Wentworth Books

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1971978-0-85587-002-7John EarnshawEarly Sydney cabinet-makers 1804-1870: A directory with an introductory survey
1970978-0-85587-004-1D. H BorchardtChecklist of Royal Commissions, Select Committees of Parliament and Boards of Inquiry (Studies in Australian Bibliography)
  ''978-0-85587-008-9Patrick Edward QuinnSelected poems
1972978-0-85587-037-9Marie H NeilValley of the Macleay: The history of Kempsey and the Macleay River district
1973978-0-85587-064-5Rosemary DobsonA world of difference: Australian poetry and painting in the 1940's (Herbert Blaiklock memorial lecture)