Australia & New Zealand Book Company

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1970978-0-85552-003-8Hiram PauldingJournal of a cruise of the United States schooner Dolphin among the islands of the Pacific Ocean and a visit to the Mulgrave Islands, in pursuit of the mutineers of the whale ship Globe,
1971978-0-85552-005-2Fred Derek Osmond FieldingAustralian university library administration
  ''978-0-85552-006-9Lyn BarrowEncouraging creativity;: The parents' role
1976978-0-85552-050-2E.L & STILWELL, Frank J.B. eds. WHEELWRIGHTReadings in political economy
1977978-0-85552-058-8Andrew CluesSoccer: For coaches & players