year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2006 | 978-0-13-134666-6 | Mick Norton | Quick Course in Statistical Process Control (Net Effect) |
'' | 978-0-13-134667-3 | NA | Routers& Routg Bas& CCNA Command Quick Pkg |
1969 | 978-0-13-134668-0 | Alvin Silverstein · Virginia B. Silverstein | Circulatory Systems: The Rivers Within (Junior Research Books) |
2006 | 978-0-13-134669-7 | NA | Fund of Management & Mgrs Bookshelf Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134670-3 | '' | Physics Volume II & Physlet Physics Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134672-7 | '' | Astronmy Today Vol2&webassign&starry Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134675-8 | '' | Essentials Microsoft Excel 03 Lev1&lv2&nav Pkg |
1970 | 978-0-13-134676-5 | A. K Roche | The city ... in haiku, |
2007 | 978-0-13-134678-9 | Robert Blitzer | Thinking Mathematically |
2007 | 978-0-13-134681-9 | James M. Rubenstein | The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography |
'' | 978-0-13-134682-6 | David B. Magleby · David M. O'Brien · Paul Charles Light · James MacGregor Burns · Jack W. Peltason | Government by the People |
1977 | 978-0-13-134684-0 | Rudie W. Tretten | Cities in Crisis: Decay or Renewal? |
2007 | 978-0-13-134685-7 | Karen C. Timberlake · William Timberlake | Basic Chemistry |
'' | 978-0-13-134686-4 | Robert A. Divine · T. H. Breen · Peter M. Frederick · R. Hal Williams · Ariela J. Gross · H. W. Brands | America Past and Present: Ap Edition |
2006 | 978-0-13-134689-5 | NA | Go with Microsft Ofc Wrd03&cd&voucher&tips Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134690-1 | '' | Go with Microsoft Ofc Ppt03& CD& Voucher& Tips Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134691-8 | NA | Fundamentals General Organc& S/G Full SM Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134692-5 | '' | Using MIS & Train & Assess It Prem V2.5 Pkg |
1969 | 978-0-13-134700-7 | Gerald (Editor) Breese | The City in Newly Developing Countries |
2006 | 978-0-13-134705-2 | NA | Go with Microsoft Offc Brf&creatg Web Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134706-9 | '' | Go Ser Microsft Excel V1&&cd&wrd&ppt&acc&tait |
'' | 978-0-13-134707-6 | '' | Physics Prin with Appl&prs $20 Rebate Pkg |
| 978-0-13-134709-0 | Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context with Quick Notes Package |
2006 | 978-0-13-134710-6 | NA | Adolescnc &Emergng Adulthood&interwrt Prs Pkg |
2007 | 978-0-13-134716-8 | Unknown | Preparing For Document-Based Questions Booklet to accompany (America Past and Present AP edition) |
'' | 978-0-13-134717-5 | Len Rabinowitz | AP Instructor's Resource Manual to accompany American Past and Present 8th AP Ed. |
1970 | 978-0-13-134718-2 | Rudie W. Tretten | Cities in Crisis: Decay or Renewal? (Inquiry into Crucial American Problems) |
2007 | 978-0-13-134720-5 | Tim Hall | AP Lesson Plans and Pacing Guide to accompany AMERICA Past and Present 8th AP Ed. |
2007 | 978-0-13-134721-2 | Tom Wells | AP Test Bank to Accompany America, Past and Present, Eighth AP Edition |
'' | 978-0-13-134722-9 | Tamarack Software | TestGen 5.5 QuizMaster 4.1 cd-rom (America: Past and Present AP Edition 8/e) |
'' | 978-0-13-134723-6 | Michael K. Barbour · Anthony Jones · Len Rabinowitz · Gordon Utz | AP U.S. History For America Past and Present Eighth Advanced Placement Edition (Pearson Education Ap Test Prep Series) |
'' | 978-0-13-134724-3 | Peter Stearns | Instructor's Resource CD to Accompany World Civilizations, the Global Experience, Fifth Edition, AP Edition |
'' | 978-0-13-134725-0 | Adas, Schwartz, Gilbert Stearns | Transparencies to accompany World Civilizations: The Global Experience |
2006 | 978-0-13-134727-4 | NA | Elemntry&intermediate Alg&mml&stdnt Stdy Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134728-1 | Na | Digital Signal Processing & SM Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134729-8 | Essentls Paramedic Care & Wrkbk&anat&sg& Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134730-4 | NA | Essentls Organizatnl Behvr & Self Assessmnt Pkg |
2007 | 978-0-13-134731-1 | breen, Fredrickson, Williams, Gross & Brands Divine | Transparencies to accompany America: Past and Present |
2004 | 978-0-13-134732-8 | The Letters of Abelard and Heloise |
2006 | 978-0-13-134733-5 | NA | Essentls Paramedic Care &Wrkbk&revw&bb Pkg |
2007 | 978-0-13-134734-2 | Robert A. Divine | America - Past and Present |
2008 | 978-0-13-134738-0 | Blitzer | Thinking Mathematically |
2007 | 978-0-13-134740-3 | Robert Blitzer | Thinking Mathematically |
1971 | 978-0-13-134742-7 | Ronald Gottesman | Focus On Citizen Kane |
2007 | 978-0-13-134744-1 | Carole Wade · Carol Tavris | Invitation to Psychology |
2006 | 978-0-13-134745-8 | NA | Structured Readng&buidlng Coll Voc Strat Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134747-2 | '' | Precal Concp Thru Funct&mml&msl&ssp Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134748-9 | NA | Criminl Justice Today&time Crim Just Spec Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134749-6 | '' | Curriclm&instrctn Meth&casebk&praxis&tchr |
'' | 978-0-13-134753-3 | '' | Behind Bars Readings & Crim Justc Eval Ol Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134756-4 | '' | Go with Microsoft Off 03&tech&tait&64mb Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134758-8 | '' | Discovering Argumnts &Rosewood Casket&naw Pkg |
1971 | 978-0-13-134759-5 | Ronald Gottesman | Focus on "Citizen Kane" (Film focus) |
2007 | 978-0-13-134760-1 | Martin P. Wattenberg · Robert L. Lineberry | Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy: Advanced Placement Edition |
2007 | 978-0-13-134761-8 | George C. Edwards · Martin P. Wattenberg · Robert L. Lineberry | Government in America |
'' | 978-0-13-134762-5 | Karen C. O'connor · Larry J. Sabato | American Government 2008: Continuity and Change |
'' | 978-0-13-134763-2 | Michael Biggs | Just the Facts: Investigative Report Writing (3rd Edition) |
2006 | 978-0-13-134767-0 | BREESE | City Newly Developed Countries |
1989 | 978-0-13-134768-7 | Greenhut | Quilts You Can Wear |
2006 | 978-0-13-134769-4 | NA | Cultural Anthropology & Faces of Anth Pkg |
| 978-0-13-134773-1 | Go! With Office 2003 Brief Windows |
1989 | 978-0-13-134776-2 | Diane Herbort · Susan Greenhut | Quilts You Can Wear |
2007 | 978-0-13-134778-6 | Larry J. Siegel · Paul E. Tracy | Juvenile Law: A Collection of Leading U.S. Supreme Court Cases |
2006 | 978-0-13-134780-9 | NA | Operatns Managemnt Flexible&lect&ms Proj Pkg |
1970 | 978-0-13-134783-0 | Lucius Jefferson Barker, Twiley Wendell, Barker | Civil liberties and the Constitution: cases and commentaries |
2006 | 978-0-13-134791-5 | Eric Mazur | Limited Pre-Publication Version, Physics: Principles and Practices, Volume 1 |
1986 | 978-0-13-134792-2 | Lucius Jefferson Barker | Civil liberties and the Constitution: Cases and commentaries |
2006 | 978-0-13-134793-9 | NA | Medical Surgicl Nursng 2vol& Nav Blackbrd Pkg |
2007 | 978-0-13-134796-0 | Michael Yuan · Thomas Heute | JBoss Seam: Simplicity and Power Beyond Java EE |
2006 | 978-0-13-134797-7 | NA | Paralleles & Cahier&answer&stu CD&Oxf Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134798-4 | NA | Discov Argumnts&argumt PH Pckt Rdr SF Wr Pkg |
| 978-0-13-134803-5 | Marriage and Family Counseling |
2007 | 978-0-13-134805-9 | William Brozo · Douglas Fisher | Middle School Reading Sampling Pack (Content Literacy for Today's Adolescents 5/e and 50 Content Area Strategies for Adolescent Literacy) |
'' | 978-0-13-134807-3 | 50 Social Studies Strategies for K-8 Classrooms- PKG. |
1975 | 978-0-13-134809-7 | Lucius Jefferson Barker | Civil liberties and the Constitution: Cases and commentaries |
'' | 978-0-13-134817-2 | '' | Civil liberties and the Constitution: Cases and commentaries |
2006 | 978-0-13-134820-2 | NA | Literacy 21st Century&tchg Mth&analy Rdg Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134821-9 | '' | Statistics for Engineers&sci&stdnt Sol Mnl Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134822-6 | '' | Statistics for Engineers&sci&tech Mnl Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134830-1 | NA | Exploring Microsoft Office&tait Prem Expl Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134832-5 | Forensic Science Handbook V 1 & Forensic V2 Pkg |
1976 | 978-0-13-134833-2 | A. Teolitsky · R. Hyman | Cities U.S.A. |
2006 | 978-0-13-134834-9 | NA | Historcl & Philosophcl Foundtn Ed&tchr Prep Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134835-6 | '' | Essent Microsoft Powerpt 03 Lv1& Tait& Win XP Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134838-7 | NA | Computer Literacy Ic3&tait&128mb&ess&nav&phit Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134839-4 | '' | Through the Global Lens& PH GD Resrch Nav Pkg |
1976 | 978-0-13-134841-7 | Teplitsky | Cities/USA Eyewitness Journal |
2006 | 978-0-13-134842-4 | NA | Art Hist Revised Vol 2 CDROM&Abacus Zeus Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134844-8 | '' | Classroom Instructn That Works&tchr Perp 12 Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134845-5 | '' | Teaching in Middle School & Tchr Perp 12 Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134846-2 | '' | Applyg Counselg Theories Ol&tchr Perp 20 Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134847-9 | NA | Wordsmith Guide Paragraphs&essays&ph Jrny Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134848-6 | Accounting Information Systems& Peachtree Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134849-3 | NA | Society Basics & Seeing Ourselvs & S/GD Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134850-9 | NA | Excellence Busin& Study GD& PH GD Res Nav Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134851-6 | George Beekman · Michael J. Quinn | Computer Confluence, Complete Edition: Tomorrow's Technology and You [With CDROMWith 2 Paperback Books] |
'' | 978-0-13-134854-7 | NA | Wordsmith Guide Paragrphs&mwl&gramm WB Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134855-4 | '' | Social Psychology & Study Guide Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134859-2 | '' | Reading Skills College & PH Textbkhandy Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134860-8 | NA | Go! with Microsft Off 03&tech&tait&64mb Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134861-5 | '' | Race & Ethnicty in the Us&intersctg Inequal |
'' | 978-0-13-134862-2 | Culinary Fundamentls&study GD&Ph Dict Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134863-9 | NA | Consumer Behavior & Crit Thinkng&dk Ess Pk |
'' | 978-0-13-134864-6 | '' | Society: Basics & Time Special Ed Soc Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134865-3 | NA | Art: Brief History & Short GD Writing Pkg |
1976 | 978-0-13-134866-0 | Teplitsky | Cities/USA Skill Power Pck |
2007 | 978-0-13-134868-4 | Robert F. Blitzer | Thinking Mathematically plus MyMathLab Student Access Kit (4th Edition) |
2006 | 978-0-13-134870-7 | NA | Students with Learng Disabil&tchr Prep Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134871-4 | NA | Emergency Care AHA Update & 1key&actv Mnl Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134872-1 | '' | Emergency Care AHA Update& 1key BB&Stdnt Wrkbk |
'' | 978-0-13-134873-8 | '' | Emergency Care AHA Update&bas Life&stdnt Wrbk |
'' | 978-0-13-134875-2 | '' | Emergency Care AHA Update & 1key CC Stdnt Pk |
'' | 978-0-13-134876-9 | '' | Child Health Nursing &Hdbk&ph REV&Drg GD Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134877-6 | NA | Explorng Microsoft Off 03 Vl2&tait Prem Expl |
2006 | 978-0-13-134878-3 | NA | Criminl Justice Today&cj&stdt Sg&careers Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134879-0 | '' | Global Experience Volume 2&ph Atlas Wrld Pkg |
2009 | 978-0-13-134880-6 | Pearson | Business Essentials & Study GD&1key BB Acc Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134881-3 | Social Psychology & APS Curr Direct Pkg |
1982 | 978-0-13-134882-0 | Lucius Jefferson Barker | Civil liberties and the Constitution: Cases and commentaries |
2006 | 978-0-13-134883-7 | NA | Lang Arts Workshop & Tchr Prep&50 Strat Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134885-1 | '' | Thinking Mathematclly& Mymathlab& MML& Tut Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134888-2 | '' | Business Comm Today & Peak Per Geram Mech Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134889-9 | '' | Teaching Childrn& Adolescent& Dev& Idea& Tchr& Dev |
1983 | 978-0-13-134890-5 | David Madsen · Terence M. Shumaker | Civil Drafting Technology |
2006 | 978-0-13-134891-2 | NA | Go with Microsft Ofc Wrd03&tait&256mb&phit Pk |
2006 | 978-0-13-134892-9 | NA | Go with Microsoft Ofc Xcl03&tait&256mb&phit& |
2006 | 978-0-13-134893-6 | NA | Exploring Microsoft Off V2&tait Prem&phit Pk |
'' | 978-0-13-134894-3 | Explorng Microsft FrontPage&Tait Prem&256mb |
'' | 978-0-13-134896-7 | NA | Go with Microsoft Ofc Acc03&tait&256mb&phit |
'' | 978-0-13-134898-1 | '' | Biology Sci Life &Studt Lect Ntbk&sci Amer |
'' | 978-0-13-134899-8 | '' | Tait Prem Explorg Ofc&explrng Gettng Started |
2006 | 978-0-13-134900-1 | NA | Tait Version 2.6 Ess Ofc 03&ess GS W/Outlook |
'' | 978-0-13-134901-8 | '' | Middle Childhdo Mid Adolesc&tchr Prep Acc Pkg |
2007 | 978-0-13-134902-5 | Elayn Martin-Gay | Student Study Pack (standalone) for Prealgebra |
'' | 978-0-13-134903-2 | Elayn El Martin-Gay | STUDENT SOLTN MANUAL PREALG&INTRO&TUT&STUDT |
2008 | 978-0-13-134909-4 | Allen T. Angel | Elementary Algebra W/ Early Graphing & MATHXL ONLINE |
2007 | 978-0-13-134914-8 | National Center for Construction Education | Carpentry Framing & Finishing Level 2trainee Guide + Contern Connect Capentry Access Card Pkg |
1981 | 978-0-13-134924-7 | Crane Brinton | Civilization in the West: Part 1 (Pt. 1) |
2006 | 978-0-13-134926-1 | NA | Exporlng Microsft Accss 03&tait&phit Tips Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134927-8 | '' | Chemistry Central Science&bas&led&hitt&ph Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134928-5 | NA | Exporlng Microsf Excel 03 V2tait Prem Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134929-2 | '' | Brief Calculs&its Appl&stdnt Stdy&mxl24 Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134930-8 | '' | Literacy Lessons Teachg&tchr Prep&praxis Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134931-5 | '' | Emergency Care AHA Update&alm&iv Therapy Pkg |
1981 | 978-0-13-134932-2 | Crane Brinton | Civilization in the West (Pt. 2) |
2006 | 978-0-13-134934-6 | Bradley T Erford Ed. | Transforming the School Counseling Profession |
2007 | 978-0-13-134935-3 | NA | Behavr Modificatn& Classroom Mgmt Tchrs Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134937-7 | '' | Business Essentls &Guide Busn Eitquette Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-134938-4 | NA | Sellg Today Creatg Cust&gitomrs Littl Red Bk |
'' | 978-0-13-134939-1 | Exploring Research & Critical Thinking Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134942-1 | Research Paper Updated MLA 03&ph GD&Mwl Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134943-8 | NA | Counseling Comprehensive Prof Ed& Dictionary |
'' | 978-0-13-134947-6 | Diane Sukiennik · William Bendat · Lisa Raufman | The Career Fitness Program: Exercising Your Options |
2006 | 978-0-13-134948-3 | NA | Trato Hecho Clothbound & Stdt ACT&Quick GD |
'' | 978-0-13-134949-0 | '' | Chemistry Central Sci&bas Med&phga&stud GD |
2007 | 978-0-13-134955-1 | '' | College Algebra & Mathxl CD Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-134956-8 | Michael Sullivan | College Alegebra |
1978 | 978-0-13-134957-5 | Lucius Jefferson Barker | Civil liberties and the Constitution: Cases and commentaries |
1997 | 978-0-13-134958-2 | Richard H. McCuen | Hydrologic Analysis and Design (2nd Edition) |
2007 | 978-0-13-134960-5 | NA | Teacher Tested Classrm Mgmt&pass&your 1st Yr |
2006 | 978-0-13-134961-2 | '' | Adolescence&emerging Adulthd&virtl Chld Stu |
'' | 978-0-13-134962-9 | '' | Emergency Care AHA Update&wrkbk&1key Ec10 Pkg |
1988 | 978-0-13-134966-7 | Herbert M. Levine · Jean Edward Smith | Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Debated |
1977 | 978-0-13-134973-5 | Demetrios Caraley | City Governments and Urban Problems: A New Introduction to Urban Politics |
1973 | 978-0-13-134981-0 | Crane Brinton | Civilization in the West |
'' | 978-0-13-134999-5 | robert lee wolff | civilization in the west, part 2: from the enlightenment to the present |
1969 | 978-0-13-135004-5 | Crane Brinton | Civilization in the West |
1973 | 978-0-13-135012-0 | Crane Brinton | Civilization in the West |
1969 | 978-0-13-135020-5 | '' | Civilization in the West |
1988 | 978-0-13-135021-2 | Hy Hammer | Civil service handbook: How to get a civil service job |
1980 | 978-0-13-135038-0 | Wilson Bryan Key | The Clam-Plate Orgy and Other Subliminals the Media Use to Manipulate Your Behavior |
1973 | 978-0-13-135046-5 | David Murray Schneider | Class differences and sex roles in American kinship and family structure |
1998 | 978-0-13-135047-2 | Benjamin S. Blanchard · Wolter J. Fabrycky | Systems Engineering and Analysis (3rd Edition) |
2006 | 978-0-13-135053-3 | Doris Faber | Clarence Darrow: Defender of the People |
1978 | 978-0-13-135061-8 | The Clash of issues: Readings and problems in American government |
2007 | 978-0-13-135064-9 | Shawn M. Lauriat | Advanced Ajax: Architecture and Best Practices |
'' | 978-0-13-135066-3 | Robert F. Blitzer | Thinking Mathematically Value Package (includes Student Solutions Manual and Study Pack) |
2006 | 978-0-13-135067-0 | NA | Go with Microsoft Wrd03& Acc& XCL& Tait& 1key Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-135068-7 | '' | Go with Microsft Off 03 Brf&tech&tait&lab Ed |
'' | 978-0-13-135069-4 | '' | Ethics & the Conduct Bus& PH GD Res Nav Pkg |
1990 | 978-0-13-135070-0 | Jack R. Fraenkel · Frank T. Kane · Alvin Wolf | Civics - Government and Citizenship |
2006 | 978-0-13-135071-7 | NA | Geolog & Hazard City Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-135072-4 | '' | Human Venture Vol 2 & Goodes Atlas Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-135073-1 | NA | Organized Crime & Research Nav Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-135075-5 | NA | Intro Java Programming Fund&ess Java Class |
'' | 978-0-13-135076-2 | '' | Christian Theological Traditn& Goodes Atlas |
'' | 978-0-13-135077-9 | '' | Criminalistics an Intro Forensic&rsrch Nav |
'' | 978-0-13-135078-6 | '' | Heritage of World Civil Vol 2& Goodes Atlas |
'' | 978-0-13-135079-3 | '' | Arriba Communicacion y Cultura& Wrkbk& Goodes |
2006 | 978-0-13-135080-9 | NA | Strategies Criticl Readg&spec&wrld&soc Pkg |
2006 | 978-0-13-135081-6 | NA | Society Basics & Goodes Atlas Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-135082-3 | '' | Readings the Philosophy Law & Rsrch Nav Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-135083-0 | '' | Economics & Macro E-Tips & Micro E-Tips Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-135084-7 | '' | Latin America Concise& Rsrch Nav Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-135085-4 | '' | History of Modern Germany & Rsrch Nav Pkg |
2007 | 978-0-13-135086-1 | William P Reynolds Professor of History Felipe Fernandez-Armesto | The World: A History |
1981 | 978-0-13-135087-8 | James A. Burkhart | The Clash of issues: Readings and problems in American government |
2006 | 978-0-13-135088-5 | NA | Technology in Action Complt&tait V2.6 Go Off |
2007 | 978-0-13-135089-2 | NA | World History Vol C from 1700&mhl Pkg |
'' | 978-0-13-135092-2 | World from 1000 to 1800 Volb&mhl Pkg |