year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
| 978-0-17-622440-0 | Checkmate: A Writing Reference for Canadians |
| 978-0-17-622446-2 | Unnamed | From Thought to Finish: A Writer¿s Journey |
2002 | 978-0-17-622448-6 | Larry J. Siegel Gregory P. Brown and Ron Hoffman | Criminology: The Core (Canadian Edition) Edition: First |
| 978-0-17-622450-9 | Bonne Route, by DeMeo, 2nd CANADIAN EDITION |
2002 | 978-0-17-622451-6 | Physics for the Biological Sciences |
2008 | 978-0-17-622452-3 | James M. · Breckler, Steven J. and Wiggins, Elizabeth C. Olson | Social Psychology Alive |
| 978-0-17-622454-7 | Essay Essentials with Readings: Third Edition |
| 978-0-17-622456-1 | Managing Human Resources |
| 978-0-17-622457-8 | Essentials of Managing Human Resources -Second Canadian Ediiton |
| 978-0-17-622458-5 | Business Decision Making: Text and Cases, Seventh Edition |
| 978-0-17-622459-2 | Strategic Human Resource Planning: Second Edition |
2003 | 978-0-17-622460-8 | Alan M Saks and Robert R Haccou | Managing Performance Training |
| 978-0-17-622461-5 | An Introduction To The Canadian Labour Market |
| 978-0-17-622462-2 | Small Business: An Entrepreneur's Plan: Student Text Fourth Edition |
| 978-0-17-622463-9 | Economics: The Essentials: Third Edition |
| 978-0-17-622464-6 | Management Accounting, 6th Canadian edition |
| 978-0-17-622465-3 | Foundations of Marketing: Eighth Canadian Edition |
| 978-0-17-622468-4 | Marketing For Tourism And Hospitality: A Canadian Perspective |
2004 | 978-0-17-622474-5 | Nairne | Psychology: The Adaptive Mind: Second Canadian Edition |
2003 | 978-0-17-622476-9 | Curt T. Griffiths | Canadian Corrections |
| 978-0-17-622481-3 | Healthy Foundations In Early Childhood Settings: Third Edition |
| 978-0-17-622483-7 | Understanding Social Problems: Second Canadian Edition |
| 978-0-17-622486-8 | Colour of Democracy: Racism in Canadian Society |
| 978-0-17-622488-2 | Canadian Families: Diversity, Conflict and Change |
| 978-0-17-622490-5 | Parlons Grammaire |
| 978-0-17-622491-2 | Constructing Meaning: Balancing Elementary Language Arts, Third Edition |
2003 | 978-0-17-622507-0 | Nelson College Indigenous | Thousand Words: Grammar & Writing in Context: First Canadian Edition |
| 978-0-17-622509-4 | Unnamed | Harbrace Handbook for Canadians: Sixth Edition |
| 978-0-17-622510-0 | HARBRACE WORKBOOK FOR CANADIANS: Sixth Edition |
2004 | 978-0-17-622515-5 | Mary Ellen Guffey · Randall G. Rogan · RHODES | Business Communication |
| 978-0-17-622531-5 | Canadian Content: Fifth Edition |
| 978-0-17-624128-5 | Nelson Science Connections 9 |
2010 | 978-0-17-624139-1 | Maurice Di Giuseppe | Nelson Science Connections 10: Student Text |
'' | 978-0-17-624174-2 | Marian Small | Big Ideas from Dr. Small Grades 4-8 Facilitator's Guide with DVD |
'' | 978-0-17-624245-9 | World Religions: A Canadian Catholic Perspective |
2006 | 978-0-17-625136-9 | Kenneth H. and Truscott, Derek Crook | Ethics and Law for Teachers: First Canadian Edition |
2007 | 978-0-17-625137-6 | Paul Barker | Public Administration in Canada |
2006 | 978-0-17-625139-0 | Susan Fraser | Authentic Childhood: Experiencing Reggio Emilia in the Classroom |
| 978-0-17-625142-0 | Psychology Themes & Variations -First Canadian Ediiton |
2007 | 978-0-17-625152-9 | Terrance Power | International Business: a Canadian Perspective |
'' | 978-0-17-625155-0 | Richard Almonte · Mary Ellen Guffey | Practice of Business Communication: Includes 2009 MLA update card |
2008 | 978-0-17-625162-8 | Mark Connelly | Get Writing |
| 978-0-17-625176-5 | CONTEMPORARY MARKETING. CDN 1/E TXT |
| 978-0-17-625178-9 | Intentional and Relationship-Based Guidance |
2008 | 978-0-17-625179-6 | William Goodman | Modern Statistics |
2007 | 978-0-17-625180-2 | Jane Bertrand | Understanding, Managing, And Leading: Early Childhood Programs in Canada |
| 978-0-17-625182-6 | Thomson Nelson Guide to Success in Social Science |
2006 | 978-0-17-625184-0 | Paul V Anderson | Technical Communication: A Reader-Centered Approach |
2007 | 978-0-17-625194-9 | Tim Kenyon | Clear Thinking In A Blurry World |
'' | 978-0-17-625195-6 | Kendall Linden Murra | Sociology in Our Times |
2007 | 978-0-17-625203-8 | Stephenson | Understand Construct Drawings |
| 978-0-17-625207-6 | Canadian Foreign Policy in a Changing World |
2007 | 978-0-17-625208-3 | H. Onur Bodur · William G. Zikmund | Effective Marketing Research in Canada |
'' | 978-0-17-625217-5 | Linda A. Mooney | Understanding Social Problems |
| 978-0-17-625240-3 | Small Business An Entrepreneur |
| 978-0-17-625242-7 | Planning Canadian Communities |
2007 | 978-0-17-625243-4 | Reeta Tremblay · James Kelly · Michael Lipson · Jean Francois Mayer | Understanding Human Rights: Origins, Currents and Critiques |
2006 | 978-0-17-625244-1 | Jay Devore | Managing Performance Through Training & Development |
'' | 978-0-17-625245-8 | Belcourt / Mcbey | Strategic Human Resources Planning 3e |
| 978-0-17-625248-9 | Electrical Wiring: Residential 4th Canadian Edition |
| 978-0-17-625250-2 | History of the Canadian Economy |
2007 | 978-0-17-625252-6 | Althouse Rose Allan | Future of Business |
| 978-0-17-625254-0 | CDN ED Microeconomics: Principles & Policy |
| 978-0-17-625255-7 | Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy |
2007 | 978-0-17-625260-1 | Chuck Williams · Conor Vibert · Alex Kondra | Management |
| 978-0-17-625267-0 | Duplessis Enman O | Canadian Business the Law |
2007 | 978-0-17-625269-4 | Goff | Criminal Justice in Canada |
| 978-0-17-625270-0 | Young Offenders and Youth Justice: A Century After the Fact |
| 978-0-17-625271-7 | Essentials of Early Childhood Education |
2003 | 978-0-17-625968-6 | Kelleher et al Kelleher et al | Nelson Mathematics Grade 3: Student Text |
'' | 978-0-17-625969-3 | '' | Nelson Mathematics Grade 4: Student Text |
2004 | 978-0-17-625970-9 | '' | Nelson Mathematics Grade 5: Student Text |
2005 | 978-0-17-625971-6 | Marian Small · Damian Cooper · Kathy Kubota Zarivnij · Mary Louise Kestell · Heather Kelleher · Pat Milot · Betty Morris · Doug Super | Nelson Mathematics Grade 6: Student Text |
1980 | 978-0-17-625986-0 | Frank Jenkins · Hans Kessel | Nelson Chemistry 12: Student Text (National Edition): Student Text (National Edition) |
2002 | 978-0-17-625987-7 | Doug Fraser · Angela Vavitsas · Anu Arora · Beth Lisser · Bob Ritter | Nelson Biology 12: Student Text |
'' | 978-0-17-625988-4 | David Martindale · Al Hirsch · Maurice Barry · Charles Stewart | Nelson Physics 12: Student Text, National Edition |
| 978-0-17-626054-5 | Nunavut: InfoCanada: Provinces and Territories |
2004 | 978-0-17-626091-0 | Smal | Nelson Mathematics Grade 2 |
| 978-0-17-626530-4 | Unnamed | Nelson Physics 12: College Preparation: Student Text |
2004 | 978-0-17-626912-8 | Marian Small · Damian Cooper · David Zimmer · Mary Louise Kestell | Nelson Mathematics Grade 7: Student Text |
2005 | 978-0-17-626920-3 | Unnamed | Nelson Mathematics 8 Student Book: Student text |
2005 | 978-0-17-626994-4 | Marian Small | Nelson Mathematics 7 Workbook |
'' | 978-0-17-626996-8 | Small | Nelson Mathematics Grade 8 Wkbk |
| 978-0-17-627120-6 | Marian Small | Nelson Mathematics (Grade 4): Student Workbook - Western Edition by Marian Small (April 07,2004) |
| 978-0-17-627241-8 | Nelson Mathematics 3: Student Text, Western Edition |
2005 | 978-0-17-627977-6 | Nelson | Nelson Mathematics 6: Workbook Answer Key |
2006 | 978-0-17-628916-4 | Damian Cooper | Talk About Assessment (Elementary): Strategies and Tools to Improve Learning |
2008 | 978-0-17-629298-0 | Marian Small | Nelson Mathematics 2: Quebec Cycle1 Supplement: Grade 2 |
2009 | 978-0-17-632444-5 | '' | Nelson Math Focus 3: Student Book |
'' | 978-0-17-632446-9 | Marian Small · Hope et al Hope et al | Math Focus 3 Student Workbook: Workbook |
| 978-0-17-632459-9 | Unnamed | Nelson Math Focus 6: Student Book |
2009 | 978-0-17-632461-2 | Hope et al Hope et al Marian Small | Nelson Math Focus 6: Workbook |
| 978-0-17-632515-2 | Nelson Science and Technology Perspectives 7 |
| 978-0-17-632519-0 | Nelson Science and Technology Perspectives 7: Student Success Workbook |
| 978-0-17-632523-7 | Nelson Science and Technology Perspectives 8: Student Text |
| 978-0-17-632527-5 | Nelson Science and Technology Perspectives 8: Student Success Workbook |
2006 | 978-0-17-633201-3 | Marian Small · David Zimmer · Chris Kirkpatrick · Kristina Farentino · Crystal Chilvers · Santo D'Agostino · Doug Duff · Ian MacPherson | Nelson Principles of Mathematics 9: Student Text |
| 978-0-17-633202-0 | NELSON PRINCIPLES OF MATH 10 SB |
| 978-0-17-633203-7 | Unnamed | Functions 11 Student Text |
| 978-0-17-633204-4 | Marian Small · Chris Kirkpatrick · Andrew Dmytriw · Beverly Farahani · Angelo Lillo · Kay Minter · David Pilmer · Noel Walker | Functions and Applications 11 |
| 978-0-17-633440-6 | unknown | Nelson Literacy 8: Student Book 8a |
| 978-0-17-633545-8 | Business Technology Today: Student Edition |
| 978-0-17-633648-6 | Taking Part in Our Democracy: Student Edition |
2007 | 978-0-17-633751-3 | Lorie Guest · David Notman · Jack Wilson | The World of Business |
'' | 978-0-17-634008-7 | Nelson Mathematics 1: Cycle 1 Student Book Quebec |
2008 | 978-0-17-634019-3 | Marian Small · David Zimmer | Nelson Principles of Mathematics 9: Student Success Workbook |
| 978-0-17-635519-7 | Nelson Science Perspectives 9 |
| 978-0-17-635528-9 | Nelson Science Perspectives 10: Student Text with Online Student eBook EXTRA |
2008 | 978-0-17-635713-9 | Marian Small | Big Ideas From Dr. Small Grade 4-8 [Paperback] |
| 978-0-17-637443-3 | Nelson Advanced Functions 12: Student Book |
| 978-0-17-637444-0 | Unnamed | Calculus and Vectors 12 |
| 978-0-17-640598-4 | Bonne Route! Lab Manual |
| 978-0-17-640603-5 | Supervision:: Concepts and Practices of Management Second Canadi |
| 978-0-17-640609-7 | The Family Dynamic: A Canadian Perspective |
2006 | 978-0-17-640610-3 | Harvey · Hughes, Karen D. · Lowe, Graham S. Krahn | Work, Industry, and Canadian Society |
| 978-0-17-640611-0 | Linda Deutschmann | Deviance and Social Control |
| 978-0-17-640618-9 | PEOPLE, PLACES, AND TIMES: Readings in Canadian Social History, Volume I - Pr |
2007 | 978-0-17-640620-2 | Banwari Mittal · Michel Laroche · Jagdish Sheth | Customer Behaviour: A Managerial Perspective |
2005 | 978-0-17-640623-3 | Julia T. · Schweitzer, Ann Wood | EVERYDAY ENCOUNTERS. CDN 3/E TXT: An Introduction to Interpersonal Communication |
| 978-0-17-640626-4 | An Introduction to Language |
| 978-0-17-640627-1 | CANADIAN WRITER'S POCKET GUIDE. 3/E TXT |
| 978-0-17-640628-8 | Canadian Business English |
| 978-0-17-640630-1 | Caring For School Age Children |
| 978-0-17-640652-3 | Mediascapes: New Patterns in Canadian Communications |
2006 | 978-0-17-640653-0 | Shirley Fedorak | WINDOWS ON THE WORLD: CASE STUDIES IN ANTHROPOLOGY by Fedorak, Shirley |
| 978-0-17-640668-4 | Title: Sociology in Our Times |
| 978-0-17-640670-7 | Our Society: Human Diversity in Canada |
| 978-0-17-640678-3 | Post-Secondary Learning Experience |
2008 | 978-0-17-640694-3 | B. Singh Bolaria · Harley D. Dickinson | Health, Illness & Health Care in Canada |
| 978-0-17-640695-0 | Jon Young | Understanding Canadian Schools |
| 978-0-17-640696-7 | Sociology: Your Compass for a New World |
2006 | 978-0-17-640699-8 | Judith A. Rolls | Public Speaking Made Easy |
2008 | 978-0-17-640700-1 | Norton Green Waldman | Bare Essentials Plus |
| 978-0-17-640701-8 | CDN ED The Canadian Reporter: News Writing and Reporting |
2007 | 978-0-17-640702-5 | Grant Heckman | Thomson Nelson Guide to Essay Writing |
2005 | 978-0-17-640704-9 | Howard Podeswa | Essay Essentials with Readings |
2007 | 978-0-17-640706-3 | Stephen Mandell, Candice Fertile Laurie Kirszner | LITERATURE: READING, REACTING, WRITING. CDN 2/E TX |
2006 | 978-0-17-640707-0 | Paige · Glazier, Teresa Ferster Wilson | The Least You Should Know About English, Form A: Writing Skills -- Ninth 9th Edition |
| 978-0-17-640709-4 | Managerial Accounting |
2006 | 978-0-17-640710-0 | Guffey Rhodes Rogin | Bus Comms Process Prod Brief |
2005 | 978-0-17-640713-1 | Martin Diamond | College Keyboarding Lessons 61-120 |
| 978-0-17-640714-8 | PSYCHOLOGY: A JOURNEY. CDN 2/E TXT |
| 978-0-17-640715-5 | Canadian Criminal Justice: A Primer |
| 978-0-17-640716-2 | Canadian Law: An Introduction |
| 978-0-17-640717-9 | Criminal Law in Canada: Cases, Questions and the Code |
| 978-0-17-640718-6 | Canadian Criminal Cases: Selected Highlights |
2007 | 978-0-17-640719-3 | Dale Shipley | Empowering Children: Play-based Curriculum for Lifelong Learning |
| 978-0-17-640720-9 | Inclusion In Early Childhood Programs: Fourth Canadian Edition |
| 978-0-17-640721-6 | Canadian Hospitality Law: Liabilities and Risk, by Longchamps |
| 978-0-17-640723-0 | Essentials of Managing Human Resources |
2007 | 978-0-17-640724-7 | Small Business Management: Launching and Managing New Ventures, 3rd CDN editi |
'' | 978-0-17-640729-2 | Belcourt Bohlander S | Managing Human Resources |
| 978-0-17-640791-9 | Invitation to Health Brief: First Canadian Edition |
2007 | 978-0-17-640810-7 | Joan Norris · John Cavanaugh · Fredda Blanchard-Fields | Adult Development and Aging |
| 978-0-17-640811-4 | War and Society in Post-Confederation Canada |
| 978-0-17-640814-5 | Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior (4th, 07) by DuBrin, Andrew J [Paperback (2006)] |
| 978-0-17-641411-5 | Social Welfare In Canadian Society: Third Edition |
| 978-0-17-641412-2 | CDN ED Social Work Practice: Second Edition |
| 978-0-17-641413-9 | A Canadian Writer's Guide: Third Edition |
2006 | 978-0-17-641415-3 | Engkent Gary Lucia | FICTION / NON-FICTION. A READER AND RHETORIC |
| 978-0-17-641442-9 | Unnamed | FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY >CANADIAN< |
| 978-0-17-641454-2 | CDN ED Fundamentals of Social Research |
| 978-0-17-641482-5 | EXPLORING ECONOMICS. CDN 1/E TXT |
| 978-0-17-641494-8 | Human Development: A Life-Span View: First Edition |
| 978-0-17-641496-2 | Kent Lewis | Word and World: A Critical Thinking Reader |
2007 | 978-0-17-641497-9 | William G. Zikmund · Pat Browne · Linda Donville · Michael D'Amico · Denton Anthony · Jennifer Monk | Effective Marketing |
1980 | 978-0-17-641503-7 | Curt Tausky | Essentials of Business Communication |
| 978-0-17-641505-1 | Studying Politics: An Introduction to Political Science [Second Edition] |
2007 | 978-0-17-641506-8 | Dyck | Canadian Politics |
| 978-0-17-641516-7 | Writing Analytically with Readings |
| 978-0-17-641527-3 | Ethical Decision Making In Social Work And Counselling: A Problem/Inquiry Based Approach |
| 978-0-17-641528-0 | checkmate Pocket Guide |
| 978-0-17-641529-7 | Learning for Success: Fourth edition |
2008 | 978-0-17-641536-5 | Donald B. Smith R. Douglas Francis | Readings in Canadian History: Post-Confederation |
| 978-0-17-641537-2 | Readings in Canadian History: Post-Confederation |
| 978-0-17-641540-2 | The Harbrace Anthology of Literature |
| 978-0-17-641541-9 | The Harbrace Anthology of Poetry |
2004 | 978-0-17-641550-1 | Al Valleau and Jack Finnbogason | The Nelson Introduction To Literature |
| 978-0-17-641551-8 | Canadian Politics in the 21st Century: Sixth Edition |
| 978-0-17-641553-2 | Health Care Ethics in Canada |
2004 | 978-0-17-641561-7 | Constance Rooke | The Clear Path: A Guide to Writing English Essays |
| 978-0-17-641564-8 | Introduction to Early Childhood Education: A Canadian Perspective |
| 978-0-17-641565-5 | Child Development: A Primer |
| 978-0-17-641566-2 | Braving The New World: Readings in Contemporary Politics, Third Edition |
2004 | 978-0-17-641567-9 | Jacqueline Ollivier | Grammaire Francaise 3e-Txt |
| 978-0-17-641572-3 | Office Procedures for Administrative Professionals: First Edition |
2004 | 978-0-17-641580-8 | WIESNER · HACKETT · ME · CATANO | Recruitment and Selection in Canada |
| 978-0-17-641581-5 | Unnamed | Our Environment: A Canadian Perspective, Third Edition |
| 978-0-17-641584-6 | Cultural Subjects: A Popular Culture Reader |
2005 | 978-0-17-641589-1 | H. Macivor | Canadian Politics And Government in the Charter Era |
| 978-0-17-641590-7 | Communicate! |
2004 | 978-0-17-641594-5 | Arthur Horne | Canadian Professional Engineering and Geoscience: |