year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
1989 | 978-0-299-11840-2 | Roderick Nash | The Rights of Nature: A History of Environmental Ethics (History of American Thought and Culture) |
'' | 978-0-299-11844-0 | Roderick Frazier Nash | The Rights of Nature: A History of Environmental Ethics (History of American Thought and Culture) |
'' | 978-0-299-11854-9 | Michael Tadman | Speculators And Slaves: Masters, Traders, And Slaves In The Old South |
1988 | 978-0-299-11864-8 | Giambattista Basile · Charles Perrault · Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm · W. R. S. Ralston · E. Sidney Hartland · R. D. Jameson · Photeine P. Bourboulis · Paul Delarue | Cinderella: A Casebook (Garland Folklore Casebooks) |
1989 | 978-0-299-11884-6 | Deno John Geanakoplos | Constantinople and the West: Essays on the Late Byzantine (Palaeologan) and Italian Renaissances and the Byzantine and Roman Churches |
'' | 978-0-299-11944-7 | Julia Epstein | The Iron Pen: Frances Burney and the Politics of Women's Writing |
'' | 978-0-299-11950-8 | Bassam Z. Shakhashiri | Chemical Demonstrations: A Handbook for Teachers of Chemistry Vol 3 |
1989 | 978-0-299-11964-5 | Cornel West | The American Evasion of Philosophy: A Genealogy of Pragmatism (Wisconsin Project on American Writers) |
'' | 978-0-299-11974-4 | Lois Mark Stalvey | The Education of a WASP (Wisconsin Studies in American Autobiography) |
'' | 978-0-299-11984-3 | Stan Royal Mumford | Himalayan Dialogue: Tibetan Lamas and Gurung Shamans in Nepal (New Directions in Anthropological Writing) |
'' | 978-0-299-12014-6 | Walter A. Davis | Inwardness and Existence: Subjectivity in/and Hegel, Heidegger, Marx, and Freud |
'' | 978-0-299-12034-4 | Alan Dundes | Little Red Riding Hood: A Casebook |
1989 | 978-0-299-12044-3 | Barbara Hughes Fowler | Hellenistic Aesthetic (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) |
'' | 978-0-299-12060-3 | Yi-Fu Tuan | Morality and Imagination: Paradoxes of Progress |
'' | 978-0-299-12064-1 | Yi-Fu Tuan | Morality & Imagination (Impact) |
1991 | 978-0-299-12114-3 | Paul R. Spickard | Mixed Blood: Intermarriage & Ethnic: Intermarriage And Ethnic Identity In Twentieth Century America |
1989 | 978-0-299-12140-2 | Margaret Sams | Forbidden Family: A Wartime Memoir of the Philippines, 1941-1945 (Wisconsin Studies in American Autobiography) |
1997 | 978-0-299-12144-0 | Margaret Sams | Forbidden Family: Wartime Memoir of the Philippines, 1941-1945 (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) |
1990 | 978-0-299-12204-1 | Karl Mayer | Event History Analysis in Life Course Research (Life Course Studies) |
'' | 978-0-299-12274-4 | Carolyn Dinshaw | Chaucer's Sexual Poetics |
1989 | 978-0-299-12290-4 | Ludmilla Jordanova | Sexual Visions: Images of Gender in Science and Medicine Between the Eighteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Science and Literature) |
'' | 978-0-299-12314-7 | Janice Boddy | Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan (New Directions in Anthropological Writing) |
1989 | 978-0-299-12334-5 | Robert S. Smith | Warfare and Diplomacy in Pre-Colonial West Africa |
1991 | 978-0-299-12344-4 | Cary Nelson | Repression And Recovery: Modern American Poetry & Politics Of Cultural Memory (Wisconsin Project on American Writers) |
1990 | 978-0-299-12354-3 | W. Lee Hansen · James F. Byers | Unemployment Insurance: The Second Half-Century (La Follette Public Policy Series) |
1989 | 978-0-299-12360-4 | George W. Stocking | Romantic Motives: Essays on Anthropological Sensibility (History of Anthropology) |
1996 | 978-0-299-12364-2 | George W. Stocking Jr. | Romantic Motives: Essays on Anthropological Sensibility (History of Anthropology) |
1989 | 978-0-299-12400-7 | Clyde W. Barrow | Universities and the Capitalist State: Corporate Liberalism and the Reconstruction of American Higher Education, 1894-1928 (History of American Thought & Culture) |
1990 | 978-0-299-12424-3 | Michael Squires | Challenge of D.H. Lawrence |
2002 | 978-0-299-12434-2 | Michael M. J. Fischer · Mehdi Abedi | Debating Muslims: Cultural Dialogues in Postmodernity and Tradition (New Directions in Anthropological Writing) |
1990 | 978-0-299-12440-3 | Cynthia Jean Novack | Sharing the dance: Contact improvisation and American culture (New directions in anthropological writing) |
'' | 978-0-299-12444-1 | Cynthia J. Novack | Sharing the Dance: Contact Improvisation and American Culture (New Directions in Anthropological Writing) |
'' | 978-0-299-12514-1 | Johannes Fabian | Power And Performance: Ethnographic Explorations Through Proverbial Wisdom anf Theater in Shaba, Zaire (New Directions in Anthropological Writing) |
'' | 978-0-299-12524-0 | Steven M. Feierman | Peasant Intellectuals: Anthropology and History in Tanzania |
'' | 978-0-299-12534-9 | Barbara Hughes Fowler | Hellenistic Poetry: An Anthology (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) |
1990 | 978-0-299-12540-0 | Mark Twain | Mark Twain's own autobiography: The chapters from the North American review (Wisconsin studies in American autobiography) |
'' | 978-0-299-12570-7 | Jan Vansina | Paths in the Rainforests: Toward a History of Political Tradition in Equatorial Africa |
'' | 978-0-299-12574-5 | Jan M. Vansina | Paths in the Rainforests: Toward a History of Political Tradition in Equatorial Africa |
'' | 978-0-299-12584-4 | William L. Andrews · Annette Kolodny · Daniel B. Shea · Sargent Bush Jr. · Amy Schrager Lang | Journeys in New Worlds: Early American Women's Narratives (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) |
1991 | 978-0-299-12590-5 | Charles Bazerman · James G. Paradis | Textual Dynamics of the Professions: Historical and Contemporary Studies of Writing in Professional Communities (Rhetoric of the Human Sciences) |
'' | 978-0-299-12594-3 | Charles Bazerman | Textual Dynamics: Historical & Contemporary Studies Of (Rhetoric of the Human Sciences) |
1990 | 978-0-299-12664-3 | Linda Gordon | Women, the State, and Welfare |
1990 | 978-0-299-12724-4 | Paul K. Conkin | Cane Ridge: America's Pentecost (Curti Lecture Series) |
'' | 978-0-299-12730-5 | Edward E. Daub · R. Byron Bird · Nobuo Inoue | Basic Technical Japanese (Technical Japanese Series) |
2010 | 978-0-299-12734-3 | Edward E. Daub · R. Byron Bird · Nobuo Inoue | Basic Technical Japanese (Technical Japanese Series) |
1991 | 978-0-299-12744-2 | Charlotte Perkins Gilman | The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: An Autobiography (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) |
'' | 978-0-299-12760-2 | Susan L. Flader · J. Baird Callicott | The River of the Mother of God and Other Essays by Aldo Leopold |
1992 | 978-0-299-12764-0 | Aldo Leopold | The River of the Mother of God: and other Essays by Aldo Leopold |
1991 | 978-0-299-12834-0 | Lee Patterson | Chaucer and the Subject of History |
'' | 978-0-299-12844-9 | Thomas H. Schaub | American Fiction in the Cold War (History of American Thought and Culture) |
1992 | 978-0-299-12860-9 | Bassam Z. Shakhashiri | Chemical Demonstrations: A Handbook for Teachers of Chemistry Vol 4 |
1991 | 978-0-299-12930-9 | Faye Marie Getz | Healing and Society in Medieval England: A Middle English Translation of the Pharmaceutical Writings of Gilbertus Anglicus (Wisconsin Publications in the History of Science and Medicine) |
'' | 978-0-299-12974-3 | Byron E. Shafer | The End of Realignment?: Interpreting American Electoral Eras |
1991 | 978-0-299-13030-5 | John B. Clayton | Influence and Intertextuality in Literary History |
'' | 978-0-299-13034-3 | Jay Clayton | Influence and Intertextuality in Literary History |
'' | 978-0-299-13050-3 | David Bergman | Gaiety Transfigured: Gay Self-Representation in American Literature (Wisconsin Project on American Writers) |
'' | 978-0-299-13070-1 | John Phillip Reid | Constitutional History of the American Revolution: The Authority to Legislate |
'' | 978-0-299-13104-3 | George Reid Andrews | Blacks and Whites in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1888-1988 |
1991 | 978-0-299-13110-4 | Alan Dundes | The Blood Libel Legend: A Casebook in Anti-Semitic Folklore |
'' | 978-0-299-13114-2 | '' | The Blood Libel Legend: A Casebook in Anti-Semitic Folklore |
1993 | 978-0-299-13124-1 | George W. Stocking Jr. | Colonial Situations: Essays on the Contextualization of Ethnographic Knowledge (History of Anthropology) |
1992 | 978-0-299-13164-7 | Peter Dorner | Latin American Land Reforms: A Retrospective Analysis |
1991 | 978-0-299-13170-8 | Rudolf Blum | Kallimachos: The Alexandrian Library and the Origins of Bibliography (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) |
'' | 978-0-299-13180-7 | W. J. Jordan · John Hughes | Care of the Wild: First Aid for Wild Creatures |
1992 | 978-0-299-13214-9 | Douglas Gomery | Shared Pleasures: A History Of Movie Presentation In The United States (Wisconsin Studies in Film) |
'' | 978-0-299-13264-4 | Cornelia Peake McDonald | A Woman's Civil War: A Diary with Reminiscences of the War, from March 1862 (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) |
'' | 978-0-299-13324-5 | J. Matthew Schoffeleers | River Of Blood: The Genesis Of A Martyr Cult In Southern Malawi, C. A.D. 1600 |
1992 | 978-0-299-13334-4 | Alan Dundes | The Evil Eye: A Casebook |
'' | 978-0-299-13344-3 | Peter Brown | Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity: Towards a Christian Empire (Curti Lecture Series) |
'' | 978-0-299-13364-1 | Kathryn Kalinak | Settling the Score: Music and the Classical Hollywood Film (Wisconsin Studies in Film) |
'' | 978-0-299-13404-4 | Gerald J. Baldasty | The Commercialization of News in the Nineteenth Century (Culture) |
'' | 978-0-299-13410-5 | George W. Stocking | The Ethnographer's Magic: And Other Essays in the History of Anthropology |
1992 | 978-0-299-13414-3 | George W. Stocking Jr. | The Ethnographer's Magic and Other Essays in the History of Anthropology |
'' | 978-0-299-13430-3 | William M. Denevan · W. George Lovell | The Native population of the Americas in 1492 |
'' | 978-0-299-13434-1 | William M. Denevan | The Native Population of the Americas in 1492 |
1993 | 978-0-299-13454-9 | Kathleen Stokker | Norsk, nordmenn og Norge 2, Antologi: Textbook for Intermediate Norwegian |
'' | 978-0-299-13470-9 | Gertrude Stein | Geography and Plays |
2012 | 978-0-299-13474-7 | Gertrude Stein | Geography and Plays |
1993 | 978-0-299-13500-3 | Frank Marshall Davis | Livin' the Blues: Memoirs of a Black Journalist and Poet (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) |
2003 | 978-0-299-13504-1 | Frank Marshall Davis | Livin' the Blues: Memoirs of a Black Journalist and Poet (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) |
1993 | 978-0-299-13584-3 | Tony Hoagland | Sweet Ruin (Brittingham Prize in Poetry) |
'' | 978-0-299-13604-8 | Mark A. Pittenger | American Socialists and Evolutionary Thought, 1870-1920 (History of American Thought and Culture) |
1993 | 978-0-299-13624-6 | Walter Blair | Essays on American Humor: Blair through the Ages (Business Series; 8) |
'' | 978-0-299-13640-6 | Kamau Brathwaite | Zea Mexican Diary: 7 September 1926—7 September 1986 (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) |
'' | 978-0-299-13674-1 | Stanley G. Payne | Spain's First Democracy: The Second Republic, 1931-1936 |
'' | 978-0-299-13690-1 | Richard A. Schoenherr | Full Pews and Empty Altars: Demographics of the Priest Shortage in U.S. Dioceses (Social Demography) |
1996 | 978-0-299-13700-7 | Linda C. Hults | The Print in the Western World: An Introductory History |
1993 | 978-0-299-13714-4 | Clyde W. Barrow | Critical Theories of the State: Marxist, Neomarxist, Postmarxist |
'' | 978-0-299-13740-3 | Thomas J. Mccormick | Behind the Throne: Servants of Power to Imperial Presidents, 1898-1968 |
1993 | 978-0-299-13824-0 | David J. Hess | Science In The New Age: The Paranormal, Its Defenders & Debunkers, and American Culture (Science & Literature) |
1994 | 978-0-299-13840-0 | Bob Crawford | Walking Trails of Southern Wisconsin (North Coast Book) |
2001 | 978-0-299-13854-7 | Judith Lynn Sebesta · Larissa Bonfante | The World of Roman Costume (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) |
1996 | 978-0-299-13870-7 | Susan B. Matheson | Polygnotos And Vase Painting (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) |
1993 | 978-0-299-13880-6 | Crawford Young | The Rising Tide of Cultural Pluralism: The Nation-State at Bay? |
'' | 978-0-299-13894-3 | Robert L. Hunt | Trout Stream Therapy (A North Coast Book) |
'' | 978-0-299-13904-9 | Jack Selzer | Understanding Scientific Prose (Rhetoric of the Human Sciences) |
1994 | 978-0-299-13974-2 | Genaro M. Padilla | My History, Not Yours: The Formation of Mexican American Autobiography (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) |
'' | 978-0-299-14024-3 | Arnold Krupat | Native American Autobiography: An Anthology (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) |
'' | 978-0-299-14044-1 | R. Douglas Cope | The Limits of Racial Domination: Plebeian Society in Colonial Mexico City, 1660-1720 (Writing) |
1994 | 978-0-299-14064-9 | Peter D. Little | Living Under Contract: Contract Farming and Agrarian Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa |
'' | 978-0-299-14164-6 | James Lockhart | Spanish Peru, 1532-1560: A Social History |
'' | 978-0-299-14174-5 | James I. McClintock | Nature's Kindred Spirits: Aldo Leopold, Joseph Wood Krutch, Edward Abbey, Annie Dillard, and Gary Snyder |
1993 | 978-0-299-14184-4 | Steve J. Stern | Peru's Indian Peoples and the Challenge of Spanish Conquest: Huamanga to 1640 |
1994 | 978-0-299-14204-9 | Frances Hamerstrom | My Double Life: Memoirs Of A Naturalist |
'' | 978-0-299-14224-7 | Jose Limon | Dancing with the Devil: Society and Cultural Poetics in Mexican-American South Texas (New Directions in Anthropological Writing) |
1995 | 978-0-299-14230-8 | Norman Roth | Conversos, Inquisition, and the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain |
2002 | 978-0-299-14234-6 | Norman Roth | Conversos, Inquisition, and the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain |
1994 | 978-0-299-14250-6 | Frederick J. Simoons | Eat Not This Flesh: Food Avoidances from Prehistory to the Present |
'' | 978-0-299-14254-4 | Frederick J. Simoons | Eat Not This Flesh, 2nd Edition: Food Avoidances from Prehistory to the Present |
1994 | 978-0-299-14284-1 | Anatoly M. Khazanov | Nomads and the Outside World |
'' | 978-0-299-14324-4 | Jan M. Vansina | Living With Africa |
'' | 978-0-299-14334-3 | Jr. James L.A. Webb | Desert Frontier: Ecological and Economic Change Along the Western Sahel, 1600-1850 |
'' | 978-0-299-14404-3 | Lisa Lewis | Unbeliever (Wisconsin Poetry Series) |
1995 | 978-0-299-14440-1 | Mark A. Lindquist · Martin Zanger | Buried Roots and Indestructible Seeds: The Survival of American Indian Life in Story, History, and Sprit |
'' | 978-0-299-14450-0 | Michael Wachtel | Russian Symbolism & Literary Trad: Goethe, Novalis, And The Poetics Of Vyacheslav Ivanov |
1995 | 978-0-299-14464-7 | Mary Lydon | Skirting The Issue: Essays In Literary Theory (Financial Analysis; 76) |
'' | 978-0-299-14494-4 | Gregory G. Maskarinec | Rulings Of The Night: An Ethnography Of Nepalese Shaman Oral Texts |
1994 | 978-0-299-14504-0 | Susan L. Flader | Thinking Like a Mountain: Aldo Leopold and the Evolution of an Ecological Attitude toward Deer, Wolves, and Forests |
1996 | 978-0-299-14510-1 | Ibrahim K. Sundiata | From Slaving to Neoslavery: The Bight of Biafra and Fernando Po in the Era of Abolition, 1827-1930 |
1995 | 978-0-299-14534-7 | William G. Rothstein | Readings In American Health Care: Current Issues In Socio-Historical Perspective |
1996 | 978-0-299-14550-7 | George W. Stocking Jr. | Volksgeist as Method and Ethic: Essays on Boasian Ethnography and the German Anthropological Tradition (History of Anthropology) |
1998 | 978-0-299-14554-5 | '' | Volksgeist as Method and Ethic: Essays on Boasian Ethnography and the German Anthropological Tradition (History of Anthropology) |
1996 | 978-0-299-14560-6 | Eleni Panourgia | Fragments of Death, Fables of Identity: An Athenian Anthropography (New Directions in Anthropological Writing) |
'' | 978-0-299-14564-4 | Neni Panourgia | Fragments of Death, Fables of Identity: An Athenian Anthropography (New Directions in Anthropological Writing) |
1998 | 978-0-299-14574-3 | Paul Plass | Game of Death in Ancient Rome: Arena Sport and Political Suicide (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) |
'' | 978-0-299-14584-2 | George W. Stocking Jr. | After Tylor: British Social Anthropology, 1888-1951 |
1995 | 978-0-299-14614-6 | James C. McCann | People of the Plow: An Agricultural History of Ethiopia, 1800-1990 |
'' | 978-0-299-14624-5 | Margaret S. Drower | Flinders Petrie: A Life in Archaeology (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) |
1995 | 978-0-299-14654-2 | Alcida Rita Ramos | Sanuma Memories: Yanomami Ethnography in Times of Crisis (New Directions in Anthropological Writing) |
'' | 978-0-299-14664-1 | John Phillip Reid | Constitutional History of the American Revolution |
1996 | 978-0-299-14670-2 | Miriam Goheen | Men Own The Fields, Women Own The Crops: Gender And Power In The Cameroon Grassfields |
'' | 978-0-299-14674-0 | '' | Men Own The Fields, Women Own The Crops: Gender And Power In The Cameroon Grassfields |
1998 | 978-0-299-14684-9 | Jan-Christopher Horak | Lovers of Cinema: The First American Film Avant-Garde, 1919-1945 (Wisconsin Studies in Film) |
1995 | 978-0-299-14694-8 | R. Byron Bird | Polymer Science And Engineering (Technical Japanese Series) |
'' | 978-0-299-14704-4 | Edward E. Daub | Kanji For Understanding Technical Japanese (Technical Japanese Series) |
'' | 978-0-299-14714-3 | James L. Davis | Biotechnology (Technical Japanese Series) |
1995 | 978-0-299-14734-1 | Craig Van Degrift | Solid-State Physics & Engineering (Technical Japanese Series) |
'' | 978-0-299-14744-0 | Laura Dassow Walls | Seeing New Worlds: Henry David Thoreau and Nineteenth-Century Natural Science (Science & Literature) |
'' | 978-0-299-14750-1 | Ronald Farrell · Carole Case | The Black Book and the Mob: The Untold Story of the Control of Nevada's Casinos |
'' | 978-0-299-14754-9 | Ronald Farrell · Carole Case | The Black Book and the Mob: The Untold Story of the Control of Nevada's Casinos |
'' | 978-0-299-14774-7 | Mark S. Fleisher | Beggars and Thieves: Lives of Urban Street Criminals (Writing: History, Poetics, Cultural Crit) |
1995 | 978-0-299-14800-3 | Sheldon Brivic | Joyce's Waking Women: A Feminist Introduction to Finnegans Wake |
'' | 978-0-299-14834-8 | Nachman Ben-Yehuda | Masada Myth: Collective Memory and Mythmaking in Israel |
'' | 978-0-299-14844-7 | Daniel N. Robinson | An Intellectual History of Psychology |
'' | 978-0-299-14870-6 | Stanley G. Payne | A History of Fascism, 1914–1945 |
'' | 978-0-299-14874-4 | '' | A History of Fascism, 1914-1945 |
1995 | 978-0-299-14884-3 | Daniel Nelson | Managers and Workers: Origins of the Twentieth-Century Factory System in the United States, 1880–1920 (Criticism) |
'' | 978-0-299-14914-7 | Bob Hicok | The Legend of Light (Wisconsin Poetry Series) |
1996 | 978-0-299-14934-5 | Joseph R. Gusfield | Contested Meanings: The Construction of Alcohol Problems |
'' | 978-0-299-14944-4 | David Bordwell · Noel Carroll | Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies (Wisconsin Studies in Film) |
'' | 978-0-299-14954-3 | James R. Crosswhite | The Rhetoric of Reason: Writing and the Attractions of Argument (Rhetoric of the Human Sciences) |
'' | 978-0-299-14964-2 | Stuart J. Youngner · Renee C. Fox · Laurence J. O'Connell | Organ Transplantation: Meanings And Realities |
1996 | 978-0-299-14974-1 | Antonio Maria Osio | The History of Alta California: A Memoir of Mexican California |
'' | 978-0-299-14980-2 | Pamela Webb | Hellenistic Architectural Sculpture: Figural Motifs In Western Anatolia And The Aegean Islands (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) |
'' | 978-0-299-14994-9 | Carl G. Herndl · Stuart C. Brown | Green Culture: Environmental Rhetoric In Contemporary America |
'' | 978-0-299-15024-2 | Glenway Wescott | Grandmothers: A Family Portrait (A North Coast Book) |
'' | 978-0-299-15080-8 | Will Fellows | Farm Boys: Lives of Gay Men from the Rural Midwest |
2001 | 978-0-299-15084-6 | Will Fellows | Farm Boys: Lives of Gay Men from the Rural Midwest |
1996 | 978-0-299-15094-5 | Harold Scheub | The Tongue Is Fire: South African Storytellers and Apartheid |
'' | 978-0-299-15110-2 | Jenifer Neils | Worshipping Athena: Panathenaia And Parthenon (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) |
'' | 978-0-299-15134-8 | Judith Deutsch Kornblatt · Richard F. Gustafson | Russian Religious Thought |
'' | 978-0-299-15144-7 | Elizabeth Cook-Lynn | Why I Can't Read Wallace Stegner and Other Essays: A Tribal Voice |
'' | 978-0-299-15170-6 | Thomas McLaughlin | Street Smarts and Critical Theory: Listening to the Vernacular (Wisconsin Project on American Writers) |
1997 | 978-0-299-15194-2 | Ruth Vasey | The World According To Hollywood 1918-1939 (Wisconsin Studies in Film) |
1998 | 978-0-299-15224-6 | Stanley A. Temple | Wisconsin Birds: A Seasonal and Geographical Guide (A North Coast Book) |
1996 | 978-0-299-15244-4 | David Woodward · Robert C. Ostergren · Onno Brouwer · Steven D. Hoelscher · Joshua Hane | Cultural Map of Wisconsin: A Cartographic Portrait of the State |
1996 | 978-0-299-15254-3 | Ivan L. Preston | The Great American Blow-Up: Puffery in Advertising and Selling |
1997 | 978-0-299-15264-2 | Rudolf Arnheim | Film Essays and Criticism (Wisconsin Studies in Film) |
'' | 978-0-299-15290-1 | Laura Severin | Stevie Smiths Resistant Antics |
'' | 978-0-299-15294-9 | '' | Stevie Smiths Resistant Antics |
1998 | 978-0-299-15310-6 | Thomas A. Abercrombie | Pathways of Memory and Power: Ethnography and History among an Andean People |
'' | 978-0-299-15314-4 | Thomas A. Abercrombie | Pathways of Memory and Power: Ethnography and History among an Andean People |
1997 | 978-0-299-15320-5 | Judith W. Leavitt | Sickness and Health in America: Readings in the History of Medicine and Public Health |
'' | 978-0-299-15324-3 | Judith W. Leavitt · Ronald L. Numbers | Sickness and Health in America: Readings in the History of Medicine and Public Health |
1997 | 978-0-299-15330-4 | Osumaka Likaka | Rural Society and Cotton in Colonial Zaire |
'' | 978-0-299-15334-2 | '' | Rural Society and Cotton in Colonial Zaire |
1999 | 978-0-299-15344-1 | Michael A. Mello | Dead Wrong: A Death Row Lawyer Speaks Out Against Capital Punishment |
1997 | 978-0-299-15354-0 | Robert C. Ostergren · Thomas R. Vale | Wisconsin Land and Life |
'' | 978-0-299-15370-0 | Alessandro Portelli | Battle of Valle Giulia: Oral History and the Art of Dialogue |
'' | 978-0-299-15374-8 | Alessandro Portelli | Battle of Valle Giulia: Oral History and the Art of Dialogue |
'' | 978-0-299-15384-7 | Virginia E. Schuett | Low Protein Cookery for Phenylketonuria |
1997 | 978-0-299-15404-2 | Leslie Midkiff DeBauche | Reel Patriotism: The Movies and World War I (Wisconsin Studies in Film) |
'' | 978-0-299-15444-8 | Kathleen Stokker | Folklore Fights the Nazis: Humor in Occupied Norway, 1940-1945 |
'' | 978-0-299-15460-8 | Susan E. Marshall | Splintered Sisterhood: Gender and Class in the Campaign against Woman Suffrage |
'' | 978-0-299-15464-6 | Susan E. Marshall | Splintered Sisterhood: Gender and Class in the Campaign against Woman Suffrage |
'' | 978-0-299-15470-7 | Brunilde S. Ridgway | Fourth-Century Styles in Greek Sculpture (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) |
1997 | 978-0-299-15484-4 | Barbara Gates | Natural Eloquence: Women Reinscribe Science (Science & Literature) |
'' | 978-0-299-15494-3 | John Hildebrand | Reading the River: A Voyage Down the Yukon |
1999 | 978-0-299-15500-1 | David V. Mollenhoff | Frank Lloyd Wright's Monona Terrace: The Enduring Power of a Civic Vision |
1998 | 978-0-299-15514-8 | Denis E. Cosgrove | Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape (Originally Croom Helm Historical Geogra) |
1997 | 978-0-299-15534-6 | Jonathan Arac | Huckleberry Finn As Idol and Target: The Functions of Criticism in Our Time (The Wisconsin Project on American Writers) |
'' | 978-0-299-15544-5 | Regina Bendix | In Search of Authenticity: The Formation of Folklore Studies |
'' | 978-0-299-15564-3 | G. Thomas Couser | Recovering Bodies: Illness, Disability, and Life Writing (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) |
1998 | 978-0-299-15580-3 | James M. Dennis | Renegade Regionalists: The Modern Independence of Grant Wood, Thomas Hart Benton, and John Steuart Curry |
'' | 978-0-299-15584-1 | James M. Dennis | Renegade Regionalists: The Modern Independence of Grant Wood, Thomas Hart Benton, and John Steuart Curry |
1998 | 978-0-299-15684-8 | Richard Tithecott | Of Men And Monsters: Jeffrey Dahmer And The Construction of the Serial Killer |
1997 | 978-0-299-15714-2 | Olena Kalytiak Davis | And Her Soul Out Of Nothing (Wisconsin Poetry Series) |
2018 | 978-0-299-15734-0 | Elmaz Abinader | Children of the Roojme: A Family's Journey from Lebanon |
1997 | 978-0-299-15744-9 | Jack Zipes | Fairy Tales and Fables from Weimar Days |
1998 | 978-0-299-15754-8 | Jack Franklin Jr. Abbott | Boyhood, Growing Up Male: A Multicultural Anthology |