We the People (Tenth High School Edition)


by: Benjamin Ginsberg · Theodore J. Lowi · Margaret Weir · Caroline J. Tolbert


ISBN: 978-0-393-26491-3

ISBN-10: 0-393-26491-2

W. W. Norton & Company · 2014

See also:
2019HardcoverWe the People (High School Twelfth Edition)
2018PaperbackWe the People (Essentials Twelfth Edition)
2018PaperbackWe the People (Twelfth Edition)
2018PaperbackWe the People (Core Twelfth Edition)
2018HardcoverWe the People (Twelfth Edition)
2018Loose LeafWe the People (Core Twelfth Edition)
2018Loose LeafWe the People (Twelfth Edition)
2017PaperbackWe the People (Essentials Eleventh Edition)
2017PaperbackWe the People (Eleventh Core Edition)
2017Loose LeafWe the People (Eleventh Core Edition)
2017PaperbackWe the People (Eleventh Edition)
2017HardcoverWe the People (Eleventh Edition)
2017Loose LeafWe the People (Eleventh Edition)
2017HardcoverWe the People (Eleventh High School Edition)
2016PaperbackWe the People (Eleventh Essentials Edition)
2015PaperbackWe the people tenth edition (college of the canyons custom edition for political science 150)
2014HardcoverWe the People (Full Tenth Edition)
2014PaperbackWe the People (Full Tenth Edition)
2014Loose LeafWe the People (Core Tenth Edition)
2011PaperbackWe the People (We the People An Introduction to American Politics)