year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
1985 | 978-0-470-20147-3 | Alan Paterson | Office Systems: Planning, Procurement, and Implementation (Ellis Horwood Series in Information Science) |
'' | 978-0-470-20148-0 | I. S. Robinson | Satellite Oceanography: An Introduction for Oceanographers and Remote-Sensing Scientists |
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1985 | 978-0-470-20151-0 | K Masters | Spray drying handbook. Fourth Edition |
'' | 978-0-470-20152-7 | J.S. Pizey | Synthetic Reagents, Vol. 6: Chloramine-T, Hydrogen Peroxide, Polyphosphoric Acid |
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1985 | 978-0-470-20164-0 | Michael J.J. Buckingham | Noise in Electronic Devices and Systems (Ellis Horwood Series in Electrical and Electronic Engineering) |
'' | 978-0-470-20165-7 | Karen Spack-Jones · Karen Sprack-Jones · Yorick Wilks | Automatic Natural Language Parsing |
'' | 978-0-470-20166-4 | G. L. Simons | Introducing Artificial Intelligence |
1985 | 978-0-470-20167-1 | J. A Sharp | Data flow computing (Ellis Horwood series in computers and their applications) |
'' | 978-0-470-20168-8 | M Cross | Learning the art of mathematical modelling (Ellis Horwood series in mathematics and its applications) |
'' | 978-0-470-20169-5 | Mark Cross | Learning the Art of Mathematical Modelling (Ellis Horwood Series in Mathematics & Its Applications) |
'' | 978-0-470-20170-1 | Phil Brown | User Guide to COBOL 85 |
'' | 978-0-470-20171-8 | Progress in artificial intelligence |
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1985 | 978-0-470-20173-2 | Trevor Palmer | Understanding Enzymes |
1985 | 978-0-470-20174-9 | M. W. Thring | Robots and Telechirs: Manipulators With Memory; Remote Manipulators; Machine Limbs for the Handicapped (Ellis Horwood Series in Engineering Science) |
'' | 978-0-470-20175-6 | David John Smith | Reliability and maintainability in perspective: Practical, contractual, commercial, and software aspects |
'' | 978-0-470-20176-3 | Kenneth W. Cattermole | Mathematical Foundations for Communication Engineering: Determinate Theory of Signals and Waves |
1986 | 978-0-470-20177-0 | Kenneth W. Cattermole | Mathematical Foundations for Communication Engineering. Volume 2: Statistical Analysis and Finite Structures |
1985 | 978-0-470-20178-7 | Roger Hartley | Linear and Nonlinear Programming: An Introduction to Linear Methods in Mathematical Programming |
'' | 978-0-470-20179-4 | Roger Hartley | Linear and Nonlinear Programming: An Introduction to Linear Methods in Mathematical Programming (Ellis Horwood Series in Mathematics and Its Applications. St) |
1986 | 978-0-470-20180-0 | C. B Besant | Computer-aided design and manufacture (Ellis Horwood series in mechanical engineering) |
1985 | 978-0-470-20182-4 | Charles J. Sippl | Dictionary of Data Communications |
'' | 978-0-470-20183-1 | R. J Deasington | X.25 explained: Protocols for packet switching networks (Ellis Horwood series in computers and their applications) |
1985 | 978-0-470-20184-8 | Paul and Ian D. Hill Griffiths | Applied Statistics Algorithms (Ellis Horwood Series in Mathematics and Its Applications) |
1987 | 978-0-470-20185-5 | Wladyslaw Romanowski | Highly dispersed metals (Ellis Horwood series in inorganic chemistry) |
1985 | 978-0-470-20186-2 | D. J. Harris | Mathematics for Business, Management, and Economics: A Systems Modelling Approach (Ellis Horwood Series in Inorganic Chemistry) |
'' | 978-0-470-20187-9 | T. S. R. Prasada Rao · Catalysis Society Of India | Advances in catalysis--science & technology |
'' | 978-0-470-20188-6 | Hideki Sakurai | Organosilicon and bioorganosilicon chemistry: Structure, bonding, reactivity, and synthetic application |
'' | 978-0-470-20189-3 | Robinson | Robinson Microcomputers (Mathematics and Its Applications) |
'' | 978-0-470-20190-9 | LEECH | Leech Profit (Ellis Horwood Series in Applied Science and Industrial Techn) |
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'' | 978-0-470-20192-3 | M. R. M. Dunsmuir · G. J. Davies | Programming the Unix System |
'' | 978-0-470-20193-0 | Robert W. Lawler | Computer Experience and Cognitive Development: A Child's Learning in a Computer Culture (Cognitive Sciences Series) |
'' | 978-0-470-20194-7 | Robert W. Lawler | Computer Experience and Cognitive Development: A Child's Learning in a Computer Culture (Cognitive Sciences Series) |
'' | 978-0-470-20195-4 | Atkins | Atkins Elastic (Ellis Horwood Series in Mathematics and Its Applications) |
1985 | 978-0-470-20196-1 | D. A. Fraser · R. Gregory | Introduction to microcomputer engineering (Ellis Horwood series in electrical and electronic engineering) |
'' | 978-0-470-20197-8 | J.F. Kennedy | Cellulose and Its Derivatives: Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Applications |
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'' | 978-0-470-20200-5 | Peter S. Sell | Expert Systems: A Practical Introduction |
1986 | 978-0-470-20201-2 | Asghar Husain | Chemical Process Simulation |
1985 | 978-0-470-20202-9 | Martin And Eva Pitt | Handbook of Laboratory Waste Disposal |
1985 | 978-0-470-20203-6 | D. R. Holmes | Dewpoint corrosion (Ellis Horwood series in corrosion and its prevention) |
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1985 | 978-0-470-20205-0 | Michael Cullen | Linear Models in Biology: Linear Systems Analysis With Biological Applications (Mathematics & Its Applications) |
1987 | 978-0-470-20206-7 | M. R. Cullen | Linear Models in Biology: Linear Systems Analysis with Biological Applications (Mathematics and Its Applications) |
| 978-0-470-20207-4 | Ross | Ross Mechanics C |
1985 | 978-0-470-20208-1 | C. T. F. Ross | Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics (Ellis Horwood Series in Mechanical Engineering) |
'' | 978-0-470-20209-8 | Sergio Caroli | Improved Hollow Cathode Lamps for Atomic Spectroscopy |
'' | 978-0-470-20212-8 | GOSMAN | Gosman Engineering (Mathematics and Its Applications) |
'' | 978-0-470-20213-5 | Morgan | Morgan Zinc (Ellis Horwood Series in Mechanical Engineering) |
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1985 | 978-0-470-20215-9 | Alan Wiseman | Topics in Enzyme and Fermentation Biotechnology 10 |
'' | 978-0-470-20216-6 | Zimmermann | Zimmermann Mutagenicity |
1986 | 978-0-470-20217-3 | J.N. Slater | Satellite Broadcasting Systems: Planning and Design (Ellis Horwood Series in Electrical and Electronic Engineering) |
1985 | 978-0-470-20218-0 | Hugh De Saram | Programming in Micro-PROLOG (Ellis Horwood Series in Computers and Their Applications) |
1985 | 978-0-470-20219-7 | C. S. Mellish | Computer Interpretation of Natural Language Descriptions (Ellis Horwood Series in Artificial Intelligence) |
1986 | 978-0-470-20220-3 | G. K. Dubey · S. R. Doradla · A. W. Joshi · R. M. K. Sinha | Thyristorised Power Controllers |
1988 | 978-0-470-20221-0 | J Das | Review of digital communication: State of the art in digital signalling, digital switching, and data networks |
1985 | 978-0-470-20222-7 | Aloke Dey | Orthogonal Fractional Factorial Designs |
'' | 978-0-470-20223-4 | B. B Laud | Lasers and non-linear optics |
1986 | 978-0-470-20224-1 | Bikram K. Das | Photovoltaic Materials and Devices |
'' | 978-0-470-20225-8 | Vasudev K Aatre | Network theory and filter design |
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'' | 978-0-470-20228-9 | G. B Bleazard | Introducing satellite communications |
'' | 978-0-470-20229-6 | David A Bell | Noise and the solid state |
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'' | 978-0-470-20231-9 | M. J King | Program design using JSP: A practical introduction |
'' | 978-0-470-20232-6 | Higgins | A Stratigraphical index of conodonts (British Micropalaeontological Society series) |
1986 | 978-0-470-20233-3 | R. J. Whiddett | Unix: A Practical Introduction for Users (Ellis Horwood Series in Computers and Their Applications) |
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1986 | 978-0-470-20236-4 | K. H. Head | Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing, Effective Stress Tests (Volume 3) |
1985 | 978-0-470-20237-1 | Rosalind Barrett · Aaron Sloman | Pop-11: A Practical Language for Artificial Intelligence (Computers & Their Applications Series) |
'' | 978-0-470-20238-8 | J. C. Mecklenburgh | Process plant layout |
'' | 978-0-470-20239-5 | Yazdani | Artificial Intelligence Human Effects |
1986 | 978-0-470-20240-1 | J Das | Principles of digital communication |
1985 | 978-0-470-20241-8 | Logsdail | Logsdail Cycle |
1986 | 978-0-470-20242-5 | BESANT | Besant Manufacture 3e P (Ellis Horwood Series in Civil Engineering) |
1987 | 978-0-470-20243-2 | LANCASTER | Lancaster Production (Ellis Horwood Series in Mechanical Engineering) |
1985 | 978-0-470-20244-9 | Ajit Narayanan | An Introduction to LISP (Ellis Horwood Series in Computers and Their Applications) |
1985 | 978-0-470-20245-6 | Eric Parsole · Eric Parsloe | Interactive Video |
1987 | 978-0-470-20246-3 | A Hulanicki | Reactions of acids and bases in analytical chemistry (Ellis Horwood series in analytical chemistry) |
1986 | 978-0-470-20247-0 | K Piszczek | Random vibration of mechanical systems (Ellis Horwood series in mechanical engineering) |
'' | 978-0-470-20248-7 | Krzysztof Urbaniec | Optimal design of process equipment (Ellis Horwood series in analytical chemistry) |
1987 | 978-0-470-20249-4 | VERRALL | Verrall Microbial |
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'' | 978-0-470-20251-7 | B. R. N Gupta | Design aids for public health engineers |
'' | 978-0-470-20252-4 | Sanjay K. Bose | Digital Systems: From Gates to Microprocessors |
'' | 978-0-470-20253-1 | SCORER | Scorer Cloud (Ellis Horwood Series in Mechanical Engineering) |
1986 | 978-0-470-20254-8 | E. A. Lord | Mathematical Description of Shape and Form (Ellis Horwood Series, Mathematics and Its Applications) |
'' | 978-0-470-20255-5 | S. M. Rao | Industrial Applications of Radioisotopes and Radiation: A Record of the Contributions at the International Conference on Applications of Radioisotopes ... Development (March 1-3, 1984, Bombay, India) |
1989 | 978-0-470-20256-2 | Charles J. Sippl | Dictionary of Data Communications |
1980 | 978-0-470-20257-9 | PRENTIS | Prentis Dynamics 2e P (Engineering Science Series) |
1985 | 978-0-470-20258-6 | SCHOENEN | Schoenen Water (Ellis Horwood Series in Environmental Science) |
'' | 978-0-470-20259-3 | Peter M. Gray | Logic Algebra and Database |
1986 | 978-0-470-20260-9 | T. R. F. Nonweiler | Computational Mathematics: An Introduction to Numerical Approximation (Mathematics & Its Applications Series: I-1) |
'' | 978-0-470-20262-3 | B. Ramdas Bhat | Modern Probability Theory: An Introductory Textbook |
1985 | 978-0-470-20263-0 | W. D Burnham | Prolog programming and applications |
1988 | 978-0-470-20264-7 | M. L. Sosodia · G. S. Raghuvanshi | Microwave Circuits and Passive Devices |
'' | 978-0-470-20265-4 | M. L. Sisodia · G. S. Raghuvanshi | Microwave Techniques and Laboratory Manual |
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'' | 978-0-470-20268-5 | J. C Brice | Crystal growth processes |
'' | 978-0-470-20269-2 | Peter Bishop | Fifth generation computers: Concepts, implementations, and uses (Ellis Horwood series in Computers and their applications) |
'' | 978-0-470-20270-8 | R. L. Brewster | Telecommunications Technology |
1987 | 978-0-470-20271-5 | A.. R. Collar · A. Simpson | Matrices and Engineering Dynamics |
1986 | 978-0-470-20272-2 | F. R. Jolliffe | Survey Design and Analysis (Ellis Horwood Series in Computers and Their Applications) |
'' | 978-0-470-20273-9 | O'Neill | Oneill Fluid |
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'' | 978-0-470-20276-0 | Allen Dinsdale | Pottery Science: Materials, Process[es], and Products (Mathematics and Its Applications) |
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| 978-0-470-20279-1 | Wiseman | Wiseman Petrochemicals C |
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'' | 978-0-470-20281-4 | M. H Rider | The geological interpretation of well logs |
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1986 | 978-0-470-20283-8 | V. Ashworth · Institution Of Corrosion Science and Tec · C. J. L. Booker | Cathodic protection: Theory and practice (Ellis Horwood series in corrosion and its prevention) |
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1987 | 978-0-470-20285-2 | Neidleman | Neidleman Biohalogenatio (Ellis Horwood Series in Corrosion and Its Prevention) |
1986 | 978-0-470-20286-9 | Roger Theedham Fenner | Engineering Elasticity: Application of Numerical and Analytical Techniques (Ellis Horwood Series in Engineering Science) |
'' | 978-0-470-20287-6 | B. K. Shivamoggi | Stabilityof Parallel Gas Flows (Ellis Horwood Series in Mechanical Engineering) |
'' | 978-0-470-20288-3 | John M. West | Basic Corrosion & Oxidation |
1986 | 978-0-470-20289-0 | Nenad Trinajstic · International Union Of Pure and Applied | Mathematical and computational concepts in chemistry (Ellis Horwood series, mathematics and its applications) |
'' | 978-0-470-20291-3 | Philippe Le Chenadec | Canonical forms in finitely presented algebras (Research notes in theoretical computer science) |
'' | 978-0-470-20292-0 | A. Alan B. Pritsker | Introduction to Simulation and SLAM II |
'' | 978-0-470-20293-7 | Ronald V. Book | Studies in complexity theory (Research notes in theoretical computer science) |
'' | 978-0-470-20294-4 | GALLAGHER | Gallagher Group (Research Notes in Theoretical Computer Science) |
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'' | 978-0-470-20302-6 | Rethinking Mathematical Concepts |
1992 | 978-0-470-20303-3 | P.A. Firby · C.F. Gardiner | Surface Topology |
1986 | 978-0-470-20304-0 | Alexander Graham | Kronecker Products and Matrix Calculus With Applications |
'' | 978-0-470-20306-4 | Alan William Bell | Algebraic Structures: Some Aspects of Group Structure |
'' | 978-0-470-20308-8 | Simon French | Decision Theory: An Introduction to the Mathematics of Rationality (Ellis Horwood Series in Mathematics and Its Applications) |
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'' | 978-0-470-20312-5 | Ghosh | Ghosh Manufacturing (Ellis Horwood Series in Electrical and Electronic Engineerin) |
1986 | 978-0-470-20313-2 | W. John Hutchins | Machine translation: Past, present, future (Ellis Horwood series in computers and their applications) |
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'' | 978-0-470-20316-3 | K. R. Spurny | Physical & Chemical Characterization of Individual Airbourne Particles |
'' | 978-0-470-20317-0 | Kevin Wall | Modern Chlor-Alkali Technology Vol. 3 |
'' | 978-0-470-20318-7 | Richard Forsyth | Machine Learning Applications in Expert-Systems and Information Retrieval (Ellis Horwood series in artificial intelligence) |
'' | 978-0-470-20320-0 | Nicola Kitt | Pick--your system |
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'' | 978-0-470-20322-4 | Vasant Gowariker · N. V. Viswanathan · Jayadev Sreedhar | Polymer Science |
'' | 978-0-470-20323-1 | THORNTON | Applied geochemistry in the 1980s: Proceedings of a meeting to honour the contribution of professor John S. Webb to applied geochemistry, hels on 29 April 1983 at Imperial College, London |
'' | 978-0-470-20324-8 | Cognition and Computers |
'' | 978-0-470-20325-5 | D McCloy | Robotics: An introduction (Open University Press robotics series) |
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'' | 978-0-470-20327-9 | Sauer | Morphology, physiology, and behavioral biology of ticks (Ellis Horwood series in acarology) |
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'' | 978-0-470-20332-3 | P. D Donovan | Protection of metals from corrosion in storage and transit (Ellis Horwood series in corrosion and its prevention) |
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'' | 978-0-470-20335-4 | On Machine Intelligence |
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'' | 978-0-470-20337-8 | Barry Leatham-Jones | Introduction to Computer Numerical Control |
'' | 978-0-470-20338-5 | Gaston Vernin · Michel Chanon | Computer aids to chemistry (Ellis Horwood series in chemical science) |
'' | 978-0-470-20340-8 | D. A. James | Radar Homing Guidance for Tactical Missiles |
'' | 978-0-470-20341-5 | George Loveday | Microprocessor Sourcebook for Engineers |
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'' | 978-0-470-20356-9 | Donald Tattersfield | Orbits for Amateurs with a Microcomputer |
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'' | 978-0-470-20359-0 | I. D. Chivers | A Practical Introduction to Standard Pascal (Ellis Horwood Series in Computers and Their Applications) |
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'' | 978-0-470-20362-0 | David M Harland | Concurrency and programming languages (Ellis Horwood series in computers and their applications) |
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'' | 978-0-470-20372-9 | Semigroups Theory and Applica | Semigroups, Theory and Applications (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics) |
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'' | 978-0-470-20374-3 | Walter Schempp | Harmonic Analysis on the Heisenberg Nilpotent Lie Group, With Applications to Signal Theory (Research Notes in Mathematics Series) |
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'' | 978-0-470-20377-4 | Numerical Methods for Partial | Numerical methods for partial differential equations (Pitman research notes in mathematics series) |
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