year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2002 | 978-0-07-138512-1 | Gregory P. Murrell · Jim Garland | Coaching Boys' Lacrosse: A Baffled Parent's Guide |
'' | 978-0-07-138513-8 | M.R. Karim · Mohsen Sarraf | W-CDMA and cdma2000 for 3G Mobile Networks |
2003 | 978-0-07-138514-5 | Christian Lindholm · Turkka Keinonen | Mobile Usability: How Nokia Changed the Face of the Mobile Phone |
2002 | 978-0-07-138516-9 | Mark Barrenechea | Software Rules: How the Next Generation of Enterprise Applications Will Increase Strategic Effectiveness |
'' | 978-0-07-138517-6 | Donna Brooks · Lynn Brooks | Ten Secrets of Successful Men That Women Want to Know |
'' | 978-0-07-138518-3 | Robert Irwin | How to Buy a Home When You Can't Afford It |
2003 | 978-0-07-138519-0 | John Lester Miller · Ed Friedman | Photonics Rules of Thumb: Optics, Electro-Optics, Fiber Optics and Lasers |
2002 | 978-0-07-138520-6 | Darryl Davis | How To Become a Power Agent in Real Estate: A Top Industry Trainer Explains How to Double Your Income in 12 Months |
'' | 978-0-07-138521-3 | Michael L. George | Lean Six Sigma: Combining Six Sigma Quality with Lean Production Speed |
2012 | 978-0-07-138522-0 | Robert Brooks · Sam Goldstein | Raising Resilient Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Strategies for Maximizing Their Strengths, Coping with Adversity, and Developing a Social Mindset |
2002 | 978-0-07-138523-7 | Sandy Whiteley | The Teacher's Calendar, 2002-2003 Edition: The Day-by-Day Directory to Holidays, Historic Events, Birthdays, and Special Days, Weeks, and Months |
2002 | 978-0-07-138524-4 | Barry J. Goldlist | Appleton & Lange Review of Internal Medicine |
2001 | 978-0-07-138527-5 | Harrison's Principals of Internal Medicine |
2002 | 978-0-07-138528-2 | James LaRocca · Ruth LaRocca | 802.11 Demystified: Wi-Fi Made Easy (Telecommunications) |
'' | 978-0-07-138529-9 | William Bernstein | The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio |
'' | 978-0-07-138532-9 | Keshav Chander | First Aid for the International Medical Graduate |
2001 | 978-0-07-138533-6 | Pennsylvania (Wharton) |
'' | 978-0-07-138534-3 | Northwestern (Kellogg) |
'' | 978-0-07-138536-7 | Mit (Sloan) |
2001 | 978-0-07-138537-4 | Duke (Fuqua) |
'' | 978-0-07-138538-1 | Michigan |
'' | 978-0-07-138539-8 | Columbia |
'' | 978-0-07-138540-4 | Cornell (Johnson) |
'' | 978-0-07-138541-1 | Virginia (Darden) |
2001 | 978-0-07-138542-8 | Chicago |
2002 | 978-0-07-138543-5 | David R. Shircliff | Build A Remote-Controlled Robot |
'' | 978-0-07-138545-9 | Paul F. Jacobs · Robert H. Lightsey | Battle of Britain Illustrated |
'' | 978-0-07-138546-6 | Robert Brown Butler | Architectural Engineering Design: Mechanical Systems |
'' | 978-0-07-138549-7 | Martha Pieper · William Pieper | Addicted to Unhappiness: Free yourself from moods and behaviors that undermine relationships, work, and the life you want |
2003 | 978-0-07-138550-3 | Nancy Allmers · Joan Verderame | Appleton & Lange Review for the Surgical Technology Examination |
2002 | 978-0-07-138551-0 | Stephen Giglio | Beating the Deal Killers: Overcoming Murphy's Law (and other Sales Nightmares) |
'' | 978-0-07-138552-7 | Jay A. Block | 101 Best Resumes to Sell Yourself |
2002 | 978-0-07-138553-4 | John Hoffman | GPRS Demystified (Demystified) |
2001 | 978-0-07-138554-1 | Hurst's the Heart Manual of Cardiology |
2002 | 978-0-07-138556-5 | Carrie Muskat | Banks to Sandberg to Grace: Five Decades of Love and Frustration with the Chicago Cubs |
'' | 978-0-07-138557-2 | Patrick Cohn | Going Low: How to Break Your Individual Golf Scoring Barrier by Thinking Like a Pro |
'' | 978-0-07-138558-9 | Chris Burkhart | Golf A to Z: Everything You Need to Know to |
'' | 978-0-07-138559-6 | T.J. Tomasi · Mike Adams · Mike Corcoran | How to Break 90: An Easy Approach for Breaking Golf's Toughest Scoring Barrier |
'' | 978-0-07-138560-2 | Randy Voorhees | Making Little League Baseball® More Fun for Kids: 30 Games and Drills Guaranteed to Improve Skills and Attitudes |
2002 | 978-0-07-138561-9 | John Monteleone · Mark Gola | The Louisville Slugger® Book of Game-Breaker Baseball: How to Master 30 of the Game's Most Difficult Plays |
'' | 978-0-07-138563-3 | Mark Jacob · Stephen Green · Ernie Banks | Wrigley Field: A Celebration of the Friendly Confines |
'' | 978-0-07-138564-0 | Harriet B. Braiker | The Disease To Please: Curing the People-Pleasing Syndrome |
'' | 978-0-07-138565-7 | Lou Pearlman | Bands, Brands and Billions: My Top Ten Rules for Success in Any Business |
'' | 978-0-07-138569-5 | Albert J. Bernstein | How to Deal with Emotionally Explosive People |
2001 | 978-0-07-138570-1 | Stanford |
2001 | 978-0-07-138571-8 | UCLA (Anderson) |
'' | 978-0-07-138572-5 | Nyu (Stern) |
'' | 978-0-07-138573-2 | Carnegie Mellon |
'' | 978-0-07-138574-9 | Unc -- Chapel Hill |
'' | 978-0-07-138575-6 | Dartmouth (Tuck) |
2001 | 978-0-07-138576-3 | Texas -- Austin (McCombs) |
'' | 978-0-07-138578-7 | Yale |
'' | 978-0-07-138579-4 | Indiana |
'' | 978-0-07-138581-7 | Vanderbilt (Owen) |
'' | 978-0-07-138582-4 | Washington University (Olin) |
2001 | 978-0-07-138583-1 | Usc (Marshall) |
'' | 978-0-07-138584-8 | Purdue (Krannert) |
'' | 978-0-07-138585-5 | Georgetown (McDonough) |
'' | 978-0-07-138586-2 | Maryland (Smith) |
'' | 978-0-07-138587-9 | Emory |
2001 | 978-0-07-138588-6 | Michigan State (Broad) |
'' | 978-0-07-138589-3 | Georgia Tech (Dupree) |
'' | 978-0-07-138590-9 | Arizona State |
'' | 978-0-07-138591-6 | Babson College (Olin) |
'' | 978-0-07-138592-3 | Boston University |
2001 | 978-0-07-138594-7 | California at Irvine |
'' | 978-0-07-138595-4 | Florida (Warrington) |
'' | 978-0-07-138596-1 | Georgia (Terry) |
'' | 978-0-07-138597-8 | Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
'' | 978-0-07-138598-5 | Iowa (Tippie) |
2001 | 978-0-07-138599-2 | Minnesota (Carlson) |
'' | 978-0-07-138600-5 | Notre Dame (Mendoza) |
'' | 978-0-07-138601-2 | Ohio State |
'' | 978-0-07-138602-9 | Pennyslvania State |
'' | 978-0-07-138603-6 | Pittsburgh (Katz) |
2001 | 978-0-07-138604-3 | Rice (Jones) |
'' | 978-0-07-138606-7 | Thunderbird |
'' | 978-0-07-138607-4 | Wake Forest (Babcock) |
'' | 978-0-07-138608-1 | William and Mary |
'' | 978-0-07-138609-8 | Wisconsin (Madison) |
2001 | 978-0-07-138610-4 | Insead (France and Singapore) |
'' | 978-0-07-138611-1 | London Business School (UK) |
'' | 978-0-07-138612-8 | Instituto de Estudios Superiores de La Empresa (Iese) |
'' | 978-0-07-138613-5 | IMD (Switzerland) |
'' | 978-0-07-138614-2 | Western Ontario (Ivey) |
2001 | 978-0-07-138615-9 | Erasmus (Rotterdam) |
'' | 978-0-07-138616-6 | Toronto (Rotman) |
2002 | 978-0-07-138617-3 | Laura Saba | The McGraw-Hill Homeschooling Companion (CLS.EDUCATION) |
'' | 978-0-07-138618-0 | Tom Austin | Telecom Security Crash Course (McGraw-Hill Telecom Portable Consultant) |
'' | 978-0-07-138620-3 | J. Louis | Telecom Management Crash Course: A Telecom Company Survival Guide (Crash Course) |
'' | 978-0-07-138621-0 | Stephen H. Lampen | Audio/Video Cable Installer's Pocket Guide (McGraw-Hill Pocket Reference) |
2002 | 978-0-07-138622-7 | Surya Santoso · H. Wayne Beaty · Roger C. Dugan · Mark F. McGranaghan | Electrical Power Systems Quality |
2001 | 978-0-07-138623-4 | Optical Society of America | Fiber Optics Handbook: Fiber, Devices, and Systems for Optical Communications |
2002 | 978-0-07-138624-1 | John Lau · C.P. Wong · Ning-Cheng Lee · Ricky Lee | Electronics Manufacturing: with Lead-Free, Halogen-Free, and Conductive-Adhesive Materials |
2001 | 978-0-07-138625-8 | Christopher Saint · Judy Saint | IC Layout Basics: A Practical Guide |
2002 | 978-0-07-138626-5 | Howard Schilit | Financial Shenanigans: How to Detect Accounting Gimmicks & Fraud in Financial Reports, Second Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138627-2 | Christopher Marrison | The Fundamentals of Risk Measurement |
'' | 978-0-07-138628-9 | Dennis L. Kasper · Anthony S. Fauci | Harrison's Manual of Medicine (6-Copy Prepack) |
'' | 978-0-07-138629-6 | Donald J. Longueuil | Wireless Messaging Demystified: SMS, EMS, MMS, IM, and others |
'' | 978-0-07-138630-2 | McGraw-Hill · PreTest | PreTest High-Yield Basic Science |
2003 | 978-0-07-138635-7 | Gary V Heller · Robert C. Hendel | Nuclear Cardiology: Practical Applications |
2002 | 978-0-07-138637-1 | George S Faigen · Boris Fridman · Arielle Emmett | Wireless Data for the Enterprise |
2002 | 978-0-07-138638-8 | Anthony T. Kern | Controlling Pilot Error: Approach and Landing (Controlling Pilot Error Series) |
2001 | 978-0-07-138640-1 | Sweet's Group | Sweet's Electrical Cost Guide 2002 |
'' | 978-0-07-138643-2 | '' | Sweet's Unit Cost Guide 2002 |
'' | 978-0-07-138646-3 | Marshall & Swift | Sweet's Repair and Remodel Cost Guide 2002 |
2003 | 978-0-07-138649-4 | Louis A. Vontver · Sharon Phelan · Victor Y. Fujimoto · Vern Katz · Gretchen M. Lentz · Lisa Lepine · Roger Smith | Appleton & Lange Review of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2001 | 978-0-07-138656-2 | Richard Taylor | Instrument Flying |
'' | 978-0-07-138666-1 | David F. Anderson · Scott Eberhardt | Understanding Flight |
'' | 978-0-07-138668-5 | Sharon Bertsch McGrayne | Prometheans in the Lab: Chemistry and the Making of the Modern World |
2001 | 978-0-07-138670-8 | Bryan P. Bergeron | Wireless Web: How to Develop and Execute a Winning Wireless Strategy |
'' | 978-0-07-138671-5 | Gordon McComb | The Robot Builder's Bonanza |
'' | 978-0-07-138672-2 | Susan Whitcomb · Pat Kendall | E-Resumes: Everything You Need to Know about Using Electronic Resumes to Tap Into Today's Hot Job Market |
'' | 978-0-07-138675-3 | Frederick Newell · Katherine N. Lemon | Wireless Rules: New Marketing Strategies for Customer Relationship Management Anytime Anywhere |
'' | 978-0-07-138677-7 | Mary Pat McCarthy · Stuart Campbell · Rob Brownstein | Security Transformation: Digital Defense Strategies to Protect Your Company's Reputation and Market Share |
2002 | 978-0-07-138683-8 | Susan Osborne · Carole Turkington | Get Ready! for Standardized Tests Math Grade 3 |
2002 | 978-0-07-138684-5 | Molly Maack · Carole Turkington | Get Ready! for Standardized Tests Reading Grade 1 |
'' | 978-0-07-138689-0 | McGraw-Hill Construction / Sweet's Group | Sweet's: The Directory - 2002 |
'' | 978-0-07-138690-6 | Sweet's Group | Sweet's Electrical Products Sourcebook 2002 |
'' | 978-0-07-138691-3 | '' | Sweet's CD 5.0 (Sweet's Group) |
'' | 978-0-07-138699-9 | Lawrence A. Cunningham | Outsmarting the Smart Money: Understand How Markets Really Work and Win the Wealth Game |
2002 | 978-0-07-138700-2 | Michael Shea | How to Build A Small Budget Recording Studio From Scratch: With 12 Tested Designs (TAB Mastering Electronics Series) |
'' | 978-0-07-138701-9 | Peter Scott Curtiss · Newton Breth | HVAC Instant Answers |
'' | 978-0-07-138702-6 | Richard Earle | The Art of Cause Marketing: How to Use Advertising to Change Personal Behavior and Public Policy |
'' | 978-0-07-138703-3 | Alan Weiss | Million Dollar Consulting: The Professional's Guide to Growing a Practice |
'' | 978-0-07-138704-0 | Moshe Sipper | Machine Nature: The Coming Age of Bio-Inspired Computing |
2002 | 978-0-07-138705-7 | Richard A. Ferri | All About Index Funds (All About... (McGraw-Hill)) |
'' | 978-0-07-138706-4 | Eric Shkolnik | When Buy Means Sell: An Investor's Guide to Investing When It Counts |
'' | 978-0-07-138707-1 | Anthony Crescenzi | The Strategic Bond Investor: Strategies and Tools to Unlock the Power of the Bond Market |
2003 | 978-0-07-138708-8 | Pejman J. Hamidi | 101 Rules of Trading Discipline |
2002 | 978-0-07-138709-5 | Henry W Abts III | The Living Trust: The Failproof Way to Pass Along Your Estate to Your Heirs |
'' | 978-0-07-138710-1 | Thomas Meyers | The Technical Analysis Course |
'' | 978-0-07-138711-8 | Colin Mitchell | Picmicro Sourcebook With Projects (TAB Electronics) |
2002 | 978-0-07-138712-5 | Terry Kennedy | Roofing Instant Answers (Instant Answer Series) |
2006 | 978-0-07-138713-2 | Binita R. Shah · Michael Lucchesi | Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine (Shah, Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine) |
2002 | 978-0-07-138714-9 | Mariwyn Evans | Opportunities in Real Estate Careers, Revised Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138715-6 | Mariwyn Evans | Opportunities in Real Estate Careers, Revised Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138716-3 | Robert Gerardi | Opportunities in Music Careers, Revised Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138717-0 | '' | Opportunities in Music Careers |
'' | 978-0-07-138718-7 | John H. Woodburn | Opportunities in Chemistry Careers, Revised Edition |
2002 | 978-0-07-138719-4 | John Woodburn | Opportunities in Chemistry Careers |
'' | 978-0-07-138720-0 | U.S. Department of Labor | Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2002-2003 Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138721-7 | U.S. Department of Labor | Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2002-2003 Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138722-4 | Odom Fanning | Opportunities in Environmental Careers, Revised Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138723-1 | Odom Fanning | Opportunities in Environmental Careers, Revised Edition |
2002 | 978-0-07-138724-8 | Rebecca Burnett | Careers for Number Crunchers & Other Quantitative Types, Second Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138725-5 | Rebecca Burnett | Careers for Number Crunchers & Other QuantitativeTypes |
'' | 978-0-07-138726-2 | Terence Sacks | Opportunities in Physician Assistant Careers, Revised Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138727-9 | Terence J. Sacks | Opportunities in Physician Assistant Careers, Revised Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138728-6 | Mary Donovan | Careers for Gourmets & Others Who Relish Food, Second Edition |
2002 | 978-0-07-138729-3 | Mary Donovan | Careers for Gourmets & Others Who Relish Food, Second Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138730-9 | Editors of VGM Career Books | Resumes for Computer Careers, Second Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138731-6 | '' | Resumes for Re-entering the Job Market, Second Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138732-3 | Geraldine Garner | Great Jobs for Engineering Majors, Second Edition |
2003 | 978-0-07-138733-0 | Patricia Farrell | How to Be Your Own Therapist: A Step-by-Step Guide to Taking Back Your Life |
2002 | 978-0-07-138735-4 | Leland Harden · Bob Heyman | The Auction App: How Companies Tap the Power of Online Auctions to Maximize Revenue Growth |
'' | 978-0-07-138736-1 | Elizabeth Kaye | Ain't No Tomorrow: Kobe, Shaq, and the Making of a Lakers Dynasty |
2002 | 978-0-07-138737-8 | Carlo DeVito | D. Wayne: The High-Rolling and Fast Times of America's Premier Horse Trainer |
2003 | 978-0-07-138738-5 | H. W. "Bing" Broido | Coaching Tee Ball: The Baffled Parent's Guide |
2002 | 978-0-07-138739-2 | Kelly Mooney · Laura Bergheim | The Ten Demandments: Rules to Live by in the Age of the Demanding Customer |
| 978-0-07-138740-8 | Appleton & Lange's Review for the Physician Assistant |
2002 | 978-0-07-138741-5 | Anthony A. Miller | Appleton & Lange's Review for the Physician Assistant |
'' | 978-0-07-138742-2 | Paul B. W. Miller · Paul R. Bahnson | Quality Financial Reporting |
2001 | 978-0-07-138743-9 | Susan Tebbutt | Klaro!: A Practical Guide to German Grammar |
2002 | 978-0-07-138745-3 | Robert Goodman | How Electronic Things Work... And What to do When They Don't |
'' | 978-0-07-138747-7 | John Zenger · Joseph Folkman | The Extraordinary Leader: Turning Good Managers into Great Leaders |
'' | 978-0-07-138748-4 | Richard A. Spears | NTC's Super-Mini English Dictionary |
2003 | 978-0-07-138749-1 | Ellie Williams · Diane Pearl | All About Retirement Funds: The Easy Way to Get Started |
2001 | 978-0-07-138750-7 | Jeffrey A. Krames | The Welch Way: 24 Lessons from the World's Greatest CEO |
2002 | 978-0-07-138755-2 | Greg Brue | Six Sigma For Managers |
'' | 978-0-07-138756-9 | J. Leslie McKeown | Retaining Top Employees (Briefcase Books (Paperback)) |
2002 | 978-0-07-138757-6 | Steven Cohen | Negotiating Skills for Managers |
2003 | 978-0-07-138758-3 | Harry Skinner | Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Orthopedics |
2001 | 978-0-07-138759-0 | Erin | POS: Floor Copy Display - Erin B |
2002 | 978-0-07-138761-3 | Gary Zweiger | Transducing the Genome: Information, Anarchy, and Revolution in The Biomedical Sciences |
'' | 978-0-07-138762-0 | Stephen H. Gehlbach | Interpreting the Medical Literature |
'' | 978-0-07-138763-7 | Albert R. Jonsen · Mark Siegler · William J. Winslade | CLINICAL ETHICS: A Practical Approach to Ethical Decisions in Clinical Medicine |
'' | 978-0-07-138764-4 | Stephen J. McPhee · Vishwanath R. Lingappa · William F. Ganong | Pathophysiology of Disease |
'' | 978-0-07-138765-1 | Michael G. Levitzky | Pulmonary Physiology (Lange Physiology) |
2003 | 978-0-07-138766-8 | Shari Butler | Becoming Myself: Living Life to the Fullest After Losing Your Parents |
2002 | 978-0-07-138767-5 | Charles D. Ellis | Winning the Loser's Game: Timeless Strategies for Successful Investing |
2003 | 978-0-07-138768-2 | D.A. Saia | Appleton and Lange Review for the Radiography Exam |
2003 | 978-0-07-138769-9 | D.A. Saia | Radiography PREP: Program Review and Exam Preparation |
2004 | 978-0-07-138770-5 | Dawn Lemcke | Current Care of Women: Diagnosis and Treatment (Lange Current Series) |
2002 | 978-0-07-138771-2 | Morningstar · Inc Morningstar | Morningstar Funds 500: 2002 Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-138772-9 | Travis Russell | Signaling System # 7 |
'' | 978-0-07-138773-6 | John Kador | 201 Best Questions To Ask On Your Interview |
2004 | 978-0-07-138774-3 | Ian Tannock · Richard Hill · Robert Bristow · Lea Harrington | The Basic Science of Oncology |
'' | 978-0-07-138775-0 | Anne Weber · Linda Brubaker · Joseph I. Schaffer · Marc Toglia | Office Urogynecology (Practical Pathways Series) |
2002 | 978-0-07-138776-7 | Linda Acredolo · Susan Goodwyn · Douglas Abrams | Baby Signs: How to Talk with Your Baby Before Your Baby Can Talk, New Edition |
2003 | 978-0-07-138777-4 | James Speight | Perry's Standard Tables and Formulae For Chemical Engineers |
2002 | 978-0-07-138778-1 | John Lester Miller · Ed Friedman | Optical Communications Rules of Thumb |
'' | 978-0-07-138779-8 | Robert Morrow | Bluetooth: Operation and Use |
2002 | 978-0-07-138782-8 | Frederick Newell | Customer Relationship Management in the New Era of Internet Marketing |
'' | 978-0-07-138783-5 | Andrew Smithers · Stephen Wright | Valuing Wall Street: Protecting Wealth in Turbulent Markets |
'' | 978-0-07-138784-2 | Jaidev Bhola | Wireless LANs Demystified (Demystified) |
'' | 978-0-07-138785-9 | Steven Shepard | Telecom Convergence, 2/e: How to Bridge the Gap Between Technologies and Services |
2001 | 978-0-07-138786-6 | Kim B. Peyton | Ondeo Nalco Fuel Field Manual: Sources and Solutions to Performance Problems |
'' | 978-0-07-138787-3 | Myke Predko · Ben Wirz | TAB Electronics Build Your Own Robot Kit |
2002 | 978-0-07-138792-7 | Jack Phillips · Ron Stone | How to Measure Training Results: A Practical Guide to Tracking the Six Key Indicators |