year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2005 | 978-0-262-00274-5 | Eric von Hippel | Democratizing Innovation |
1950 | 978-0-262-01001-6 | Douglas P. Adams | An Index Of Nomograms |
1959 | 978-0-262-01002-3 | Joseph Airov | Location of the Synthetic Fiber Industry |
'' | 978-0-262-01003-0 | B. L. Averbach · D. K. Felbeck · G. T. Hahn · D. A. Thomas | Fracture |
1960 | 978-0-262-01004-7 | Pierre R. Aigrain · Roland J. Coelho · Gianni Ascarelli | Electronic Processes in Solids (Technology Press Research Monographs) |
1963 | 978-0-262-01005-4 | J. Edward Anderson | Magnetohydrodynamic Shock Waves (Research Monograph) |
1967 | 978-0-262-01006-1 | William Phelps Allis · Sanborn C. Brown | Electrons, Ions, and Waves: Selected Papers of William Phelps Allis |
1963 | 978-0-262-01007-8 | Albert Ando · Frank M. Fisher · Herbert A. Simon | Essays on the Structure of Social Science Models |
'' | 978-0-262-01008-5 | G. N. Abramovich · Leon Schindel | The Theory of Turbulent Jets |
1964 | 978-0-262-01010-8 | Charles Abrams | Man's Struggle for Shelter in an Urbanizing World |
'' | 978-0-262-01011-5 | Martin Anderson | The Federal Bulldozer |
'' | 978-0-262-01013-9 | AkademiIa Nauk Sssr. Matematicheskii Institut. | Mathematics, Its Content, Methods, and Meaning. |
1965 | 978-0-262-01015-3 | Donald Appleyard · Kevin Lynch · John R. Myer | The View From the Road |
1966 | 978-0-262-01016-0 | W. H. G. Armytage | A Social History of Engineering |
1966 | 978-0-262-01017-7 | Frederick B. Artz | The Development of Technical Education in France, 1500-1850 |
1967 | 978-0-262-01018-4 | A. I. Akheizer · I. A. Akheizer · R. V. Polovin · A. G. Sitenko · K. N. Stepanov | Collective Oscillations in a Plasma |
'' | 978-0-262-01019-1 | Arnold E.Amstutz | Computer Simulation of Competitive Market Response |
'' | 978-0-262-01020-7 | Arthur E. Albert · L. A. Gardner Jr | Stochastic Approximation and Non-Linear Regression |
1968 | 978-0-262-01021-4 | Stanford | Planning for Diversity and Choice |
'' | 978-0-262-01022-1 | Robert Adolph | Rise of Modern Prose Style |
1969 | 978-0-262-01023-8 | Wayne Andersen | Takis: Evidence of the Unseen |
1968 | 978-0-262-01024-5 | Richard B. Adler · Lan Jen Chu · Robert M. Fano | Electromagnetic Energy Transmission and Radiation |
1969 | 978-0-262-01025-2 | David Allison | Allison: The R & D Games - Technical M |
1970 | 978-0-262-01026-9 | Wayne Andersen | Cezanne's Portrait Drawings |
1981 | 978-0-262-01027-6 | Edward Allen | Stone Shelters |
1900 | 978-0-262-01028-3 | Lady Allen of Hurtwood | Planning for Play |
1969 | 978-0-262-01029-0 | American Council of Learned Societies | On Research Libraries |
'' | 978-0-262-01030-6 | A. S. Argon | Physics of Strength and Plasticity |
1970 | 978-0-262-01031-3 | John Bordon Armstrong | Factory under the Elms: A History of Harrisburg, New Hampshire 1774-1969 |
1963 | 978-0-262-01032-0 | William P. Allis · Solomon J. Buchsbaum · Abraham Bers | Waves in Anisotropic Plasmas |
1970 | 978-0-262-01033-7 | Jeremy M. Anglin | Growth of Word Meaning (MIT research monograph no. 63) |
1971 | 978-0-262-01034-4 | Elihu Thomson · Harold Abrahams · Marion Savin | Selections from the Scientific Correspondence of Elihu Thomson |
1971 | 978-0-262-01035-1 | Kenneth J. Arrow | Selected Readings in Economic Theory from Econometrica (Selected readings from Econometrica) |
1978 | 978-0-262-01036-8 | Stanford Anderson | On Streets: Streets as Elements of Urban Structure (The MIT Press) |
1973 | 978-0-262-01037-5 | V. I. Arnold | Ordinary Differential Equations |
'' | 978-0-262-01038-2 | Oscar Zariski | Oscar Zariski: Collected Papers, Vol. 2: Holomorphic Functions and Linear Systems (Mathematicians of Our Time) |
'' | 978-0-262-01039-9 | J.Gunnar Andersson | Andersson: Children Yellow Earth (Clot |
1975 | 978-0-262-01040-5 | Edward Allen | The Responsive House |
'' | 978-0-262-01041-2 | Mark D. Altschule | Frontiers Of Pineal Physiology |
'' | 978-0-262-01042-9 | A. S. Argon | Constitutive Equations in Plasticity |
1975 | 978-0-262-01043-6 | Adrian Akmajian | An introduction to the principles of transformational syntax |
1976 | 978-0-262-01044-3 | Donald Appleyard | Planning a Pluralist City: Conflicting Realities in Ciudad Guayana (A Publication of the Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University) |
'' | 978-0-262-01045-0 | Nicholas A. Ashford | Crisis in the Workplace: Occupational Disease and Injury |
'' | 978-0-262-01046-7 | Richard Arnowitt · Pran Nath | Gauge Theories and Modern Field Theory |
1977 | 978-0-262-01048-1 | Thomas J Allen | Managing the flow of technology: Technology transfer and the dissemination of technological information within the R&D organization |
'' | 978-0-262-01049-8 | François Bucher | Josef Albers: Despite straight lines: an analysis of his graphic constructions |
'' | 978-0-262-01050-4 | Tamir Agmon · Charles P. Kindleberger | Multinationals from Small Countries |
1977 | 978-0-262-01052-8 | François Bucher | Josef Albers: Despite straight lines: an analysis of his graphic constructions |
1978 | 978-0-262-01053-5 | Alvar Aalto | Sketches (The MIT Press) |
1976 | 978-0-262-01054-2 | Louis Edward Alfeld · Graham Alan | Introduction to Urban Dynamics |
1979 | 978-0-262-01055-9 | Alan Altshuler | The Urban Transportation System: Politics and Policy Innovation (Harvard-MIT Joint Center for Urban Studies Series) |
1978 | 978-0-262-01056-6 | Sidney Altman | Transfer RNA (Cell monograph series) |
1979 | 978-0-262-01057-3 | Donald Appleyard | The Conservation of European Cities |
'' | 978-0-262-01058-0 | Adrian Akmajian · Richard A. Demers · Robert M. Harnish | Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication |
| 978-0-262-01059-7 | Allen: Teach Yourself to Build (Cloth) |
1980 | 978-0-262-01060-3 | Bruce W. Arden | What Can Be Automated?: The Computer Science and Engineering Research Study (The MIT Press series in computer science ; 3) |
1979 | 978-0-262-01062-7 | Edward Allen | Energy and Economic Growth in the United States (Perspectives in energy) |
1981 | 978-0-262-01063-4 | Harold Abelson · Andrea diSessa | Turtle Geometry: The Computer as a Medium for Exploring |
1982 | 978-0-262-01064-1 | Theodor W. Adorno | Prisms (Studies in contemporary German social thought) |
'' | 978-0-262-01066-5 | M. Anderson · R. Lee | Efficiency in Lighting (No. 10) |
1983 | 978-0-262-01067-2 | A. B. Atkinson | Social Justice and Public Policy |
'' | 978-0-262-01068-9 | Natalie Abrams · Michael D. Buckner | Medical ethics: A clinical textbook and reference for the health care professions |
'' | 978-0-262-01069-6 | Yoshinobu Ashihara | The Aesthetic Townscape |
1983 | 978-0-262-01070-2 | Robert L. Ayers | Banking on the Poor: The World Bank and World Poverty |
'' | 978-0-262-01071-9 | F. Gerard Adams · Bert G. Hickman | Global Econometrics: Essays in Honor of Lawrence R. Klein |
'' | 978-0-262-01072-6 | Michel A. Amsalem | Technology Choice in Developing Countries: The Textile and Pulp |
'' | 978-0-262-01073-3 | Theodor W. Adorno | Against Epistemology: A Metacritique Studies in Husserl and the Phenomenological Antinomies (English and German Edition) |
1984 | 978-0-262-01074-0 | Mark Aronoff · Richard Oehrle · Frances Kelley · Bonnie Wilker Stephens | Language Sound Structure |
1985 | 978-0-262-01075-7 | Joseph Aoun | A Grammar of Anaphora (Linguistic inquiry monographs) |
'' | 978-0-262-01076-4 | John Archer | The Literature of British Domestic Architecture 1715-1842 |
1984 | 978-0-262-01077-1 | Harold Abelson · Gerald Jay Sussman · Julie Sussman | Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) |
1984 | 978-0-262-01078-8 | Adrian Akmajian · Richard A. Demers · Robert M. Harnish | Linguistics, 2nd Edition: An Introduction to Language and Communication |
'' | 978-0-262-01079-5 | Karl-Otto Apel | Understanding and Explanation: A Transcendental-Pragmatic Perspective (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) |
1985 | 978-0-262-01080-1 | Subhash Chandra Agrawal | Metamodeling: A Study of Approximations in Queueing Models (Computer Systems Series) |
1984 | 978-0-262-01081-8 | Alan Altshuler · Massachusetts Institute of Technology · International Automobile Program | The Future of the Automobile: The Report of MIT's International Automobile Program |
1985 | 978-0-262-01082-5 | Roger E. A. Farmer · Albert Ando · Hidekazu Eguchi · Yoshio Suzuki | Monetary Policy in Our Times |
'' | 978-0-262-01083-2 | Peter Achinstein · Owen Hannaway | Observation, Experiment, and Hypothesis in Modern Physical Science (Johns Hopkins Center for the History and Philosophy of Science) |
'' | 978-0-262-01084-9 | HarvardComputation Laboratory | A Manual of Operation for the Automated Sequence Controlled Calculator (Charles Babbage Institute Reprint) |
'' | 978-0-262-01085-6 | Jacque Andre · Daniel Herman · Jean-Pierre Verjus | Synchronization of Parallel Programs (Scientific Computation) |
1985 | 978-0-262-01086-3 | Albert Ando · Marshall E. Blume · Irwin Friend | The Structure and Reform of the US Tax System |
1986 | 978-0-262-01087-0 | Kenneth J. Arrow · Herve Raynaud | Social Choice and Multicriterion Decision-Making |
1987 | 978-0-262-01088-7 | Haruhiko Asada · Kamal Youcef-Toumi | Direct-Drive Robots: Theory and Practice |
1986 | 978-0-262-01089-4 | Elizabeth Antébi · David Fishlock | Biotechnology: Strategies for Life |
'' | 978-0-262-01090-0 | B. D. O. Anderson · R. R. Bitmead · C. R., Jr. Johnson | Stability of Adaptive Systems: Passivity and Averaging Analysis (The Mit Press Series in Signal Processing, Optimization, and Control, No 8) |
'' | 978-0-262-01091-7 | Murad D. Akhundov | Conceptions of Space and Time: Sources, Evolution, Directions |
'' | 978-0-262-01092-4 | Gul Agha | ACTORS: A Model of Concurrent Computation in Distributed Systems (The Mit Press Series in Artificial Intelligence) |
'' | 978-0-262-01093-1 | M. Ajmone Marsan · G. Balbo · G. Conte | Performance Models of Microprocessor Systems (Computer Systems Series) |
1987 | 978-0-262-01094-8 | Michael A. Arbib · Allen R. Hanson | Vision, Brain, and Cooperative Computation (Computational Models of Cognition and Perception) |
1987 | 978-0-262-01095-5 | Janne Ahlin | Sigurd Lewerentz, Architect |
'' | 978-0-262-01096-2 | Sven W. Arndt | Real-Financial Linkages Among Open Economies |
1988 | 978-0-262-01097-9 | James A. Anderson | Neurocomputing: Foundations of Research (v. 1) |
'' | 978-0-262-01098-6 | Benjamin Arazi | A Commonsense Approach to the Theory of Error-Correcting Codes (Computer Systems Series) |
'' | 978-0-262-01099-3 | Leon Battista Alberti | On the Art of Building in Ten Books (English and Italian Edition) |
'' | 978-0-262-01100-6 | Jonathan Allen · F. Thomson Leighton | Advanced Research in VLSI: Proceedings of the 5th MIT Conference |
1988 | 978-0-262-01101-3 | Russell L. Andersson | A Robot Ping-Pong Player: Experiments in Real-Time Intelligent Control (Artificial Intelligence) |
'' | 978-0-262-01102-0 | Chae H. An · Christopher G. Atkeson · John Hollerbach | Model-Based Control of a Robot Manipulator (Artificial Intelligence) |
'' | 978-0-262-01103-7 | James E. Anderson | The Relative Inefficiency of Quotas |
'' | 978-0-262-01105-1 | Russell L. Andersson | A Robot Ping-Pong Player |
'' | 978-0-262-01106-8 | '' | A Robot Ping-Pong Player [VHS] |
1988 | 978-0-262-01107-5 | Bianca Albertini · Alessandra Bagnoli | Carlo Scarpa: Architecture in Details |
1989 | 978-0-262-01108-2 | Anita Avramides | Meaning and Mind: An Examination of a Gricean Account of Language |
1990 | 978-0-262-01109-9 | Adrian Akmajian · Richard A. Demers · Ann K. Farmer · Robert M. Harnish | Linguistics an Introduction to Language and Communication |
1989 | 978-0-262-01110-5 | Igor Aleksander | Neural Computing Architectures |
1990 | 978-0-262-01111-2 | Bruce Anderson | Solar Building Architecture (Solar Heat Technologies) |
'' | 978-0-262-01112-9 | Marilyn Jager Adams | Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning About Print |
'' | 978-0-262-01113-6 | Zoltan Acs · David B. Audretsch | Innovation and Small Firms (The MIT Press) |
1991 | 978-0-262-01114-3 | Kevin D. Ashley | Modeling Legal Argument: Reasoning with Cases and Hypotheticals |
'' | 978-0-262-01115-0 | Diane I. Agrest | Architecture from Without: Theoretical Framings for a Critical Practice |
1990 | 978-0-262-01116-7 | Parveen Adams · Elizabeth Cowie | The Woman in question: M/f |
1991 | 978-0-262-01117-4 | Gerry T. M. Altmann · Maurice V. Wilkes | Cognitive Models of Speech Processing: Psycholinguistic and Computational Perspectives (ACL-MIT Series in Natural Language Processing) |
1990 | 978-0-262-01118-1 | Katharine Abraham · Robert McKersie | New Developments in the Labor Market: Toward a New Institutional |
'' | 978-0-262-01119-8 | James A. Anderson · Andras Pellionisz · Edward Rosenfeld | Neurocomputing 2: Directions for Research (v. 2) |
1990 | 978-0-262-01120-4 | J. Alan Robinson | Natural and Artificial Parallel Computation (The MIT Press) |
'' | 978-0-262-01121-1 | William Aspray | John von Neumann and the Origins of Modern Computing (History of Computing) |
1991 | 978-0-262-01122-8 | James S. Ackerman | Distance Points: Essays in Theory and Renaissance Art and Architecture |
'' | 978-0-262-01123-5 | Hassan Ait-Kaci | Warren's Abstract Machine: A Tutorial Reconstruction (Logic Programming) |
'' | 978-0-262-01124-2 | Nicholas Ayache | Artificial Vision for Mobile Robots |
'' | 978-0-262-01125-9 | Andrea Asperti · Giuseppe Longo | Categories, Types, and Structures: An Introduction to Category Theory for the Working Computer Scientist (FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTING SERIES) |
1992 | 978-0-262-01126-6 | Hiyan K. Alshawi · Maurice V. Wilkes | The Core Language Engine (ACL-MIT Series in Natural Language Processing) |
1993 | 978-0-262-01127-3 | Robert Z. Aliber | The Multinational Paradigm |
1992 | 978-0-262-01128-0 | Simon P. Anderson · Andre de Palma · Jacques-Francois Thisse | Discrete Choice Theory of Product Differentiation (The MIT Press) |
1992 | 978-0-262-01129-7 | Yves Abrioux | Ian Hamilton Finlay: A Visual Primer |
'' | 978-0-262-01130-3 | Anders Åman | Architecture and Ideology in Eastern Europe during the Stalin Era: An Aspect of Cold-War History |
1993 | 978-0-262-01131-0 | Theodor W. Adorno | Hegel: Three Studies (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) |
'' | 978-0-262-01132-7 | Robert Z. Aliber · Reid W. Click | Readings in International Business: A Decision Approach (The MIT Press) |
'' | 978-0-262-01133-4 | Joseph Aoun · Yen-hui Audrey Li | Syntax of Scope (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs) |
'' | 978-0-262-01134-1 | Krzysztof R. Apt · J. W. de Bakker · J. M. Rutten | Logic Programming Languages: Constraints, Functions, and Objects |
1993 | 978-0-262-01135-8 | Pedro Aspe | Economic Transformation the Mexican Way (Lionel Robbins Lectures) |
'' | 978-0-262-01136-5 | Mark Aronoff | Morphology by Itself: Stems and Inflectional Classes |
1994 | 978-0-262-01137-2 | Diana Archangeli · Douglas Pulleyblank | Grounded Phonology (Current Studies in Linguistics) |
1993 | 978-0-262-01138-9 | M. A. Adelman | The Economics of Petroleum Supply: Papers by M. A. Adelman, 1962-1993 |
'' | 978-0-262-01139-6 | Gul Agha · Peter Wegner · Akinori Yonezawa | Research Directions in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming (Computer Systems Series) |
1994 | 978-0-262-01141-9 | Franklin Allen · Douglas Gale | Financial Innovation and Risk Sharing |
'' | 978-0-262-01142-6 | Stanley Abercrombie | George Nelson: The Design of Modern Design |
'' | 978-0-262-01143-3 | Mark Armstrong · Simon Cowan · John Vickers | Regulatory Reform: Economic Analysis and British Experience |
1995 | 978-0-262-01144-0 | James A. Anderson | An Introduction to Neural Networks |
1995 | 978-0-262-01145-7 | Donald Albrecht | World War II and the American Dream: How Wartime Building Changed |
'' | 978-0-262-01146-4 | David B. Audretsch | Innovation and Industry Evolution (MIT Press) |
'' | 978-0-262-01147-1 | Robert J. Aumann · Michael Maschler | Repeated Games with Incomplete Information |
'' | 978-0-262-01148-8 | Michael A. Arbib | Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks |
2002 | 978-0-262-01149-5 | Alexei G. Arbatov · Steven E. Miller | Taming Armageddon?: Revising the U.S.-Russian Nuclear Relationship (Csia Studies in International Secruity No. 8) |
1995 | 978-0-262-01150-1 | Adrian Akmajian | Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication |
'' | 978-0-262-01151-8 | M. A. Adelman | Genie Out of the Bottle: World Oil since 1970 |
1995 | 978-0-262-01152-5 | Krzysztof R. Apt · Franco Turini | Meta-Logics and Logic Programming |
1996 | 978-0-262-01153-2 | Harold Abelson · Gerald Jay Sussman | Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) |
2000 | 978-0-262-01154-9 | Robert J. Aumann | Collected Papers, Vol. 1 |
'' | 978-0-262-01155-6 | '' | Collected Papers, Vol. 2 |
1997 | 978-0-262-01157-0 | Grigoris Antoniou | Nonmonotonic Reasoning |
1996 | 978-0-262-01158-7 | Peter J. Angeline · Kenneth E. Kinnear Jr. | Advances in Genetic Programming, Vol. 2 (Complex Adaptive Systems) |
1997 | 978-0-262-01159-4 | Michael A. Arbib · Peter Erdi · John Szentagothai | Neural Organization: Structure, Function, and Dynamics |
'' | 978-0-262-01160-0 | Alan J. Auerbach | Fiscal Policy: Lessons from Economic Research |
'' | 978-0-262-01161-7 | Alberto Alesina · Nouriel Roubini · Gerald D. Cohen | Political Cycles and the Macroeconomy |
'' | 978-0-262-01162-4 | Philip E. Agre · Marc Rotenberg | Technology and Privacy: The New Landscape |
1997 | 978-0-262-01163-1 | Colin Allen · Marc Bekoff | Species of Mind: The Philosophy and Biology of Cognitive Ethology |
1998 | 978-0-262-01164-8 | James H. Austin | Zen and the Brain: Toward an Understanding of Meditation and Consciousness |
'' | 978-0-262-01165-5 | Ronald C. Arkin | Behavior-Based Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents) |
1997 | 978-0-262-01166-2 | Philippe Aghion · Peter W. Howitt | Endogenous Growth Theory |
1998 | 978-0-262-01167-9 | James A. Anderson · Edward Rosenfeld | Talking Nets: An Oral History of Neural Networks |
'' | 978-0-262-01168-6 | Colin Allen · Marc Bekoff · George Lauder | Nature's Purposes: Analyses of Function and Design in Biology |
'' | 978-0-262-01169-3 | Carol Armstrong | Scenes in a Library: Reading the Photograph in the Book, 1843-1875 (October Books) |
'' | 978-0-262-01170-9 | Alan J. Auerbach · Laurence J. Kotlikoff | Macroeconomics - 2nd Edition: An Integrated Approach |
1999 | 978-0-262-01171-6 | Anthony B. Atkinson | The Economic Consequences of Rolling Back the Welfare State (Munich Lectures) |
1999 | 978-0-262-01172-3 | Janet Abbate | Inventing the Internet (Inside Technology) |
'' | 978-0-262-01173-0 | Alexander Alberro · Blake Stimson | Conceptual Art: A Critical Anthology |
'' | 978-0-262-01174-7 | Henry J. Aaron · John B. Shoven | Should the United States Privatize Social Security? (Alvin Hansen Symposium Series on Public Policy) |
2000 | 978-0-262-01175-4 | Jan Albers | Hands on the Land: A History of the Vermont Landscape |
'' | 978-0-262-01176-1 | Stanford Anderson | Peter Behrens and a New Architecture for the Twentieth Century |
'' | 978-0-262-01177-8 | Franklin Allen · Douglas Gale | Comparing Financial Systems |
2000 | 978-0-262-01178-5 | Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa · Blake LeBaron · Andrew W. Lo · Andreas S. Weigend | Computational Finance 1999 |
1999 | 978-0-262-01180-8 | William Y. Arms | Digital Libraries (Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing) |
2001 | 978-0-262-01181-5 | Sunny Y. Auyang | Mind in Everyday Life and Cognitive Science (MIT Press) |
'' | 978-0-262-01182-2 | Ariella Azoulay | Death's Showcase: The Power of Image in Contemporary Democracy |
'' | 978-0-262-01183-9 | Philip Armstrong · Laura Lisbon · Stephen Melville | As Painting: Division and Displacement |
'' | 978-0-262-01184-6 | Michael Thad Allen · Gabrielle Hecht | Technologies of Power: Essays in Honor of Thomas Parke Hughes and Agatha Chipley Hughes |
'' | 978-0-262-01185-3 | Adrian Akmajian · Richard A. Demers · Ann K. Farmer · Robert M. Harnish | Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication |
2002 | 978-0-262-01186-0 | James S. Ackerman | Origins, Imitation, Conventions: Representation in the Visual Arts |
2001 | 978-0-262-01187-7 | Masahiko Aoki | Toward a Comparative Institutional Analysis |
2002 | 978-0-262-01189-1 | Wil van der Aalst · Kees van Hee | Workflow Management: Models, Methods, and Systems (Cooperative Information Systems) |
2001 | 978-0-262-01190-7 | Ashish Arora · Andrea Fosfuri · Alfonso Gambardella | Markets for Technology: The Economics of Innovation and Corporate Strategy |
2002 | 978-0-262-01191-4 | Iñaki Ábalos · Juan Herreros | Tower and Office: From Modernist Theory to Contemporary Practice |
2002 | 978-0-262-01192-1 | Jonathan E. Adler | Belief's Own Ethics |
'' | 978-0-262-01193-8 | Joseph Ayers · Joel L. Davis · Alan Rudolph | Neurotechnology for Biomimetic Robots (MIT Press) |
'' | 978-0-262-01194-5 | Yali Amit | 2D Object Detection and Recognition: Models, Algorithms, and Networks |
'' | 978-0-262-01195-2 | Mark S. Ackerman · Volkmar Pipek · Volker Wulf | Sharing Expertise: Beyond Knowledge Management |
2003 | 978-0-262-01196-9 | Alexander Alberro | Conceptual Art and the Politics of Publicity |
2002 | 978-0-262-01197-6 | Michael A. Arbib | The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks: Second Edition |
2003 | 978-0-262-01198-3 | Alice H. Amsden · Wan-Wen Chu | Beyond Late Development: Taiwan's Upgrading Policies |
'' | 978-0-262-01199-0 | Julian Agyeman · Robert D. Bullard · Bob Evans | Just Sustainabilities: Development in an Unequal World (Urban and Industrial Environments) |
2003 | 978-0-262-01200-3 | Joseph E. Aoun · Yen-hui Audrey Li | Essays on the Representational and Derivational Nature of Grammar: The Diversity of Wh-Constructions (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs) |
'' | 978-0-262-01201-0 | Jerome Adda · Russell W. Cooper | Dynamic Economics: Quantitative Methods and Applications (The MIT Press) |
'' | 978-0-262-01202-7 | Jon Agar | The Government Machine: A Revolutionary History of the Computer (History of Computing) |
'' | 978-0-262-01203-4 | Barbara L. Allen | Uneasy Alchemy: Citizens and Experts in Louisiana's Chemical Corridor Disputes (Urban and Industrial Environments) |
'' | 978-0-262-01204-1 | Alberto Alesina · Enrico Spolaore | The Size of Nations (MIT Press) |
2003 | 978-0-262-01205-8 | Richard Arnott · Bruce Greenwald · Ravi Kanbur · Barry Nalebuff | Economics for an Imperfect World: Essays in Honor of Joseph E. Stiglitz (The MIT Press) |
'' | 978-0-262-01206-5 | Liliana B. Andonova | Transnational Politics of the Environment: The European Union and Environmental Policy in Central and Eastern Europe (Global Environmental Accord: ... Sustainability and Institutional Innovation) |
'' | 978-0-262-01207-2 | Glenn Adamson | Industrial Strength Design: How Brooks Stevens Shaped Your World (The MIT Press) |
2004 | 978-0-262-01208-9 | Mie Augier · James G. March | Models of a Man: Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Simon (The MIT Press) |
'' | 978-0-262-01209-6 | Hussein Agha · Shai Feldman · Ahmad Khalidi · Zeev Schiff | Track-II Diplomacy: Lessons from the Middle East (Belfer Center Studies in International Security) |
'' | 978-0-262-01210-2 | Grigoris Antoniou · Frank van Harmelen | A Semantic Web Primer (Cooperative Information Systems series) |
2004 | 978-0-262-01211-9 | Ethem Alpaydin | Introduction to Machine Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning) |