year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2009 | 978-0-511-48812-2 | Wesley G. Olmstead | Matthew's Trilogy of Parables: The Nation, the Nations and the Reader in Matthew 21:28-22:14 (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series) |
'' | 978-0-511-48814-6 | Osvaldo Padilla | The Speeches of Outsiders in Acts: Poetics, Theology and Historiography (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series) |
'' | 978-0-511-48819-1 | Professor Steve Walton | Leadership and Lifestyle: The Portrait of Paul in the Miletus Speech and 1 Thessalonians (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series) |
'' | 978-0-511-48820-7 | Francis Watson | Agape, Eros, Gender: Towards a Pauline Sexual Ethic |
'' | 978-0-511-48822-1 | Simon Coleman | The Globalisation of Charismatic Christianity (Cambridge Studies in Ideology and Religion) |
2009 | 978-0-511-48823-8 | Richard A. Cohen | Ethics, Exegesis and Philosophy: Interpretation after Levinas |
2010 | 978-0-511-48829-0 | Angelika Malinar | The Bhagavadgita: Doctrines and Contexts |
2009 | 978-0-511-48832-0 | Anthony Bash | Forgiveness and Christian Ethics (New Studies in Christian Ethics) |
'' | 978-0-511-48835-1 | Colin Grant | Altruism and Christian Ethics (New Studies in Christian Ethics) |
'' | 978-0-511-48836-8 | Peter H. Sedgwick | The Market Economy and Christian Ethics (New Studies in Christian Ethics) |
'' | 978-0-511-48838-2 | James P. Mackey | The Critique of Theological Reason |
'' | 978-0-511-48841-2 | William D. Hart | Edward Said and the Religious Effects of Culture (Cambridge Studies in Religion and Critical Thought) |
2009 | 978-0-511-48843-6 | David C. Lamberth | William James and the Metaphysics of Experience (Cambridge Studies in Religion and Critical Thought) |
'' | 978-0-511-48844-3 | Professor Nancy K. Levene | Spinoza's Revelation: Religion, Democracy, and Reason |
'' | 978-0-511-48847-4 | Professor Peter Lorange | Thought Leadership Meets Business: How business schools can become more successful |
'' | 978-0-511-48853-5 | Graeme P. Maxton · John Wormald | Time for a Model Change: Re-engineering the Global Automotive Industry |
'' | 978-0-511-48855-9 | Mark De Rond | Strategic Alliances as Social Facts: Business, Biotechnology, and Intellectual History |
2009 | 978-0-511-48856-6 | Alnoor Ebrahim | NGOs and Organizational Change: Discourse, Reporting, and Learning |
'' | 978-0-511-48858-0 | Bridget Hutter · Michael Power | Organizational Encounters with Risk |
'' | 978-0-511-48863-4 | Timothy L. Fort · Cindy A. Schipani | The Role of Business in Fostering Peaceful Societies |
'' | 978-0-511-48865-8 | Peter Ulrich | Integrative Economic Ethics: Foundations of a Civilized Market Economy |
'' | 978-0-511-48866-5 | Marie-Laure Djelic · Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson | Transnational Governance: Institutional Dynamics of Regulation |
2009 | 978-0-511-48867-2 | Lawton Robert Burns | The Business of Healthcare Innovation |
'' | 978-0-511-48869-6 | Pierre-Yves Gomez · Harry Korine | Entrepreneurs and Democracy: A Political Theory of Corporate Governance (Business, Value Creation, and Society) |
'' | 978-0-511-48875-7 | Jack Barbalet | Weber, Passion and Profits: 'The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism' in Context |
'' | 978-0-511-48877-1 | Fiona Devine | Class Practices: How Parents Help Their Children Get Good Jobs |
'' | 978-0-511-48883-2 | Steven Loyal · Stephen Quilley | The Sociology of Norbert Elias |
2009 | 978-0-511-48885-6 | Professor Nikolas Rose | Powers of Freedom: Reframing Political Thought |
'' | 978-0-511-48887-0 | Tamir Sorek | Arab Soccer in a Jewish State: The Integrative Enclave (Cambridge Cultural Social Studies) |
'' | 978-0-511-48890-0 | Erik Olin Wright | Approaches to Class Analysis |
'' | 978-0-511-48893-1 | Charles Stafford | Separation and Reunion in Modern China |
'' | 978-0-511-48894-8 | Ruth Woodfield | Women, Work and Computing |
2009 | 978-0-511-48895-5 | Pete Alcock · Christina Beatty · Stephen Fothergill · Rob MacMillan · Sue Yeandle | Work to Welfare: How Men Become Detached from the Labour Market |
'' | 978-0-511-48896-2 | Rosemary Crompton | Employment and the Family: The Reconfiguration of Work and Family Life in Contemporary Societies |
'' | 978-0-511-48902-0 | Kevin Howley | Community Media: People, Places, and Communication Technologies |
'' | 978-0-511-48904-4 | Joyce Outshoorn | The Politics of Prostitution: Women's Movements, Democratic States and the Globalisation of Sex Commerce |
'' | 978-0-511-48907-5 | Robert Salais · Robert Villeneuve | Europe and the Politics of Capabilities |
2009 | 978-0-511-48908-2 | Valerie Sperling | Organizing Women in Contemporary Russia: Engendering Transition |
'' | 978-0-511-48911-2 | Kathrin S. Zippel | The Politics of Sexual Harassment: A Comparative Study of the United States, the European Union, and Germany |
'' | 978-0-511-48914-3 | Andrew Jamison | The Making of Green Knowledge: Environmental Politics and Cultural Transformation |
'' | 978-0-511-48921-1 | Ronald N. Jacobs | Race, Media, and the Crisis of Civil Society: From Watts to Rodney King (Cambridge Cultural Social Studies) |
'' | 978-0-511-48929-7 | Lorraine Mazerolle · Janet Ransley | Third Party Policing (Cambridge Studies in Criminology) |
2009 | 978-0-511-48932-7 | Don Weatherburn · Bronwyn Lind | Delinquent-Prone Communities (Cambridge Studies in Criminology) |
'' | 978-0-511-48937-2 | John R. Hall | Cultures of Inquiry: From Epistemology to Discourse in Sociohistorical Research |
'' | 978-0-511-48938-9 | Sara Ahmed | Differences that Matter: Feminist Theory and Postmodernism |
'' | 978-0-511-48943-3 | Tia DeNora | Music in Everyday Life |
'' | 978-0-511-48944-0 | Barbara Hobson | Making Men into Fathers: Men, Masculinities and the Social Politics of Fatherhood |
2009 | 978-0-511-48946-4 | John Izod | Myth, Mind and the Screen: Understanding the Heroes of our Time |
'' | 978-0-511-48955-6 | Koji Mizoguchi | Archaeology, Society and Identity in Modern Japan (Cambridge Studies in Archaeology) |
'' | 978-0-511-48956-3 | Saburo Sugiyama | Human Sacrifice, Militarism, and Rulership: Materialization of State Ideology at the Feathered Serpent Pyramid, Teotihuacan (New Studies in Archaeology) |
'' | 978-0-511-48961-7 | Professor D. T. Potts | The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State (Cambridge World Archaeology) |
'' | 978-0-511-48963-1 | Kathleen D. Morrison · Laura L. Junker | Forager-Traders in South and Southeast Asia: Long-Term Histories |
2009 | 978-0-511-48973-0 | Chris Lange-Küttner · Annie Vinter | Drawing and the Non-Verbal Mind: A Life-Span Perspective |
'' | 978-0-511-48978-5 | Aaron Ben-Ze'ev | Love Online: Emotions on the Internet |
'' | 978-0-511-48979-2 | Harry van den Berg · Margaret Wetherell · Hanneke Houtkoop-Steenstra | Analyzing Race Talk: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Research Interview |
'' | 978-0-511-48981-5 | Anton J. M. Dijker · Willem Koomen | Stigmatization, Tolerance and Repair: An Integrative Psychological Analysis of Responses to Deviance (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction) |
'' | 978-0-511-48983-9 | Christian Heath · Paul Luff | Technology in Action (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives) |
2009 | 978-0-511-48984-6 | Hélène Joffé | Risk and 'The Other' |
'' | 978-0-511-48985-3 | Heidi Keller · Ype H. Poortinga · Axel Schölmerich | Between Culture and Biology: Perspectives on Ontogenetic Development (Cambridge Studies in Cognitive and Perceptual Development) |
'' | 978-0-511-48987-7 | Craig McGarty · Vincent Y. Yzerbyt · Russell Spears | Stereotypes as Explanations: The Formation of Meaningful Beliefs about Social Groups |
'' | 978-0-511-48996-9 | Andrew N. Meltzoff · Wolfgang Prinz | The Imitative Mind: Development, Evolution and Brain Bases (Cambridge Studies in Cognitive and Perceptual Development) |
'' | 978-0-511-48999-0 | Hedwig te Molder · Jonathan Potter | Conversation and Cognition |
2009 | 978-0-511-49000-2 | Anssi Peräkylä · Charles Antaki · Sanna Vehviläinen · Ivan Leudar | Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy |
'' | 978-0-511-49003-3 | Christoph Engel | Generating Predictability: Institutional Analysis and Design |
'' | 978-0-511-49017-0 | Jens Bartelson | The Critique of the State |
'' | 978-0-511-49025-5 | Clarissa Rile Hayward | De-Facing Power (Contemporary Political Theory) |
'' | 978-0-511-49026-2 | Jonathan Hughes | Ecology and Historical Materialism (Studies in Marxism and Social Theory) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49027-9 | John Kane | The Politics of Moral Capital (Contemporary Political Theory) |
'' | 978-0-511-49028-6 | Sung Ho Kim | Max Weber's Politics of Civil Society |
'' | 978-0-511-49029-3 | Gerry Mackie | Democracy Defended (Contemporary Political Theory) |
'' | 978-0-511-49033-0 | Ayelet Shachar | Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Women's Rights (Contemporary Political Theory) |
'' | 978-0-511-49036-1 | Peter J. Steinberger | The Idea of the State (Contemporary Political Theory) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49038-5 | Kok-Chor Tan | Justice without Borders: Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, and Patriotism (Contemporary Political Theory) |
'' | 978-0-511-49039-2 | Georgia Warnke | After Identity: Rethinking Race, Sex, and Gender (Contemporary Political Theory) |
'' | 978-0-511-49044-6 | Mark Bevir | The Logic of the History of Ideas |
'' | 978-0-511-49047-7 | Conal Condren | Argument and Authority in Early Modern England: The Presupposition of Oaths and Offices |
'' | 978-0-511-49048-4 | Hannah Dawson | Locke, Language and Early-Modern Philosophy (Ideas in Context) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49049-1 | Annelien de Dijn | French Political Thought from Montesquieu to Tocqueville: Liberty in a Levelled Society? (Ideas in Context) |
'' | 978-0-511-49052-1 | Andrew Fitzmaurice | Humanism and America: An Intellectual History of English Colonisation, 1500-1625 (Ideas in Context) |
'' | 978-0-511-49055-2 | T. J. Hochstrasser | Natural Law Theories in the Early Enlightenment (Ideas in Context) |
'' | 978-0-511-49056-9 | Harro Höpfl | Jesuit Political Thought: The Society of Jesus and the State, c.1540-1630 (Ideas in Context) |
'' | 978-0-511-49059-0 | Ian Hunter | The Secularisation of the Confessional State: The Political Thought of Christian Thomasius (Ideas in Context) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49062-0 | Peter Mack | Elizabethan Rhetoric: Theory and Practice (Ideas in Context) |
'' | 978-0-511-49063-7 | Gregory Moore | Nietzsche, Biology and Metaphor |
'' | 978-0-511-49066-8 | J. G. A. Pocock | Barbarism and Religion: Volume 1, The Enlightenments of Edward Gibbon, 1737-1764 |
'' | 978-0-511-49067-5 | J. G. A. Pocock | Barbarism and Religion: Volume 3, The First Decline and Fall |
'' | 978-0-511-49075-0 | Martin van Gelderen · Quentin Skinner | Republicanism: Volume 1, Republicanism and Constitutionalism in Early Modern Europe: A Shared European Heritage |
2010 | 978-0-511-49076-7 | Martin van Gelderen · Quentin Skinner | Republicanism: Volume 2, The Values of Republicanism in Early Modern Europe: A Shared European Heritage |
2010 | 978-0-511-49080-4 | Anthony Seldon · Dennis Kavanagh | The Blair Effect 2001-5 |
2009 | 978-0-511-49083-5 | James R. Flynn | Where Have All the Liberals Gone?: Race, Class, and Ideals in America |
'' | 978-0-511-49091-0 | Todd A. Eisenstadt | Courting Democracy in Mexico: Party Strategies and Electoral Institutions |
'' | 978-0-511-49095-8 | Yoshiko M. Herrera | Imagined Economies: The Sources of Russian Regionalism (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics) |
'' | 978-0-511-49099-6 | Joni Lovenduski | State Feminism and Political Representation |
'' | 978-0-511-49100-9 | Ellen Lust-Okar | Structuring Conflict in the Arab World: Incumbents, Opponents, and Institutions |
2009 | 978-0-511-49101-6 | Ellen Mickiewicz | Television, Power, and the Public in Russia |
'' | 978-0-511-49110-8 | Benjamin Reilly | Democracy in Divided Societies: Electoral Engineering for Conflict Management (Theories of Institutional Design) |
'' | 978-0-511-49114-6 | Miranda A. Schreurs | Environmental Politics in Japan, Germany, and the United States |
'' | 978-0-511-49116-0 | Frank Vibert | The Rise of the Unelected: Democracy and the New Separation of Powers |
'' | 978-0-511-49121-4 | Viva Ona Bartkus | The Dynamic of Secession (Cambridge Studies in International Relations) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49122-1 | Spyros Economides | United Nations Interventionism, 1991-2004 (LSE Monographs in International Studies) |
'' | 978-0-511-49124-5 | Roland Bleiker | Popular Dissent, Human Agency and Global Politics (Cambridge Studies in International Relations) |
'' | 978-0-511-49127-6 | Molly Cochran | Normative Theory in International Relations: A Pragmatic Approach (Cambridge Studies in International Relations) |
'' | 978-0-511-49132-0 | Xinyuan Dai | International Institutions and National Policies |
'' | 978-0-511-49136-8 | Darren G. Hawkins · David A. Lake · Daniel L. Nielson · Michael J. Tierney | Delegation and Agency in International Organizations (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49149-8 | Laurie A. Brand | Citizens Abroad: Emigration and the State in the Middle East and North Africa (Cambridge Middle East Studies) |
'' | 978-0-511-49151-1 | Douglas Lemke | Regions of War and Peace (Cambridge Studies in International Relations) |
'' | 978-0-511-49154-2 | Timothy J. Lynch · Robert S. Singh | After Bush: The Case for Continuity in American Foreign Policy |
'' | 978-0-511-49155-9 | Bill McSweeney | Security, Identity and Interests: A Sociology of International Relations (Cambridge Studies in International Relations) |
'' | 978-0-511-49156-6 | Benjamin Miller | States, Nations, and the Great Powers: The Sources of Regional War and Peace (Cambridge Studies in International Relations) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49158-0 | Jan-Werner Müller | Memory and Power in Post-War Europe: Studies in the Presence of the Past |
'' | 978-0-511-49160-3 | Robert O'Brien · Anne Marie Goetz · Jan Aart Scholte · Marc Williams | Contesting Global Governance: Multilateral Economic Institutions and Global Social Movements (Cambridge Studies in International Relations) |
'' | 978-0-511-49171-9 | Christine Sylvester | Feminist International Relations: An Unfinished Journey (Cambridge Studies in International Relations) |
'' | 978-0-511-49173-3 | John A. Vasquez | The Power of Power Politics: From Classical Realism to Neotraditionalism (Cambridge Studies in International Relations) |
'' | 978-0-511-49174-0 | Karin von Hippel | Democracy by Force: US Military Intervention in the Post-Cold War World (London School of Economics Mathematics) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49178-8 | Frank C. Zagare · D. Marc Kilgour | Perfect Deterrence (Cambridge Studies in International Relations) |
'' | 978-0-511-49181-8 | Sylvia Chan | Liberalism, Democracy and Development |
'' | 978-0-511-49183-2 | Professor Antoinette Handley | Business and the State in Africa: Economic Policy-Making in the Neo-Liberal Era |
'' | 978-0-511-49186-3 | Aseem Prakash | Greening the Firm: The Politics of Corporate Environmentalism |
'' | 978-0-511-49188-7 | Daniel Verdier | Moving Money: Banking and Finance in the Industrialized World |
2009 | 978-0-511-49189-4 | Jeffrey Anderson | German Unification and the Union of Europe: The Domestic Politics of Integration Policy |
'' | 978-0-511-49194-8 | Adrienne Héritier | Policy-Making and Diversity in Europe: Escape from Deadlock (Theories of Institutional Design) |
'' | 978-0-511-49198-6 | Christoph Knill | The Europeanisation of National Administrations: Patterns of Institutional Change and Persistence (Themes in European Governance) |
'' | 978-0-511-49205-1 | Stephen Padgett | Organizing Democracy in Eastern Germany: Interest Groups in Post-Communist Society |
'' | 978-0-511-49208-2 | Robert Thomson · Frans N. Stokman · Christopher H. Achen · Thomas König | The European Union Decides (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49209-9 | Michael Zürn · Christian Joerges | Law and Governance in Postnational Europe: Compliance Beyond the Nation-State (Themes in European Governance) |
'' | 978-0-511-49212-9 | Thane Gustafson | Capitalism Russian-Style |
'' | 978-0-511-49214-3 | Richard Rose · Neil Munro | Elections without Order: Russia's Challenge to Vladimir Putin |
'' | 978-0-511-49215-0 | Richard Rose · William Mishler · Neil Munro | Russia Transformed: Developing Popular Support for a New Regime |
'' | 978-0-511-49221-1 | Stuart Corbridge · Glyn Williams · Manoj Srivastava · René Véron | Seeing the State: Governance and Governmentality in India (Contemporary South Asia) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49223-5 | Laleh Khalili | Heroes and Martyrs of Palestine: The Politics of National Commemoration (Cambridge Middle East Studies) |
'' | 978-0-511-49225-9 | Eliz Sanasarian | Religious Minorities in Iran (Cambridge Middle East Studies) |
'' | 978-0-511-49230-3 | Wulf Gaertner | Domain Conditions in Social Choice Theory |
'' | 978-0-511-49231-0 | Douglas Gale | Strategic Foundations of General Equilibrium: Dynamic Matching and Bargaining Games (Churchill Lectures in Economics) |
'' | 978-0-511-49235-8 | Ariel Rubinstein | Economics and Language: Five Essays (Churchill Lectures in Economics) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49238-9 | R. Beetsma · C. Favero · A. Missale · V. A. Muscatelli · P. Natale · P. Tirelli | Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policies and Labour Markets: Macroeconomic Policymaking in the EMU |
'' | 978-0-511-49239-6 | Carl Chiarella · Peter Flaschel | The Dynamics of Keynesian Monetary Growth: Macro Foundations |
'' | 978-0-511-49244-0 | G. C. Harcourt | The Structure of Post-Keynesian Economics: The Core Contributions of the Pioneers |
'' | 978-0-511-49245-7 | Otmar Issing · Vitor Gaspar · Ignazio Angeloni · Oreste Tristani | Monetary Policy in the Euro Area: Strategy and Decision-Making at the European Central Bank |
'' | 978-0-511-49247-1 | Frederic S. Lee | Post Keynesian Price Theory (Modern Cambridge Economics Series) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49249-5 | Will Martin · Mari Pangestu | Options for Global Trade Reform: A View from the Asia-Pacific (Trade and Development) |
'' | 978-0-511-49258-7 | Flavio Comim · Mozaffar Qizilbash · Sabina Alkire | The Capability Approach: Concepts, Measures and Applications |
'' | 978-0-511-49262-4 | Bjørn Lomborg | Global Crises, Global Solutions |
'' | 978-0-511-49314-0 | Cheng Hsiao · M. Hashem Pesaran · Kajal Lahiri · Lung Fei Lee | Analysis of Panels and Limited Dependent Variable Models |
'' | 978-0-511-49319-5 | Kenn Ariga · Giorgio Brunello · Yasushi Ohkusa | Internal Labour Markets in Japan |
2009 | 978-0-511-49320-1 | Eric Brousseau · Nicolas Curien | Internet and Digital Economics: Principles, Methods and Applications |
'' | 978-0-511-49322-5 | Stephen Dobson · John Goddard | The Economics of Football |
'' | 978-0-511-49324-9 | Shane Greenstein · Victor Stango | Standards and Public Policy |
'' | 978-0-511-49329-4 | Andrew Davies · Michael Hobday | The Business of Projects: Managing Innovation in Complex Products and Systems |
'' | 978-0-511-49332-4 | T. R. Malthus | T. R. Malthus: The Unpublished Papers in the Collection of Kanto Gakuen University: Volume 2 |
2009 | 978-0-511-49337-9 | Sajal Lahiri · Yoshiyasu Ono | Trade and Industrial Policy under International Oligopoly |
'' | 978-0-511-49343-0 | Simon C. Parker | The Economics of Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship |
'' | 978-0-511-49345-4 | Lykke E. Andersen · Clive W. J. Granger · Eustaquio J. Reis · Diana Weinhold · Sven Wunder | The Dynamics of Deforestation and Economic Growth in the Brazilian Amazon |
'' | 978-0-511-49346-1 | Ian J. Bateman · Andrew A. Lovett · Julii S. Brainard | Applied Environmental Economics: A GIS Approach to Cost-Benefit Analysis |
'' | 978-0-511-49350-8 | Torben M. Andersen · Per Molander | Alternatives for Welfare Policy: Coping with Internationalisation and Demographic Change |
2009 | 978-0-511-49354-6 | Augusto Graziani | The Monetary Theory of Production (Federico Caffè Lectures) |
'' | 978-0-511-49357-7 | Craig A. Parsons · Timothy M. Smeeding | Immigration and the Transformation of Europe |
'' | 978-0-511-49363-8 | Mark Bassin | Imperial Visions: Nationalist Imagination and Geographical Expansion in the Russian Far East, 1840-1865 (Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography) |
'' | 978-0-511-49365-2 | Nuala C. Johnson | Ireland, the Great War and the Geography of Remembrance (Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography) |
'' | 978-0-511-49367-6 | Philip Allott | The Health of Nations: Society and Law beyond the State |
2009 | 978-0-511-49368-3 | Sujit Choudhry | The Migration of Constitutional Ideas |
'' | 978-0-511-49372-0 | Susan Marks | International Law on the Left: Re-examining Marxist Legacies |
'' | 978-0-511-49374-4 | Amanda Perreau-Saussine · James B. Murphy | The Nature of Customary Law: Legal, Historical and Philosophical Perspectives |
'' | 978-0-511-49375-1 | Alain Pottage · Martha Mundy | Law, Anthropology, and the Constitution of the Social: Making Persons and Things (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) |
'' | 978-0-511-49376-8 | E. W. Thomas | The Judicial Process: Realism, Pragmatism, Practical Reasoning and Principles |
2009 | 978-0-511-49378-2 | Marc Hertogh · Simon Halliday | Judicial Review and Bureaucratic Impact: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) |
'' | 978-0-511-49380-5 | Patrick Schmidt | Lawyers and Regulation: The Politics of the Administrative Process (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) |
'' | 978-0-511-49381-2 | Tom Allen | The Right to Property in Commonwealth Constitutions (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) |
'' | 978-0-511-49387-4 | Victor V. Ramraj · Michael Hor · Kent Roach | Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy |
'' | 978-0-511-49388-1 | Basil Markesinis · Michael Coester · Guido Alpa · Augustus Ullstein | Compensation for Personal Injury in English, German and Italian Law: A Comparative Outline (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49389-8 | Helen Meenan | Equality Law in an Enlarged European Union: Understanding the Article 13 Directives |
2010 | 978-0-511-49392-8 | Chittharanjan Felix Amerasinghe | Local Remedies in International Law (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49395-9 | Helen Duffy | The 'War on Terror' and the Framework of International Law |
'' | 978-0-511-49396-6 | Malcolm Evans · Rachel Murray | The African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights: The System in Practice 1986-2006 |
'' | 978-0-511-49397-3 | Erika Feller · Volker Türk · Frances Nicholson | Refugee Protection in International Law: UNHCR's Global Consultations on International Protection |
'' | 978-0-511-49401-7 | Nihal Jayawickrama | The Judicial Application of Human Rights Law: National, Regional and International Jurisprudence |
'' | 978-0-511-49404-8 | Obiora Chinedu Okafor | The African Human Rights System, Activist Forces and International Institutions |
2009 | 978-0-511-49406-2 | Catherine Phuong | The International Protection of Internally Displaced Persons (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) |
'' | 978-0-511-49410-9 | William A. Schabas | The Abolition of the Death Penalty in International Law |
2012 | 978-0-511-49412-3 | Anthony Aust | Handbook of International Law |
2009 | 978-0-511-49414-7 | Eyal Benvenisti · Moshe Hirsch | The Impact of International Law on International Cooperation: Theoretical Perspectives |
'' | 978-0-511-49417-8 | Judith Gardam | Necessity, Proportionality and the Use of Force by States (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) |
'' | 978-0-511-49418-5 | Gerry Simpson | Great Powers and Outlaw States: Unequal Sovereigns in the International Legal Order (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) |
'' | 978-0-511-49419-2 | Kaiyan Homi Kaikobad | Interpretation and Revision of International Boundary Decisions (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49420-8 | Professor Andrew T. Kenyon · Megan Richardson | New Dimensions in Privacy Law: International and Comparative Perspectives |
'' | 978-0-511-49423-9 | Randall Lesaffer | Peace Treaties and International Law in European History: From the Late Middle Ages to World War One |
'' | 978-0-511-49427-7 | Anne Orford | Reading Humanitarian Intervention: Human Rights and the Use of Force in International Law (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) |
'' | 978-0-511-49428-4 | Anne Orford | International Law and its Others |
2010 | 978-0-511-49430-7 | Mark Pieth · Lucinda A. Low · Peter J. Cullen | The OECD Convention on Bribery: A Commentary |
2009 | 978-0-511-49432-1 | Ole Spiermann | International Legal Argument in the Permanent Court of International Justice: The Rise of the International Judiciary (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) |
'' | 978-0-511-49436-9 | Thomas M. Franck | Recourse to Force: State Action against Threats and Armed Attacks (Hersch Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49439-0 | Charlotte Ku · Harold K. Jacobson | Democratic Accountability and the Use of Force in International Law |
'' | 978-0-511-49444-4 | Professor Robbie Sabel | Procedure at International Conferences: A Study of the Rules of Procedure at the UN and at Inter-governmental Conferences |
'' | 978-0-511-49446-8 | Alexandra Xanthaki | Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards: Self-Determination, Culture and Land (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) |
| 978-0-511-49447-5 | Amazu A. Asouzu | International Commercial Arbitration and African States: Practice, Participation and Institutional Development (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) |
2009 | 978-0-511-49448-2 | Deborah Z. Cass · Brett G. Williams · George Barker | China and the World Trading System: Entering the New Millennium |
2010 | 978-0-511-49452-9 | Keith E. Maskus · Jerome H. Reichman | International Public Goods and Transfer of Technology Under a Globalized Intellectual Property Regime |
2009 | 978-0-511-49454-3 | Marion Panizzon · Nicole Pohl · Pierre Sauvé | GATS and the Regulation of International Trade in Services: World Trade Forum |
'' | 978-0-511-49456-7 | Guy Stessens | Money Laundering: A New International Law Enforcement Model (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) |
'' | 978-0-511-49460-4 | Daniel H. Cole | Pollution and Property: Comparing Ownership Institutions for Environmental Protection |
2009 | 978-0-511-49464-2 | Hanqin Xue | Transboundary Damage in International Law (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) |