year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
1971 | 978-0-85665-000-0 | Chalmers M. Clapperton | Geomorphology of the Stromness Bay-Cumberland Bay Area, South Georgia (Science Reports S.) |
1972 | 978-0-85665-001-7 | John Roger Beck · Douglas William Brown | Biology of Wilson's Storm Petrel, Oceanites Oceanicus, (Kuhl), at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands (Science Reports S.) |
'' | 978-0-85665-002-4 | B.M.Ewen Smith | Airborne Radio Echo Sounding of Glaciers in the Antarctic Peninsula (Science Reports) |
1974 | 978-0-85665-024-6 | M.H. Thurston | Crustacea Amphipoda from Graham Land Collected by Operation Tabarin and the Falkland Islands Dependancies Survey, 1944-59 (Scientific reports / British Antarctic Survey) |
1975 | 978-0-85665-029-1 | M.R.A. Thomson | Ammonite Faunas of the Lower Creatceous of South-eastern Alexander Island (Science Reports) |