
year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1970978-0-7015-0032-0H. M KolsenThe price mechanism - demand, supply and market structures (Australian economics handbooks)
978-0-7015-0047-4Henry MayerAustralian Politics: A Second Reader
1972978-0-7015-0327-7Patrol Into Yesterday - My New Guinea Years
1973978-0-7015-1297-2Henry MayerAustralian politics;: A third reader,
1971978-0-7015-1299-6Neal BlewettPlayford to Dunstan: The politics of transition
1973978-0-7015-1570-6Peter HastingsNew Guinea - Problems & Prospects
1972978-0-7015-1785-4[by] Kakuei Tanaka ยท Translated by Simul InternationalBuilding a new Japan: a plan for remodeling the Japanese archipelago