Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: 12th Conference New Delhi, India, December 18-20, 1992: Proceedings


by R. K. Shyamasundar


ISBN: 978-0-387-56287-2

ISBN-10: 0-387-56287-7

Springer Verlag · 1992

See also (possibly by other authors):
2008TaschenbuchFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: Fifth Conference, New Delhi, India, December 16-18, 1985. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 206)
2008TaschenbuchFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: Sixth Conference, New Delhi, India, December 18-20, 1986. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 241)
2008TaschenbuchFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: 11th Conference, New Delhi, India, December 17-19, 1991. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 560)
2008TaschenbuchFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: 12th Conference, New Delhi, India, December 18-20, 1992. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 652)
1992PaperbackFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science 11th Conference, New Delhi, India December 17-19, 1991 Proceedings
1986PaperbackFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: Sixth Conference, New Delhi, India December 18-20, 1986 Proceedings