns | Pilgrims'Castle (Catlit), David's Tower (Jerusalem) and Qalcat Ar-rabad (Cajlun): Three Middle Eastern Castles from the Time of the Crusades (Variorum Collected Studies) |
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'' | 978-0-86078-629-0 | Peter F. Sugar | Nationality and Society in Central and South-eastern Europe, 18th and 19th Centuries (Variorum Collected Studies) |
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'' | 978-0-86078-632-0 | Denis Sinor | Studies in Medieval Inner Asia (Variorum Collected Studies) |
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'' | 978-0-86078-639-9 | Donald R. Kelley | The Writing of History and the Study of Law (Variorum Collected Studies) |
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'' | 978-0-86078-646-7 | Rudolf Hiestand · Professor Jonathan Riley-Smith · Professor Benjamin Z. Kedar | Montjoie: Studies in Crusade History |
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'' | 978-0-86078-693-1 | David M. Knight | Science in the Romantic Era (Routledge Library Editions: Romanticism) |
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'' | 978-0-86078-768-6 | Richard Sherr | Music and Musicians in Rome and Other Courts (Variorum Collected Studies) |
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