year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2006 | 978-0-13-159394-7 | NA | Basic Coll Math& Cdls VP BSC&Mml Msl S/VR |
| 978-0-13-159401-2 | Computer Applications Mrktg*** Gowling |
2010 | 978-0-13-159410-4 | Celia Stall-Meadows | Fashion Now: A Global Perspective |
| 978-0-13-159411-1 | Career Snapshot CD for Fashion Now: A Global Perspective |
2006 | 978-0-13-159417-3 | Marija Norusis | SPSS 15.0 Statistical Procedures Companion |
'' | 978-0-13-159420-3 | Stanley E. Fawcett | Supply Chain Management: From Vision to Implementation. Stanley E. Fawcett, Lisa M. Ellram, Jeffrey A. Ogden |
'' | 978-0-13-159423-4 | NA | Physics Vol2& Studt Stdy GD&Physlet Physics |
2007 | 978-0-13-159424-1 | Michael G. Roskin · James J. Coyle | Politics of the Middle East: Cultures and Conflicts (2nd Edition) |
2006 | 978-0-13-159425-8 | NA | Devel Across Life Span& 1ky Webct& PH GD RN |
'' | 978-0-13-159426-5 | '' | Qa Compact & Macbeth Pkg |
1991 | 978-0-13-159427-2 | Bill Brierley | Computers As a Tool in Language Teaching (Ellis Horwood Series in Computers & Their Applications) |
2006 | 978-0-13-159428-9 | NA | Strat Succ Writ&wrtr GD&Ph GD Rsrch&naw DIC |
'' | 978-0-13-159429-6 | '' | Intrigue& Studt Activit M&aud CD&Quick GD |
2006 | 978-0-13-159430-2 | NA | Go with Microsft Word3&tait V2.6go Ofc Prem |
'' | 978-0-13-159431-9 | '' | Physics Vol1& Studt Sg Ssm&webassign A/Card |
2014 | 978-0-13-159438-8 | R. Elliott Ingersoll · Andre Marquis | Understanding Psychopathology: An Integral Exploration (Merrill Counseling) |
2006 | 978-0-13-159439-5 | NA | Go with Offc03 Brief& S/R/CD Tec Actn Compl |
'' | 978-0-13-159440-1 | '' | Activities for Math Thnkg&prep&methods Tchg |
| 978-0-13-159447-0 | Chapter Test Prep Video (standalone) for Elementary Algebra Early Graphing for College Students |
| 978-0-13-159449-4 | Chapter Test Prep Video (Standalone) for Elementary and Intermediate Algebra for College Students |
1995 | 978-0-13-159451-7 | Sobel | Sm Precalculus Math Aie |
2007 | 978-0-13-159456-2 | Daniel J. Limmer EMT-P | CourseCompass, Student Access Kit, EMT Complete: A Basic Worktext |
'' | 978-0-13-159457-9 | Daniel Limmer | EMT Complete: Basic Worktext |
'' | 978-0-13-159458-6 | Daniel Limmer | EMT Complete: Basic Worktext |
2006 | 978-0-13-159462-3 | Bob Elling · J. David Bergeron · Dan Limmer · Michael F. O'Keefe · Robert K Murray · Harvey Grant · Ed Dickinson | Emergency Care Workbook |
2006 | 978-0-13-159463-0 | NA | Inside Fashion Design& Fashion Sleuth Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-159464-7 | NA | Archaelogical& World Prehistory Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-159465-4 | '' | Foundatns of Nursg Resrch&stat for Terrifd |
'' | 978-0-13-159466-1 | '' | Literacy 21st Cent&tchr Prep&are You Preprd |
'' | 978-0-13-159467-8 | '' | Career Fitness Prog& Career Visions CD Pkg |
1992 | 978-0-13-159468-5 | Gerald M. Karam · John C. Bryant | Principles of Computer Systems/Book and Disk |
2006 | 978-0-13-159469-2 | Contemp Maternal Newborn&matl Newbrn Mursg |
'' | 978-0-13-159470-8 | NA | Developg Teachg& Early Childhd&prep 12mo Pk |
2006 | 978-0-13-159471-5 | NA | Child Devl& Under Ethic&tchr Prep&1ky Webct |
'' | 978-0-13-159472-2 | '' | Essntl Teachg Second&planng for Instruction |
2006 | 978-0-13-159473-9 | NA | Astronomy& Edmund Sci Star&lec Tut&prs $20 |
'' | 978-0-13-159474-6 | '' | Classroom Assessmt & Teacher Prep 12mo Pkg |
2009 | 978-0-13-159475-3 | Richard O. Kellems · David C. Church | Livestock Feeds and Feeding (6th Edition) |
| 978-0-13-159478-4 | Criminal Law and Procedures for Paralegals |
2008 | 978-0-13-159480-7 | Joanne B. Hames · Yvonne Ekern | Legal Research, Analysis, and Writing (3rd Edition) |
2006 | 978-0-13-159483-8 | Ebert · Griffin | Business Essentials |
1991 | 978-0-13-159484-5 | Dunne | Computability Theory |
2006 | 978-0-13-159486-9 | NA | Multivariate Data Analy& SPSS 14.0stat Prod |
'' | 978-0-13-159487-6 | '' | Anatomy& Physiology for Hlth&cc Stu Acc Kit |
'' | 978-0-13-159489-0 | '' | Psychology& 1ky Webct Sak & Study Guide Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-159490-6 | '' | Collg Acctg Chap1-25&s/GD&Wkg Ppr1-12&13-25 |
2006 | 978-0-13-159491-3 | NA | Educ Psycho Devl& Case Studs& Tchr Prep& Sg Pk |
1993 | 978-0-13-159492-0 | Hruska | Computer Viruses Anti-Virus WA |
2007 | 978-0-13-159493-7 | Baxter Larmon · Scott T. Snyder | Head and Spinal Trauma CD, Dynamic Lecture Series |
2006 | 978-0-13-159495-1 | Daniel Limmer · Michael F. O'Keefe · Bob Elling | Emerg Care Updt Editn&s/WB&Emt Achv S/A Crd |
'' | 978-0-13-159496-8 | Daniel Limmer · Michael F. O'Keefe | Emergency Care Update Editn Ppr&s/Wrkbk Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-159497-5 | NA | Criminalistics an Intro&lab M&crime Scene |
2006 | 978-0-13-159501-9 | NA | Criminal Justc Brief& Stu Wrtrs M& Career CD |
2007 | 978-0-13-159502-6 | Marjorie V. Fields · Lois Groth · Katherine Spangler | Let's Begin Reading Right: A Developmental Approach to Emergent Literacy (6th Edition) |
2006 | 978-0-13-159507-1 | NA | Astro Today Vol1& Lec Tut& Starry Nit& Edmund& |
'' | 978-0-13-159508-8 | '' | Emerg Care Updt&actv Lrng M&emtb Achv&1k CC |
'' | 978-0-13-159510-1 | '' | Emerg Care Updt Cloth&actv Lrng M&bsc Life& |
'' | 978-0-13-159511-8 | '' | Emerg Care Upd Ppr&act M&bsc Life&s/WB Emer |
'' | 978-0-13-159512-5 | '' | Emerg Care Upd Cloth&actv Lrng M&emtb Achv |
2006 | 978-0-13-159513-2 | Chem& Lab Experiments&lab Expr&sg&sols Red& |
'' | 978-0-13-159515-6 | NA | Emerg Care Upd Cloth&emt Achv Studt Acc Crd |
2006 | 978-0-13-159516-3 | NA | Emerg Care Cloth Upd&1ky CC S/Acc Crd&s/WB |
2007 | 978-0-13-159520-0 | Daniel Limmer | Emergency Care 10e Update + Student Workbook Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-159521-7 | NA | Emerg Care Updt Cloth&actv Learng Manl Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-159522-4 | '' | Emergency Care Updt Ppr&actv Learng Manl Pk |
'' | 978-0-13-159524-8 | Joseph J. Manzo | Microsoft Access 2007 In Business Core |
1991 | 978-0-13-159526-2 | Computers Info Processg Lab Pk Fuori |
2007 | 978-0-13-159528-6 | Harry Ward | Autodesk Civil 3D |
1992 | 978-0-13-159534-7 | Walter Banzhaf | Computer-Aided Circuit Analysis Using Pspice |
2007 | 978-0-13-159537-8 | LearnSomething LearnSomething | Pharmacy Technician in the Workplace, The (CD-ROM Version) |
| 978-0-13-159539-2 | Guide to Health Claims Examining |
| 978-0-13-159540-8 | The Practice of Health Claims Examining |
1995 | 978-0-13-159542-2 | Leo F. Doyle | Computer Peripherals |
2006 | 978-0-13-159543-9 | NA | Go with Offc03 Brief&tech in Actn&taitv2.6& |
'' | 978-0-13-159544-6 | '' | Expl Word2003 Vol1&tait Prem&exp It Labs02& |
'' | 978-0-13-159546-0 | Casebk Explorg Divers& Teacher Prep Classrm |
2006 | 978-0-13-159547-7 | NA | Psychology& Time Special Ed Intro Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-159548-4 | '' | Lang Arts& Teachrs Prep&50 Soc Studsstratk8 |
'' | 978-0-13-159550-7 | '' | Lang Devl Early Chld&tchr Prep&slf Pac Phon |
2007 | 978-0-13-159551-4 | Gaskin · Ferrett · Vargas · Marks | GO! With Microsoft-Office 2007-Introductory System Sampler |
2008 | 978-0-13-159552-1 | David G. Armstrong · Kenneth T. Henson · Tom V. Savage | Teaching Today: An Introduction to Education |
2006 | 978-0-13-159565-1 | NA | Marketing Ethics & Martha Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-159566-8 | NA | Go Ser Micrsft Xcl3&taitv2.6&go Wrd3&seri& |
1996 | 978-0-13-159567-5 | DOYLE | Instructors Manual |
2006 | 978-0-13-159568-2 | NA | Go with Offc03 Brf&tait V2.6&phit Tip Ofc3& |
'' | 978-0-13-159571-2 | '' | Vistas Cultr VID DVD& Vistas Cult VID GD Pk |
'' | 978-0-13-159573-6 | '' | Pot of Gold& Other& Birds& Other Plays Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-159574-3 | '' | Brock Bio Microrg&cw&grtrckrµbio Lab M |
1992 | 978-0-13-159575-0 | Learn-Pc | Computer Literacy (Learn-PC Series) |
2006 | 978-0-13-159578-1 | NA | Mosaicos Span World&s/Actv M&qck GD&Oxford |
'' | 978-0-13-159579-8 | '' | Management& Self Assessment Library Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-159580-4 | NA | Expl Microsf Offc Enhanced& Presentg To& Tips: Ppt |
2006 | 978-0-13-159581-1 | NA | Psychology& Onekey Coursecompss& Prs $20 Rbt |
2007 | 978-0-13-159582-8 | Karen Collins | Exploring Business with Instructor's Manual Sampler |
1995 | 978-0-13-159583-5 | Daniel B. Olfe | Computer Graphics for Design: From Algorithms to Autocad |
2006 | 978-0-13-159584-2 | NA | Contemp Maternal Newborn&clin Hb&wb&1ky BB |
2013 | 978-0-13-159585-9 | MOLISKY | word by word basic picture dictionary te w/cd rom |
| 978-0-13-159586-6 | Word by Word Basic 2e Teacher's Guide with CD-ROM (REVISED) |
2006 | 978-0-13-159587-3 | NA | Criminalistics an Intro&lab Mnl&1key BB Sak |
'' | 978-0-13-159589-7 | '' | Wordsmith Guide to Coll&naw Dict&ph Gram WB |
1992 | 978-0-13-159591-0 | Robin Gibson | Managing Computer Projects: Avoiding the Pitfalls (Bcs Practitioner Series) |
2006 | 978-0-13-159592-7 | NA | Teachg Social Studies&50 Studs Stratk8&prep |
'' | 978-0-13-159594-1 | '' | Esstls of Geology& Goodes Atlas& Lab Manl Pk |
2007 | 978-0-13-159596-5 | Robert F. Blitzer | Student Solutions Manual and Student Study Pack Sticker and TC Card for Thinking Mathematically |
'' | 978-0-13-159597-2 | Robert F. Blitzer | Student Solutions Manual and Study Pack for VP and TC Card |
2006 | 978-0-13-159598-9 | Spanish Compositn Thur Lit& Quick GD Grammr |
2008 | 978-0-13-159599-6 | Arthur O'Sullivan · Steven Sheffrin · Steve Perez | Economics: Principles and Applications and Tools with MyEconLab and EBook 2-Sem Student Access Package (5th Edition) |
2006 | 978-0-13-159600-9 | NA | Economics& Princ Appl& Mel Cc&ebk Sak Pkg |
2007 | 978-0-13-159601-6 | Arthur O'Sullivan Steven M. Sheffrin Stephen J. Perez/Eaton/Dan Martinez/ | Economics& Princ Appl& Sg Princ Mic&mac Sg |
'' | 978-0-13-159602-3 | NA | Econo& Prin Appl&sg Mic&mac Sg&mel&ebk 1sem |
2007 | 978-0-13-159603-0 | NA | Eco& Prin Appl&sg Mic&mac Sg&mel Cc&ebk Sak |
2006 | 978-0-13-159607-8 | '' | Quantitative Reasong& Environmt& S/S/M Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-159608-5 | '' | Go with Offc03& Tait V2.6&phit Tips Fil&trn |
1992 | 978-0-13-159609-2 | Susan Lanier | Computerized Accounting: 3.5 Version/Book and Disk |
2006 | 978-0-13-159610-8 | NA | Go with Micrsft&v2.6&phit Tips File&word3 |
2010 | 978-0-13-159611-5 | Robert W. Maloy · Ruth-Ellen A Verock · Sharon A. Edwards · Beverly P. Woolf | Transforming Learning with New Technologies |
| 978-0-13-159616-0 | Tech Video (Carl Harris DVD), New Teachers, New Technologies |
| 978-0-13-159618-4 | Video/VHS, New Teachers, New Technologies |
| 978-0-13-159619-1 | OneKey Blackboard, Student Access Code Kit, New Teachers, New Technologies |
| 978-0-13-159620-7 | OneKey WebCT, Student Access Code Kit, New Teachers, New Technologies |
1992 | 978-0-13-159625-2 | Karen Juliussen · Egil Juliussen | The Computer Industry Almanac, 1992 |
1995 | 978-0-13-159626-9 | Tech Laurel Technical Services | Precalculus Mathematics, 5th edition (Student Solutions Manual) |
| 978-0-13-159630-6 | Limmer | Test Generator Emergency Care AHA Update |
| 978-0-13-159631-3 | Daniel Limmer | Emergency Care PowerPoint Slides |
1993 | 978-0-13-159633-7 | S. Z. Mansdorf | Complete Manual of Industrial Safety |
2007 | 978-0-13-159634-4 | Daniel J. Limmer EMT-P · Michael F. O'Keefe · J. David Bergeron · Bob Murray · Harvey T. Grant · Ed T. Dickinson | CourseCompass, Student Access Code, Emergency Care AHA Update (Paper) |
2006 | 978-0-13-159635-1 | NA | On Bakg Textbk& Math Bakr DVD&Sg&cost Geni& |
2006 | 978-0-13-159637-5 | NA | Fundl of Genl Organc&webassign Acc Crd Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-159638-2 | '' | Go with Offc03&tait V2.6& 1key CC Sak Pkg |
1992 | 978-0-13-159641-2 | Russell L. Bintliff | Complete Manual of Corporate and Industrial Security, The |
2008 | 978-0-13-159644-3 | Jane W. Ball · Ruth C. Bindler | Pediatric Nursing: Mynursinglab Student Access Code Card |
2007 | 978-0-13-159647-4 | Michele C Davidson · Marcia L. London · Patricia W. Ladewig | Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan: Mynursinglab Student Access Code Card |
2006 | 978-0-13-159654-2 | NA | History& Historians& PH GD Resrch Navg Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-159655-9 | '' | Literacy for 21c Prek&tchr Prep&childrn Lit |
'' | 978-0-13-159656-6 | '' | Princ of Marketg& Educue&interpr Sim Disc |
'' | 978-0-13-159657-3 | Peachtre Complt Acc&exp MS Acc&exp Xcl&tait |
1993 | 978-0-13-159658-0 | Matthew J. Deluca | Handbook of Compensation Management |
2006 | 978-0-13-159659-7 | NA | Go with Microsft Offc03& Tait V2.6 Go Ofc |
2006 | 978-0-13-159660-3 | NA | Excursions World Music& Sg& Goodes Atlas Pkg |
1993 | 978-0-13-159666-5 | Mary A. De Vries · Lillian Doris | Complete Secretary's Handbook |
2007 | 978-0-13-159667-2 | Daniel Limmer · Michael O'Keefe · J.David Bergeron · Bob Murray · Harvey D. Grant · Edward Dickinson | Emergency Care AHA Update |
1993 | 978-0-13-159674-0 | Mary A. De Vries | Complete Secretary's Handbook |
2007 | 978-0-13-159675-7 | Nancy E. Baptiste · Luis-Vicente Reyes | Understanding Ethics in Early Care and Education: Revised Code and Administrator's Supplement (2nd Edition) |
2008 | 978-0-13-159676-4 | Phyllis Heath | Parent-Child Relations: Context, Research, and Application (2nd Edition) |
2006 | 978-0-13-159677-1 | NA | Out Many Vol2 Ch 16-31& Us Hist Documents CD |
'' | 978-0-13-159678-8 | '' | Basc Hist Westn Art& Ia CD Pcmac& Goods Atlas |
2006 | 978-0-13-159679-5 | NA | World Hist Since1300&comm Manifest&his Mary |
2008 | 978-0-13-159681-8 | Nancy Bonvillain · Brian Schwimmer | Cultural Anthropology, Canadian Edition |
2006 | 978-0-13-159683-2 | NA | You Are Here& Qa Compact Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-159685-6 | '' | Atando Cabos& Studt Activity M& Quick GD Spa |
'' | 978-0-13-159686-3 | '' | Intro Java Progrmg& Ess Java Clss& Goal S/Crd |
'' | 978-0-13-159687-0 | Norman M. Scarborough · Thomas W. Zimmerman | Effective Small Business Management: An Entrepreneurial Approach [With Workbook] |
2007 | 978-0-13-159696-2 | Audrey J. Berman · Shirlee Snyder EdD · Barbara J. Kozier MN · Glenora Erb | Mynursinglab Student Access Code Card for Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing |
'' | 978-0-13-159700-6 | Jane V. Corbett RN Ed.D | Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures with Nursing Diagnoses (7th Edition) |
2009 | 978-0-13-159703-7 | Gary · Zirwas, Dean Koser | Workplace Skills for Success W/Acad 2008 Combo |
2006 | 978-0-13-159709-9 | NA | Three Genres Writ& Exercis Poets Wrkbk Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-159710-5 | NA | Marketg Real People&adage Pkg |
2009 | 978-0-13-159714-3 | Kathleen S. Osborn · Annita S. Watson · Cheryl E. Wraa | Medical-Surgical Nursing: Preparation for Practice: 1 |
2007 | 978-0-13-159715-0 | Baxter Larmon · Scott T. Snyder | Infectious Disease, Dynamic Lecture Series |
1991 | 978-0-13-159716-7 | R J Roe | Computer Simulation of Polymers |
2008 | 978-0-13-159717-4 | Nancy Frey · Adam Berkin | Good Habits, Great Readers: Building the Literacy Community |
'' | 978-0-13-159719-8 | Harvey Wallace · Cliff Roberson | Written and Interpersonal Communication (4th Edition) |
2007 | 978-0-13-159720-4 | Nina Furry · Hannelore Jarausch | Bonne Continuation: Approfondissement à l'écrit et à l'oral (2nd Edition) |
| 978-0-13-159721-1 | Fundamentals of Nursing |
2007 | 978-0-13-159734-1 | PEARSON | BACKPACK CONTENT READER 6 |
'' | 978-0-13-159735-8 | PEARSON | BACKPACK CONTENT READER 1 |
'' | 978-0-13-159736-5 | '' | BACKPACK CONTENT READER 2 |
'' | 978-0-13-159737-2 | '' | BACKPACK CONTENT READER 3 |
2007 | 978-0-13-159738-9 | PEARSON | BACKPACK CONTENT READER 4 |
2007 | 978-0-13-159739-6 | PEARSON | BACKPACK CONTENT READER 5 |
1992 | 978-0-13-159740-2 | Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff · Paul N. Cheremisinoff | Compressors and Fans (Prentice Hall Series in Process Pollution and Control Equipment, Vol. 2) |
2006 | 978-0-13-159741-9 | NA | Counselg Ethics& Decision&tchr Prep Clssman |
'' | 978-0-13-159747-1 | '' | Tech in Actn Compl& Tait V2.6& Win XP& Pht Tip |
'' | 978-0-13-159750-1 | John J. Macionis and Nijole V. Benokraitis | Society Basics & Seeing Ourselves Classc Pk |
'' | 978-0-13-159753-2 | Ivo Raza | Heads in Beds Hospitality and Tourism Marketing |
'' | 978-0-13-159754-9 | NA | AutoCAD 2004 2D Draw& Autocad07 1year SW Pk |
2006 | 978-0-13-159755-6 | AutoCAD 2004 2D Draw& Intro Toautocad2007pk |
'' | 978-0-13-159756-3 | NA | AutoCAD 2004 2D Draw&intr Toautcd7&7 1yr SW |
'' | 978-0-13-159758-7 | '' | How Does Earlth Work&smithsonian Rocks Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-159760-0 | '' | Studt Actv Manl Golosa Bk1&audioprogram CDs |
'' | 978-0-13-159761-7 | '' | Physics Princ Sith Appl&prs $20 Rebate Card |
2006 | 978-0-13-159762-4 | NA | Heritge World CIV Tchg & Goodes Atlas Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-159763-1 | NA | Managemt& Self Assessmt Lib Org Behv CDROM |
'' | 978-0-13-159764-8 | '' | Distance Learners Guide&readi Readiness Edu |
'' | 978-0-13-159766-2 | '' | Accounting& Blackboard Student Access Kit |
'' | 978-0-13-159767-9 | '' | Simply Visual Basic 2005 & 256mb Flash Drv |
'' | 978-0-13-159768-6 | '' | Visual Basic 2005 How To&256mb Flash Drive |
2006 | 978-0-13-159769-3 | NA | Chemistry of Everything&sg&sel S/M Chm Evry |
2006 | 978-0-13-159770-9 | NA | Concepts Stratg Mangmt& Bus& Intpretv Simltns |
'' | 978-0-13-159771-6 | '' | Stratg Managmt Concpts&case&interpretv Siml |
1988 | 978-0-13-159772-3 | Cortez H. Williams | The Complete Grants Reference Book |
2006 | 978-0-13-159773-0 | NA | Ess of Stratg Mngmt&interpretv Siml S/Crd |
2011 | 978-0-13-159776-1 | David J. Hoffman · James W. Berry · Kevin R. Dahle · David J. Fisher | Welding Lab Manual for Welding |
1986 | 978-0-13-159780-8 | Cortez H. Williams | The Complete Grants Reference Book: Writing the Proposal, Getting the Money, and Managing the Project |
| 978-0-13-159786-0 | Atando Cabos: Curso Intermedio De Espanol (English and Spanish Edition) |
2008 | 978-0-13-159789-1 | Gail E. Tompkins | Language Arts: Patterns of Practice (7th Edition) |
2007 | 978-0-13-159790-7 | Bruce Wingerd | WebCT with MMTL Online Purchase, Unlocking Medical Terminology |
'' | 978-0-13-159791-4 | Bruce S. Wingerd | CourseCompass with MMTL Online Purchase, Unlocking Medical Terminology |
'' | 978-0-13-159792-1 | Bruce Wingerd | Blackboard with MMTL Online Purchase, Unlocking Medical Terminology |
1982 | 978-0-13-159798-3 | Joseph Dubovy | Complete Guide to Amateur Radio |