year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
1993 | 978-0-520-07219-0 | Gary W. Cox · Mathew D. McCubbins | Legislative Leviathan: Party Government in the House (California Series on Social Choice and Political Economy) |
'' | 978-0-520-07220-6 | Gary W. Cox | Legislative Leviathan (California Series on Social Choice and Political Economy) |
1991 | 978-0-520-07221-3 | Sharon Zukin | Landscapes of Power: From Detroit to Disney World |
'' | 978-0-520-07222-0 | Frances K. Goldscheider · Linda J. Waite | New Families, No Families?: The Transformation of the American Home (STUDIES IN DEMOGRAPHY) |
'' | 978-0-520-07224-4 | John Harte | Toxics A to Z |
1995 | 978-0-520-07227-5 | Jerome Rothenberg · Pierre Joris | Poems for the Millennium: The University of California Book of Modern and Postmodern Poetry, Vol. 1: From Fin-de-Siecle to Negritude (v. 1) |
1991 | 978-0-520-07230-5 | Gregg Andrews | Shoulder to Shoulder?: The American Federation of Labor, the United States, and the Mexican Revolution, 1910-1924 |
'' | 978-0-520-07237-4 | Roland Barthes | The Grain of the Voice: Interviews 1962-1980 |
1991 | 978-0-520-07238-1 | Roland Barthes | The Responsibility of Forms: Critical Essays on Music, Art, and Representation |
1990 | 978-0-520-07239-8 | D. A. Carpenter | The Minority of Henry III |
1991 | 978-0-520-07245-9 | John Walton | Western Times and Water Wars: State, Culture, and Rebellion in California |
'' | 978-0-520-07253-4 | Hugo Friedrich | Montaigne |
1990 | 978-0-520-07255-8 | Luciano Canfora | The Vanished Library: A Wonder of the Ancient World (Hellenistic Culture and Society) |
1991 | 978-0-520-07262-6 | David H. Bayley | Forces of Order |
1992 | 978-0-520-07263-3 | Kathleen M. Blee | Women of the Klan: Racism and Gender in the 1920s |
1991 | 978-0-520-07264-0 | Martin Sanchez-Jankowski | Islands in the Street: Gangs and American Urban Society |
'' | 978-0-520-07266-4 | David B. Morris | The Culture of Pain |
1998 | 978-0-520-07278-7 | Thomas Mann | The Letters of Heinrich and Thomas Mann, 1900-1949 (Weimar and Now: German Cultural Criticism, No 12) |
1991 | 978-0-520-07281-7 | Paula Richman | Many Ramayanas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South Asia |
'' | 978-0-520-07297-8 | Arif Dirlik | Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution |
'' | 978-0-520-07298-5 | Norman O. Brown | Apocalypse and/or Metamorphosis |
1991 | 978-0-520-07302-9 | Emilio Gabba | Dionysius and The History of Archaic Rome (Sather Classical Lectures) |
1990 | 978-0-520-07303-6 | Barry C. Burnham · John Wacher | The Small Towns of Roman Britain |
'' | 978-0-520-07305-0 | Jane Flax | Thinking Fragments: Psychoanalysis, Feminism, and Postmodernism in the Contemporary West |
1991 | 978-0-520-07312-8 | Peter Dale Scott · Jonathan Marshall | Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America |
1992 | 978-0-520-07315-9 | Carolyn Nordstrom · Joann Martin | The Paths to Domination, Resistance, and Terror |
'' | 978-0-520-07316-6 | Carolyn Nordstrom | The Paths to Domination, Resistance, and Terror |
'' | 978-0-520-07318-0 | Charles Leslie | Paths to Asian Medical Knowledge (Comparative Studies of Health Systems and Medical Care) |
1991 | 978-0-520-07321-0 | Tom Goldstein · Jethro K. Lieberman | The Lawyer's Guide to Writing Well |
'' | 978-0-520-07322-7 | Michæl Burawoy | Ethnography Unbound |
2001 | 978-0-520-07323-4 | Mounira M. Charrad | States and Women's Rights: The Making of Postcolonial Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco |
1992 | 978-0-520-07328-9 | Mao Dun | Rainbow |
1991 | 978-0-520-07336-4 | Diane J. Rayor | Sappho's Lyre |
1991 | 978-0-520-07339-5 | Lindsey Harlan | Religion and Rajput Women: The Ethic of Protection in Contemporary Narratives |
1990 | 978-0-520-07343-2 | Charles P. Kindleberger | Historical Economics: Art or Science? |
1992 | 978-0-520-07347-0 | Edward Berenson | The Trial of Madame Caillaux |
1994 | 978-0-520-07350-0 | Robert Bonfil | Jewish Life in Renaissance Italy |
1991 | 978-0-520-07351-7 | Irena Grudzinska Gross | The Scar of Revolution: Custine, Tocqueville, and the Romantic Imagination |
1992 | 978-0-520-07354-8 | Stephen Kotkin | Steeltown, USSR |
1999 | 978-0-520-07359-3 | Kevin J. Delaney | Strategic Bankruptcy |
1991 | 978-0-520-07364-7 | Keiji Nishitani | Nishida Kitaro (Nanzan Studies in Religion and Culture) |
1992 | 978-0-520-07366-1 | Roberta Pearson | Eloquent Gestures |
1991 | 978-0-520-07370-8 | Richard Huelsenbeck | Memoirs of a Dada Drummer (Documents of Twentieth-Century Art) |
'' | 978-0-520-07374-6 | W. Kendrick Pritchett | The Greek State at War, Part 5 |
'' | 978-0-520-07376-0 | Samir al-Khalil | The Monument: Art, Vulgarity and Responsibility in Iraq |
1994 | 978-0-520-07378-4 | Lothar von Falkenhausen | Suspended Music: Chime-Bells in the Culture of Bronze Age China |
1992 | 978-0-520-07381-4 | Moo-Sook Hahn | Encounter: A Novel of Nineteenth-Century Korea (Voices from Asia, No. 5) |
'' | 978-0-520-07382-1 | J. Wilson Myers · Eleanor Emlen Myers · Gerald Cadogan | The Aerial Atlas of Ancient Crete |
'' | 978-0-520-07388-3 | Robert P. Newman | Owen Lattimore and the "Loss" of China (Philip E.Lilienthal Books) |
1991 | 978-0-520-07391-3 | Baldwin | Government of Philip Augustus |
1991 | 978-0-520-07394-4 | Robert N. Bellah | Beyond Belief |
'' | 978-0-520-07395-1 | Scott L. Bottles | Los Angeles and the Automobile |
'' | 978-0-520-07399-9 | Daniels | Pioneer Urbanites |
1990 | 978-0-520-07401-9 | Kevin Greene | The Archaeology of the Roman Economy |
1991 | 978-0-520-07402-6 | Ernst B. Haas | When Knowledge is Power: Three Models of Change in International Organizations (Studies in International Political Economy) |
'' | 978-0-520-07403-3 | H. D. Harootunian | Toward Restoration (Center for Japanese and Korean Studies) |
'' | 978-0-520-07404-0 | Immanuel Kant | Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime |
1991 | 978-0-520-07407-1 | Katherine Callen King | Achilles |
'' | 978-0-520-07408-8 | Robert Klitgaard | Controlling Corruption |
'' | 978-0-520-07411-8 | Fred R. Myers | Pintupi Country, Pintupi Self |
'' | 978-0-520-07415-6 | Peter Sahlins | Boundaries |
'' | 978-0-520-07417-0 | Keith Weller Taylor | The Birth of Vietnam |
1991 | 978-0-520-07418-7 | Ella Taylor | Prime-Time Families |
'' | 978-0-520-07420-0 | Leroy Vail | The Creation of Tribalism in Southern Africa (Perspectives on Southern Africa) |
'' | 978-0-520-07424-8 | Rosalind H. Williams | Dream Worlds |
'' | 978-0-520-07426-2 | Alan Wolfe | Whose Keeper? Social Science and Moral Obligation |
'' | 978-0-520-07427-9 | Neal Wood | Cicero's Social and Political Thought |
1991 | 978-0-520-07429-3 | Moshe Lewin | The Gorbachev Phenomenon: A Historical Interpretation |
'' | 978-0-520-07430-9 | George Perle | Serial Composition and Atonality: An Introduction to the Music of Schoenberg, Berg, and Webern |
'' | 978-0-520-07434-7 | Sanchez-Jankowski | Islands in the Street |
1993 | 978-0-520-07448-4 | Michæl F Brown | War of Shadows |
1992 | 978-0-520-07451-4 | Tejaswini Niranjana | Siting Translation |
'' | 978-0-520-07455-2 | Jill Watts | God, Harlem U.S.A.: The Father Divine Story |
1993 | 978-0-520-07457-6 | Victoria De Grazia | How Fascism Ruled Women |
1991 | 978-0-520-07459-0 | Rudolf Arnheim | To the Rescue of Art |
1992 | 978-0-520-07462-0 | Muhammad As-Saffar | Disorienting Encounters (Comparative Studies on Muslim Societies) |
1993 | 978-0-520-07471-2 | Ellen Wiley Todd | The "New Woman" Revised: Painting and Gender Politics on Fourteenth Street |
'' | 978-0-520-07475-0 | Andrew Gordon | Postwar Japan as History |
1991 | 978-0-520-07476-7 | Alan Wolfe | America at Century's End |
1993 | 978-0-520-07479-8 | Sonya O. Rose | Limited Livelihoods (Studies on the History of Society and Culture) |
1993 | 978-0-520-07480-4 | Janet Cox-Rearick | Bronzino's Chapel of Eleonora in the Palazzo Vecchio (California Studies in the History of Art) |
1992 | 978-0-520-07488-0 | Whitney Davis | Masking the Blow: The Scene of Representation in Late Prehistoric Egyptian Art (California Studies in the History of Art) |
1997 | 978-0-520-07493-4 | James E. Packer | The Forum of Trajan in Rome: A Study of the Monuments (California Studies in the History of Art) (3 Volume Set) |
1992 | 978-0-520-07494-1 | Zeynep Çelik | Displaying the Orient: Architecture of Islam at Nineteenth-Century World's Fairs (Comparative Studies on Muslim Societies) |
1991 | 978-0-520-07495-8 | Lois Beck | Nomad |
'' | 978-0-520-07509-2 | Stephen G. Miller | Arete: Greek Sports from Ancient Sources, Expanded edition |
1994 | 978-0-520-07512-2 | Mary-Jo Delvecchio Good | Pain as Human Experience (Comparative Studies of Health Systems and Medical Care) |
'' | 978-0-520-07514-6 | Pierrette A. Hondagneu-Sotelo | Gendered Transitions |
'' | 978-0-520-07532-0 | Tulio Halperín Donghi · Iván Jaksic´ · Gwen Kirkpatrick · Francine Masiello | Sarmiento: Author of a Nation |
1993 | 978-0-520-07533-7 | Ann Grodzins Gold | A Carnival of Parting: The Tales of King Bharthari and King Gopi Chand as Sung and Told by Madhu Natisar Nath of Ghatiyali, Rajasthan |
'' | 978-0-520-07535-1 | Ann Grodzins Gold | A Carnival of Parting |
1992 | 978-0-520-07536-8 | Nancy Scheper-Hughes | Death Without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil |
1993 | 978-0-520-07537-5 | Nancy Scheper-Hughes | Death Without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil |
1993 | 978-0-520-07545-0 | Lynn Davidman | Tradition in a Rootless World: Women Turn to Orthodox Judaism |
1991 | 978-0-520-07546-7 | A. Lloyd Moote | Louis XIII, the Just |
'' | 978-0-520-07550-4 | Carol Delaney | The Seed and the Soil: Gender and Cosmology in Turkish Village Society (Comparative Studies on Muslim Societies) |
1990 | 978-0-520-07552-8 | Smadar Lavie | The Poetics of Military Occupation |
1996 | 978-0-520-07556-6 | Michael Sullivan | Art and Artists of Twentieth-Century China |
1992 | 978-0-520-07557-3 | Carol Devens | Countering Colonization: Native American Women and Great Lakes Missions, 1630-1900 |
1994 | 978-0-520-07559-7 | Pascal Boyer | The Naturalness of Religious Ideas: A Cognitive Theory of Religion |
1991 | 978-0-520-07568-9 | Mitchell | Colonising Egypt |
1992 | 978-0-520-07576-4 | Robert Serber | The Los Alamos Primer: The First Lectures on How To Build an Atomic Bomb |
'' | 978-0-520-07580-1 | Roger Smith | Inhibition: History and Meaning in the Sciences of Mind and Brain |
1995 | 978-0-520-07588-7 | Gabriella Oldham | First Cut: Conversations with Film Editors |
1991 | 978-0-520-07589-4 | Paula Richman | Many Ramayanas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South Asia |
'' | 978-0-520-07590-0 | Melvyn C. Goldstein | A History of Modern Tibet, 1913-1951: The Demise of the Lamaist State |
1994 | 978-0-520-07593-1 | Paul E. Johnson | African-American Christianity: Essays in History |
1993 | 978-0-520-07600-6 | Takie Sugiyama Lebra | Above the Clouds: Status Culture of the Modern Japanese Nobility |
1995 | 978-0-520-07602-0 | Takie Sugiyama Lebra | Above the Clouds |
1992 | 978-0-520-07604-4 | Annette B. Weiner | Inalienable Possessions |
1991 | 978-0-520-07611-2 | Richard F. Burton | Goa, and the Blue Mountains; Or, Six Months of Sick Leave |
1993 | 978-0-520-07614-3 | Paul Jesilow · Henry N. Pontell · Gilbert Geis | Prescription for Profit: How Doctors Defraud Medicaid |
1991 | 978-0-520-07622-8 | Melvyn C. Goldstein · Gelek Rimpoche · Lobsang Phuntshog | Essentials of Modern Literary Tibetan: A Reading Course and Reference Grammar |
'' | 978-0-520-07625-9 | Johanne Fabian | Language and Colonial Power |
1993 | 978-0-520-07627-3 | Emilio Segre | A Mind Always in Motion: The Autobiography of Emilio Segre |
1991 | 978-0-520-07628-0 | Andrew Burnett | Coins (Interpreting the Past) |
1992 | 978-0-520-07633-4 | José E. Limón | Mexican Ballads, Chicano Poems (The New Historicism: Studies in Cultural Poetics) |
1991 | 978-0-520-07637-2 | Jean C. Oi | State and Peasant in Contemporary China (Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley) |
1991 | 978-0-520-07638-9 | Tomas Hägg | The Novel in Antiquity |
1985 | 978-0-520-07639-6 | John J. Winkler | Auctor and Actor: A Narratological Reading of Apuleius's the Golden Ass |
1991 | 978-0-520-07640-2 | Daniel Chirot | The Origins of Backwardness in Eastern Europe |
'' | 978-0-520-07642-6 | George T. Wright | Shakespeare's Metrical Art |
'' | 978-0-520-07644-0 | Carl Dahlhaus | Nineteenth-Century Music (California Studies in 19th-Century Music) |
'' | 978-0-520-07645-7 | David Stoll | Is Latin America Turning Protestant? |
'' | 978-0-520-07649-5 | Brian Barry | Theories of Justice (California Series on Social Choice and Political Economy) (v. 1) |
1991 | 978-0-520-07651-8 | George Tsebelis | Nested Games (California Series on Social Choice and Political Economy) |
'' | 978-0-520-07656-3 | Ivan Light | Immigrant Entrepreneurs |
1994 | 978-0-520-07659-4 | Julia E. Annas | Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind (Hellenistic Culture and Society) |
1991 | 978-0-520-07662-4 | Gavin Smith | Livelihood and Resistance |
'' | 978-0-520-07665-5 | Richard Sisson | War and Secession |
'' | 978-0-520-07669-3 | Richard A. Lanham | A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms |
'' | 978-0-520-07670-9 | Barbara Rose | Art as Art (Documents of Twentieth-Century Art) |
1992 | 978-0-520-07671-6 | Thomas Mann | The Holy Sinner |
1992 | 978-0-520-07672-3 | Thomas Mann | The Holy Sinner |
'' | 978-0-520-07673-0 | '' | Royal Highness |
1993 | 978-0-520-07678-5 | Allen Douglas | From Fascism to Libertarian Communism: George Valois Against the Third Republic |
'' | 978-0-520-07682-2 | Peter B. Evans | Double-Edged Diplomacy (Studies in International Political Economy) |
1992 | 978-0-520-07684-6 | Patricia Terry | Renard the Fox |
1997 | 978-0-520-07686-0 | Peter Green | The Argonautika by Apollonios Rhodios |
'' | 978-0-520-07687-7 | Apollonios Rhodios | The Argonautika by Apollonios Rhodios |
1993 | 978-0-520-07690-7 | James von Geldern | Bolshevik Festivals, 1917-1920 (Studies on the History of Society and Culture) |
'' | 978-0-520-07691-4 | Robert Hymes · Conrad Schirokauer | Ordering the World: Approaches to State and Society in Sung Dynasty China (Studies on China) |
1992 | 978-0-520-07693-8 | Wesley G. Skogan | Disorder and Decline: Crime and the Spiral of Decay in American Neighborhoods |
1992 | 978-0-520-07696-9 | Bruce F. Kawin | How Movies Work |
'' | 978-0-520-07697-6 | Joseph S. Alter | The Wrestler's Body: Identity and Ideology in North India |
1993 | 978-0-520-07699-0 | Stanley F. Stevens | Claiming the High Ground: Sherpas, Subsistence, and Environmental Change in the Highest Himalaya |
'' | 978-0-520-07702-7 | Amos Funkenstein | Perceptions of Jewish History |
1992 | 978-0-520-07705-8 | Juan E. Corradi | Fear at the Edge |
1993 | 978-0-520-07707-2 | Susan L. Shirk | The Political Logic of Economic Reform in China (California Series on Social Choice and Political Economy) |
1994 | 978-0-520-07709-6 | Christoph Wolff | Mozart's Requiem: Historical and Analytical Studies, Documents, Score |
1991 | 978-0-520-07711-9 | Tom Rockmore | On Heidegger's Nazism and Philosophy |
1992 | 978-0-520-07720-1 | Bruce E. Keith | The Myth of the Independent Voter |
'' | 978-0-520-07723-2 | John A. Crow | The Epic of Latin America |
1993 | 978-0-520-07728-7 | Gavin I. Langmuir | History, Religion, and Antisemitism |
'' | 978-0-520-07732-4 | Albert Muto | The University of California Press: The Early Years, 1893-1953 |
1992 | 978-0-520-07734-8 | Ross Hassig | War and Society in Ancient Mesoamerica |
1994 | 978-0-520-07740-9 | Owens | Beyond Recognition |
1993 | 978-0-520-07746-1 | Jeffrey Segall | Joyce in America: Cultural Politics and the Trials of Ulysses |
1994 | 978-0-520-07748-5 | Nwachukwu Frank Ukadike | Black African Cinema |
1992 | 978-0-520-07759-1 | Sakæ Osugi | The Autobiography of Osugi Sakæ (Voices from Asia) |
1995 | 978-0-520-07768-3 | Henri Dorra | Symbolist Art Theories: A Critical Anthology |
1993 | 978-0-520-07770-6 | James A. Fujii | Complicit Fictions (Twentieth Century Japan: The Emergence of a World Power) |
1993 | 978-0-520-07771-3 | Martha Nochimson | No End to Her |
1992 | 978-0-520-07774-4 | Arthur Schnitzler | The Road into the Open |
1993 | 978-0-520-07776-8 | Marsha Kinder | Playing with Power in Movies, Television, and Video Games |
'' | 978-0-520-07777-5 | Stephen Johnson · Gerald W. Haslam · Robert Dawson | The Great Central Valley: California's Heartland (A Centennial Book) |
1992 | 978-0-520-07779-9 | Thomas Bender | The Antislavery Debate: Capitalism and Abolitionism as a Problem in Historical Interpretation |
1991 | 978-0-520-07781-2 | Peter Dale Scott · Jonathan Marshall | Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America |
'' | 978-0-520-07782-9 | Carlo Collodi | The Adventures of Pinocchio: Story of a Puppet/Le Avventure di Pinocchio: Storia di un Burattino (The Complete Text in a Bilingual Edition with the ... Illustrations) (English and Italian Edition) |
1993 | 978-0-520-07785-0 | Shirley Lindenbaum | Knowledge, Power, and Practice (Comparative Studies of Health Systems and Medical Care) |
1992 | 978-0-520-07796-6 | Xiaotong Fei | From the Soil: The Foundations of Chinese Society |
'' | 978-0-520-07801-7 | Michæl Barzelay | Breaking Through Bureaucracy |
1993 | 978-0-520-07812-3 | David Attwell | J.M. Coetzee (Perspectives on Southern Africa) |
'' | 978-0-520-07813-0 | Christian Joppke | Mobilizing Against Nuclear Energy: A Comparison of Germany and the United States |
1994 | 978-0-520-07815-4 | Ruth Mellinkoff | Outcasts: Signs of Otherness in Northern European Art of the Late Middle Ages (California Studies in the History of Art) 2 Volume Set |
1994 | 978-0-520-07818-5 | Jenny Franchot | Roads to Rome: The Antebellum Protestant Encounter with Catholicism (The New Historicism: Studies in Cultural Poetics) |
1992 | 978-0-520-07821-5 | Byron K. Marshall | Academic Freedom and the Japanese Imperial University, 1868-1939 |
'' | 978-0-520-07827-7 | Anson Rabinbach | The Human Motor |
'' | 978-0-520-07828-4 | Norman O. Brown | Apocalypse and/or Metamorphosis |
1993 | 978-0-520-07841-3 | Yitzhak ("Antek") Zuckerman | A Surplus of Memory: Chronicle of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (A Centennial Book) |
'' | 978-0-520-07844-4 | Donald J. Mastronarde | Introduction to Attic Greek |
1994 | 978-0-520-07846-8 | Richard E. Strassberg | Inscribed Landscapes: Travel Writing from Imperial China |
1993 | 978-0-520-07849-9 | Charles L. Hogue | Latin American Insects and Entomology |
1996 | 978-0-520-07853-6 | Kurt Weill · Lotte Lenya | Speak Low (When You Speak Love): The Letters of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya |
1993 | 978-0-520-07855-0 | Maurizio Viano | A Certain Realism |
'' | 978-0-520-07857-4 | Robert L. Carringer | The Magnificent Ambersons: A Reconstruction |
1992 | 978-0-520-07864-2 | Elizabeth Wilson | The Sphinx in the City |
1991 | 978-0-520-07866-6 | Denise Jodelet | Madness and Social Representation: Living with the Mad in One French Community (Medicine and Society) |
1992 | 978-0-520-07868-0 | John A. Crow | The Epic of Latin America, Fourth edition |
1992 | 978-0-520-07869-7 | Bret Hinsch | Passions of the Cut Sleeve |
'' | 978-0-520-07870-3 | Arnaldo Momigliano | The Classical Foundations of Modern Historiography (Sather Classical Lectures) |
1993 | 978-0-520-07871-0 | Malcolm Andrew · Ronald Waldron · Clifford Peterson · Casey Finch | The Complete Works of the Pearl Poet |
1992 | 978-0-520-07872-7 | Daniel Heartz | Mozart's Operas (Centennial Books) (A Centennial Book) |
1990 | 978-0-520-07874-1 | Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick | Epistemology of the Closet |
1992 | 978-0-520-07876-5 | Kathleen M. Blee | Women of the Klan: Racism and Gender in the 1920s |
1987 | 978-0-520-07879-6 | Edwin Clarke | Nineteenth-Century Origins of Neuroscientific Concepts |
1992 | 978-0-520-07883-3 | Edward Fowler | The Rhetoric of Confession |
'' | 978-0-520-07886-4 | Howard Kimeldorf | Reds or Rackets? |
'' | 978-0-520-07892-5 | A. M. Snodgrass | An Archæology of Greece (Sather Classical Lectures) |
'' | 978-0-520-07893-2 | Sarah Grey Thomason | Language Contact, Creolization, and Genetic Linguistics |