Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd

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ISBN 978-0-7145-0011-9 to 978-0-7145-2982-0 << ISBN 978-0-7145-2984-4 to 978-0-7145-4148-8 < ISBN 978-0-7145-4149-5 to end of this ISBN range

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1988978-0-7145-4149-5Howard BarkerThe Last Supper: A New Testament (Playscript)
1990978-0-7145-4161-7Howard BarkerCollected Plays: v. 1: "Victory", "The Castle", "Scenes from an Execution", "Claw", "No End of Blame"
1989978-0-7145-4167-9Giuseppe VerdiMasked Ball (English National Opera Guide)
1997978-0-7145-4179-2Louis-Ferdinand CelineDeath on Credit
1992978-0-7145-4181-5Luigi PirandelloCollected Plays: "The Rules of the Game", "Each in His Own Way", "Grafted", "The Other Son" v. 3 (Calderbooks) (Calderbooks S.)
1990978-0-7145-4201-0Alban BergWozzeck (English National Opera Guide)
1999978-0-7145-4204-1Martin EsslinAntonin Artaud: The Man and His Work
1992978-0-7145-4207-2Claudio Monteverdi · English National OperaOperas of Monteverdi (English National Opera Guide)
  ''978-0-7145-4208-9Giuseppe Verdi · Jennifer BatchelorDon Carlos (English National Opera Guide)
1993978-0-7145-4212-6Samuel BeckettDream of Fair to Middling Women
1992978-0-7145-4213-3Samuel BeckettDream of Fair to Middling Women (Calderbooks S.)
1994978-0-7145-4217-1Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWilhelm Meister: Years of Apprenticeship Bks. 1-8
2000978-0-7145-4218-8Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWilhelm Meister: Years of Travel Bks. 1-3
1992978-0-7145-4232-4Howard BarkerA Hard Heart (Playscripts S.)
  ''978-0-7145-4233-1Alexander TrocchiCain's Book
1993978-0-7145-4234-8Antonin ArtaudThe Theatre and Its Double (New Paris Editions)
1998978-0-7145-4238-6Raymond QueneauExercises in Style
1993978-0-7145-4268-3Richard StraussRosenkavalier, Der (English National Opera Guide)
1995978-0-7145-4271-3Luigi PirandelloCollected Plays: "As You Desire Me", "Think It Over, Giacomino!", "This Time It Will Be Different", "The Imbecile" v. 4 (Calderbooks) (Calderbooks S.)
  ''978-0-7145-4278-2M.P. MusorgskiiKhovanshchina: The Khovansky Affair (English National Opera Guide)
  ''978-0-7145-4279-9Howard BarkerCollected Plays, Volume 3: The Power of the Dog / The Europeans / Women Beware Women / Minna / Judith / Ego in Arcadia: "The Power of the Dog", "The ... "Minna", "Judith", "Ego in Arcadia" v. 3
2017978-0-7145-4283-6John CalderThe Philosophy of Samuel Beckett
2000978-0-7145-4295-9Robert MenasseWings of Stone
1999978-0-7145-4304-8Samuel BeckettBeckett Short: "Stirrings Still" v.11: "Stirrings Still" Vol 11
1999978-0-7145-4306-2Samuel BeckettBeckett Shorts
2001978-0-7145-4313-0John CalderPursuit: The Uncensored Memoirs of John Calder
  ''978-0-7145-4317-8Hyam MaccobyThe Disputation
2002978-0-7145-4326-0Howard BarkerGertrude (The Cry): AND Knowledge and a Girl (The Snow White Case)
2011978-0-7145-4407-6Wolfgang Amadeus MozartDie Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute): (English National Opera Guide 3) (English National Opera Guides)
  ''978-0-7145-4412-0Richard StraussDer Rosenkavalier (The Knight of the Rose): (English National Opera Guide 8) (Opera Guides (Overture))
  ''978-0-7145-4420-5Richard WagnerDie Meistersinger von Nu? rnberg (The Mastersingers of Nuremberg): (English National Opera Guide 19) (Oper Guides)
  ''978-0-7145-4422-9Richard WagnerDie Walkure (The Valkyrie): (English National Opera Guide 21) (English National Opera Guides)
2011978-0-7145-4429-8Richard WagnerSiegfried: (English National Opera Guide 28) (English National Opera Guides)
  ''978-0-7145-4432-8   ''Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods): (English National Opera Guide 31) (Opera Guides)
  ''978-0-7145-4436-6   ''Das Rheingold (The Rhinegold): (English National Opera Guide 35) (Opera Guides)
  ''978-0-7145-4446-5Claudio MonteverdiThe Operas of Monteverdi: (English National Opera Guide 45) (Opera Guides)
  ''978-0-7145-4450-2Tristan TzaraSeven Dada Manifestos and Lampisteries (Oneworld Classics)
2018978-0-7145-4855-5Giuseppe VerdiLa Traviata (Overture Opera Guides)
2018978-0-7145-4856-2Giacomo PucciniLa Boheme (Overture Opera Guides)
  ''978-0-7145-4858-6Raymond RousselImpressions of Africa
2020978-0-7145-4893-7Antonin ArtaudHeliogabalus, or The Anarchist Crowned (Calder Collection)