year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
1996 | 978-0-07-114213-7 | Robert H. Frank | Microeconomics and Behavior |
1997 | 978-0-07-114214-4 | Joseph B. & E. John Finnemore & Robert L. Daugherty Franzini | FLUID MECHANICS WITH ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS |
1996 | 978-0-07-114215-1 | Therese (University of Pennsyl Flaherty | Global Operations Management |
1995 | 978-0-07-114221-2 | John Fossum | Labor Relations: Development, Structure, Process |
1994 | 978-0-07-114222-9 | Wendell L. French · Cecil Bell · Robert Zawacki | Organization Development and Transformation: Managing Effective Change |
1992 | 978-0-07-114223-6 | FRUHAN | Case Problems in Finance-ise |
1993 | 978-0-07-114224-3 | FUTRELL | ABCS SELL-ISE |
1996 | 978-0-07-114225-0 | FERRET | Strategies: Getting and Keeping the Job You Want |
1995 | 978-0-07-114226-7 | Kenneth R. Ferris | Financial Accounting and Corporate Reporting: A Casebook |
'' | 978-0-07-114227-4 | FISHER | The Phone Book: Telephone Skills For Business -USE187444 |
'' | 978-0-07-114228-1 | FISHER | STATE AND LOCAL PUBLIC FINANCE-ISE |
'' | 978-0-07-114230-4 | Charles Futrell | Fundamentals of Selling: Customers for Life |
'' | 978-0-07-114231-1 | Ronald T. Farrar | Mass Communication: An Introduction to the Field |
| 978-0-07-114233-5 | Social Psychology |
1996 | 978-0-07-114234-2 | Stuart Ira Fox | Human Physiology |
1997 | 978-0-07-114235-9 | Thomas Farrell · Maureen Farrell | Public Speaking: Skills for Success |
1996 | 978-0-07-114236-6 | Charles Futrell | ABC's of Relationship Selling |
1997 | 978-0-07-114237-3 | Jerome D. Fellmann · Arthur Getis · Judith Getis | Human Geography: Landscapes of Human Activities |
1995 | 978-0-07-114239-7 | Leonard Fertuck | Systems Analysis and Design with Modern Methods |
1997 | 978-0-07-114243-4 | C. M. Krishna · Kang G. Shin | Real-Time Systems |
1996 | 978-0-07-114244-1 | James L. Farrell | Portfolio Management: Theory and Applications |
1996 | 978-0-07-114248-9 | Eugene Lodewick Grant · Richard S. Leavenworth | Statistical Quality Control (McGraw-Hill Series in Industrial Engineering and Management Science) |
'' | 978-0-07-114250-2 | Gaynor | Handbook: Hbk Technology Management |
1997 | 978-0-07-114252-6 | Glantz | Primer Biostatistics |
'' | 978-0-07-114255-7 | Joseph P Guilitinan · Gordon W. Paul · Thomas J. Madden | Marketing Management: Strategies and Programs |
1996 | 978-0-07-114257-1 | Joseph W. Goodman | Introduction to Fourier Optics; Second Edition |
'' | 978-0-07-114259-5 | Gottfried | Programming with C |
1995 | 978-0-07-114261-8 | Robert D. Gatewood · Robert Taylor · O.C. Ferrell | Management: Comprehension, Analysis and Application |
1997 | 978-0-07-114262-5 | Gibson | Organizations |
1995 | 978-0-07-114263-2 | Howard S. Gitlow · Rosa Oppenheim · Alan Oppenheim | Quality Management: Tools and Methods for Improvement (The Irwin Series in Statistics) |
1996 | 978-0-07-114265-6 | Arthur Goldsmith | Business, Government and Society: A Global Political Economy |
1995 | 978-0-07-114266-3 | Goodman | Overrun Edition: O/R Mgmt of Service |
1996 | 978-0-07-114267-0 | G. Goplan | Introduction to Digital Microelectronic Circuits |
1995 | 978-0-07-114269-4 | D. Gallahue | Developing Physical Education for Today's Children |
'' | 978-0-07-114270-0 | GREENBERG | Personal Stress Profile & Wkbk-Ise |
1995 | 978-0-07-114271-7 | Greenberg | Comprehensive Stress Management |
'' | 978-0-07-114272-4 | GETIS | INTRO TO GEOG-ISE |
1996 | 978-0-07-114273-1 | Ray Garrison · Eric Noreen | Managerial Accounting: Concepts for Planning, Control, Decision Making: Text & Workbook (The Irwin Series in Undergraduate Accounting) |
'' | 978-0-07-114275-5 | Lynne S. Gross | Telecommunications |
'' | 978-0-07-114276-2 | Gloria J. Galanes · John K. Brilhart · John Brilhardt | Communicating in Groups |
'' | 978-0-07-114277-9 | Charles G. Gebelein | Chemistry and Our World |
1996 | 978-0-07-114279-3 | DREWES | How To Study Science-ISE |
1994 | 978-0-07-114281-6 | Eldon D. Enger · Bradley F. Smith | Environmental Science: The Study of Interrelationships |
1997 | 978-0-07-114282-3 | Robert Ekelund · Robert F. Hebert · Robert Herbert | History of Economic Theory and Method (McGraw-Hill International Editions) |
'' | 978-0-07-114287-8 | Edminister | Electric Circuits Metric |
'' | 978-0-07-114288-5 | De Levie R. | Principles of Quantitative Chemical Analysis |
1996 | 978-0-07-114293-9 | Corbin | Physical Fitness |
'' | 978-0-07-114294-6 | Robert L. Caret · Katherine J. Denniston · Joseph Topping | Principles and Applications of Organic and Biological Chemistry |
1995 | 978-0-07-114295-3 | Caret Robert L. | Principles and Applications of Inorganic, Organic and Biological Chemistry |
1997 | 978-0-07-114296-0 | Donald J. Conte · Donald J. Thompson · Lawrence L. Moses | Earth Science: An Integrated Perspective |
1996 | 978-0-07-114297-7 | Peter Castro · Michael E. Huber | Marine Biology |
'' | 978-0-07-114298-4 | Cox | Conservation Biology |
1996 | 978-0-07-114299-1 | William P. Cunningham · Barbara Woodworth Saigo | Environmental Science: A Global Concern |
1995 | 978-0-07-114306-6 | James C. Collins | Managing the Small to Mid-sized Company |
1996 | 978-0-07-114310-3 | Peter · Siciliano, Julie Hess | MANAGEMENT: Responsibility for Performance |
'' | 978-0-07-114311-0 | Laurence D. Hoffman | Calculus for Business, Economics and the Social and Life Sciences |
'' | 978-0-07-114313-4 | Ronald W. Hilton | Managerial Accounting |
'' | 978-0-07-114314-1 | Richard M. Hodgetts · Fred Luthans | International Management |
'' | 978-0-07-114315-8 | Ronald W. Hasty · James Reardon | Retail Management (McGraw-Hill Series in Marketing) |
1997 | 978-0-07-114319-6 | Fred T. Hofstetter | Multimedia Literacy |
1996 | 978-0-07-114320-2 | Jack P. Holman | Heat Transfer |
1996 | 978-0-07-114322-6 | Gregory L. Heileman | Data Structures, Algorithms and Object Oriented Programming |
'' | 978-0-07-114323-3 | V.Carl Hamacher | International Edition Computer Organization |
'' | 978-0-07-114329-5 | Janet Shibley Hyde · John Delamater | Understanding Human Sexuality |
'' | 978-0-07-114330-1 | Richard M. Hodgetts · Fred Luthans | International Management |
1995 | 978-0-07-114331-8 | Hadjimicha | Contemporary Money |
1993 | 978-0-07-114332-5 | John Hanke · Arthur G. Reitsch | Understanding Business Statistics |
1994 | 978-0-07-114333-2 | Hanson | Overrun Edition: O/R Say It Right |
1993 | 978-0-07-114335-6 | E.A. Helfert | Techniques of Financial Analysis |
'' | 978-0-07-114336-3 | Helman | The Overrun Edition: O/R the Science of Database |
1991 | 978-0-07-114337-0 | Breda , Hendriksen | Accounting Theory |
1994 | 978-0-07-114338-7 | Edwards,Maher, Hermanson | Accounting - A Business Perspective |
1997 | 978-0-07-114340-0 | Robert C. Higgins | Analysis for Financial Management |
1994 | 978-0-07-114341-7 | Terry Hill | Manufacturing Strategy: Text and Cases |
1994 | 978-0-07-114342-4 | Hill | O/R Intl Business |
1995 | 978-0-07-114343-1 | Robert Hisrich · Michael Peters | Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing and Managing a New Enterprise |
1993 | 978-0-07-114345-5 | LaRue T. Hosmer | Moral Leadership in Business |
1995 | 978-0-07-114348-6 | M. Haskins · Kenneth Ferris · Thomas Selling | International Financial Reporting and Analysis: A Contextual Emphasis |
1997 | 978-0-07-114349-3 | David B. Hawkins | Corporate Financial Report and Analysis: Text and Cases |
1995 | 978-0-07-114350-9 | Sterling H. Schoen · Raymond L. Hilgert | Cases in Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations: A Decisional Approach |
| 978-0-07-114351-6 | HILL | Overrun Edition: O/r International Business |
| 978-0-07-114353-0 | Accounting, Information Technology and Business Solutions |
1996 | 978-0-07-114355-4 | Richard Hughes · Robert Ginnett · Gordon Curphy | Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience |
'' | 978-0-07-114356-1 | Donald A. Neamen | Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design |
1995 | 978-0-07-114357-8 | Sarah E. Hutchinson · Stacey C. Sawyer | Computer Essentials |
1996 | 978-0-07-114358-5 | LaRue Allen · John Santrock · Jane Halonen | Psychology |
1995 | 978-0-07-114359-2 | HORVAT | Assesmnts Adapted Physical Edu-Ise |
1996 | 978-0-07-114360-8 | M. Haskins · Robert Sack · Allen Brandt · Kenneth Ferris | Financial Accounting and Reporting |
'' | 978-0-07-114361-5 | Hutchinson | O |
1995 | 978-0-07-114362-2 | Hutchinson | Overrun Edition: O/R Microsoft Windows 3.1 Iasce |
1996 | 978-0-07-114363-9 | '' | Microsoft Word for Windows |
1995 | 978-0-07-114364-6 | '' | Overrun Edition: O/R Microsoft Word 6 Wind Iasce |
1996 | 978-0-07-114365-3 | HUTCHINSON | Microsft Excel 7.0 Win 95-ise |
1995 | 978-0-07-114366-0 | Sarah E. Hutchinson · Stacey C. Sawyer | Computers and Information Systems |
1996 | 978-0-07-114367-7 | Hutchinson | Overrun Edition: O/R Ms Access 7 Wind Iasce |
1995 | 978-0-07-114368-4 | '' | Overrun Edition: O/R Microsoft Access 2.0 Wind Iasce |
1996 | 978-0-07-114369-1 | Elaine Kirn · Darcy Jack | Interactions: A Communicative Grammar Stage I |
1995 | 978-0-07-114370-7 | Elaine Kirn · Pam Hartmann | Interactions: Reading Skills Book Stage I |
'' | 978-0-07-114371-4 | Margaret Segal · Cheryl Pavlik | Interactions: Writing Process Book Stage I |
'' | 978-0-07-114372-1 | Judith Tanka · Paul Most | Interactions: Listening/Speaking Skills Book Stage I |
1995 | 978-0-07-114374-5 | Margaret Segal · Cheryl Pavlik | Interactions: Writing Process Book Stage II |
'' | 978-0-07-114375-2 | Judith Tanka · Lida R. Baker | Interactions: Listening/Speaking Skills Book Stage II |
'' | 978-0-07-114376-9 | Patricia K. Werner · Mary Mitchell Church · Lida R. Baker · Interactions overrun | Interactions: A Communicative Grammar Stage II |
1996 | 978-0-07-114377-6 | Debbie Poole · Emily A. Thrush | Interactions One |
'' | 978-0-07-114378-3 | '' | Interactions: Stage II: A Multi-skills Activities Manual |
1997 | 978-0-07-114386-8 | Richard C. Jaeger | Microelectronic Circuit Design |
| 978-0-07-114392-9 | Kirn | Interactions Reading |
1997 | 978-0-07-114393-6 | Interactions | Interactions II Listen Speak Skill |
1995 | 978-0-07-114396-7 | John M. Ivancevich | Human Resource Management |
1996 | 978-0-07-114398-1 | John Ivancevich · Michael Matteson | Organizational Behavior and Management |
1995 | 978-0-07-114400-1 | Janina Jolley · Mark Mitchell | Lifespan Developmental Psychology: A Topical Approach |
1996 | 978-0-07-114401-8 | John M. Ivancevich · Peter Lorenzi · Steven Skinner · Philip B. Crosby | Management: Quality and Competitiveness |
1992 | 978-0-07-114404-9 | 3000 Solved Problems in Chemistry |
1994 | 978-0-07-114412-4 | John W. Hole | Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology |
1993 | 978-0-07-114413-1 | John W. Hole · Karen A. Koos · Karon Koos Jr | Human Anatomy |
1995 | 978-0-07-114414-8 | Roger Kamien | Music: An Appreciation |
1996 | 978-0-07-114415-5 | l Kamin , Reingold | Introduction To Computer Science With C++ (mcgraw-hill International Editions) |
'' | 978-0-07-114418-6 | Thomas C. Kinnear · James R. Taylor | Marketing Research: An Applied Approach (McGraw-Hill International Editions) |
1997 | 978-0-07-114419-3 | Kevin · Stack, Lawrence · Storrow, Alan B. Knoop | Atlas of Emergency Medicine |
1996 | 978-0-07-114423-0 | Sung-Mo · Leblebici, Yusuf Kang | CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and Design |
1996 | 978-0-07-114425-4 | David Klemperer | Forest Resource Economics and Finance (McGraw-Hill series in forest resources) |
'' | 978-0-07-114426-1 | H.J. Keisler · Joel Robbin | Mathematical Logic and Computability (International Series in Pure & Applied Mathematics) |
'' | 978-0-07-114428-5 | John Grillo | Ethical Decision Making and Information Technology: An Introduction with Cases |
'' | 978-0-07-114429-2 | Conrad Kottak | Anthropology: The Exploration of Human Diversity |
1971 | 978-0-07-114439-1 | F Glahe | Microeconomics |
1994 | 978-0-07-114441-4 | Robert Kreitner · Angelo Kinicki | Organizational Behavior |
1995 | 978-0-07-114444-5 | Kissick | Overrun Edition: O/R Art Context& Criticism |
1997 | 978-0-07-114446-9 | Safa O. Kasap | Principles of Electrical Engineering Materials and Devices |
'' | 978-0-07-114447-6 | George C. Kent · Larry Miller | Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates |
1996 | 978-0-07-114448-3 | Kingsley Stern | Introductory Plant Biology |
1996 | 978-0-07-114449-0 | Allan Konopka · Clark Gedney · Paul Furbacher | Identibacter CD-ROM: Hybrid |
1997 | 978-0-07-114452-0 | KIMBALL | BIOLOGY +SSAN-ISE |
1995 | 978-0-07-114453-7 | Jacqueline I. Kroschwitz · Melvin Winokur · A. Bryan Lees | Chemistry: A First Course |
1997 | 978-0-07-114455-1 | Gladwin | Clinical Microbiology |
'' | 978-0-07-114456-8 | GOLDBERG | Clinical Physiology Made Ridiculously |
1998 | 978-0-07-114458-2 | Elaine Kirn | Interactions (Book 2) |
1995 | 978-0-07-114459-9 | Crawley | Remediating Reading Difficulties |
1996 | 978-0-07-114460-5 | Howard D. Curtis | Aircraft Structural Analysis |
'' | 978-0-07-114461-2 | James P. Cohoon · Jack W. Davidson | C++: An Object Oriented Approach |
'' | 978-0-07-114462-9 | Charles Crowley | Operating Systems: A Design Oriented Approach |
'' | 978-0-07-114463-6 | Donald G. Childers | Probability and Random Processes Using MATLAB |
1997 | 978-0-07-114464-3 | Samuel C. Certo | Supervision: Quality, Diversity and Technology |
1996 | 978-0-07-114465-0 | David Collis · Cynthia Montgomery | Corporate Strategy: Resources and the Scope of the Firm |
1997 | 978-0-07-114466-7 | Curtis W. Cook · Phillip Hunsaker · Robert Coffey | Management and Organizational Behavior |
1996 | 978-0-07-114467-4 | Gil Churchill · Neil Ford · Orville Walker | Sales Force Management |
1996 | 978-0-07-114469-8 | C.Merle Crawford | New Products Management (The Irwin Series in Marketing) |
'' | 978-0-07-114470-4 | Houston H and Snyder , Charles A Carr | The Management of Telecommunications: Business Solutions to Business Problems |
'' | 978-0-07-114472-8 | Zvi Bodie · Alex Kane · Alan J. Marcus | Investments |
'' | 978-0-07-114474-2 | John Langan | College Writing Skills |
1995 | 978-0-07-114475-9 | Maurice D. Levi | International Finance: Financial Management and the International Economy (The McGraw-Hill Series in Finance) |
1996 | 978-0-07-114481-0 | Alan R. Leff · et al | Pulmonary and Critical Care Pharmacology |
1998 | 978-0-07-114482-7 | Howard Lee · Karishna C.V.G. Rao · R.A. Zimmerman | Cranial and Spinal Mri and Ct |
| 978-0-07-114483-4 | Modern Advanced Accounting |
1997 | 978-0-07-114484-1 | Steven E. Landsburg · Lauren Feinstone | Macroeconomics |
'' | 978-0-07-114488-9 | Langan | Overrun Edition: O/r English Skills |
1996 | 978-0-07-114491-9 | Levi Maurice | International Finance (McGraw-Hill International Editions) |
1993 | 978-0-07-114492-6 | James R. Stock · Douglas M. Lambert | Strategic Logistics Management (The Irwin Series in Marketing) |
1994 | 978-0-07-114493-3 | LARSON | Fin Acctg-Ise |
1994 | 978-0-07-114494-0 | Mary M. Lay | Technical Communication |
1993 | 978-0-07-114495-7 | Lehmann | Overrun Edition: O/r Product Management |
1992 | 978-0-07-114496-4 | Leenders | Overrun Edition: O/r Purchasing& Materials Management |
1993 | 978-0-07-114497-1 | LEHMANN | O/R Analysis for Marketing |
1994 | 978-0-07-114498-8 | Michael Levy · Baron Weitz | Retailing Management |
| 978-0-07-114499-5 | Negotiation [Second Edition] |
1996 | 978-0-07-114503-9 | James A. Leach | AutoCAD Companion, Release 13 |
1995 | 978-0-07-114504-6 | Campbell R. McConnell · Stanley L. Brue | Economics: Principles, Problems and Policies |
'' | 978-0-07-114505-3 | Robert · Wittington, Ray Meigs | Accounting: The Basis for Business Decisions |
'' | 978-0-07-114506-0 | Gregory Dess · Alex Miller | Strategic Management |
1997 | 978-0-07-114507-7 | Hurta A. Murphy | Effective Business Communication |
1995 | 978-0-07-114508-4 | David G. Myers | Social Psychology |
'' | 978-0-07-114509-1 | Laurie Blass · Meredith Pike- Baky | Mosaic: Writing Process Book Stage I |
'' | 978-0-07-114510-7 | Elizabeth Whalley · Jami Ferrer- Henreddy | Mosaic: Listening/Speaking Skills Book Stage I (EBI book) |
1996 | 978-0-07-114511-4 | Brenda Wegmann · Miki Prijic Knezevic | Mosaic: Reading Skills Book Stage I (EBI book) |
1995 | 978-0-07-114512-1 | Patricia K. Werner | Mosaic: Communicative Grammar Stage I |
1996 | 978-0-07-114513-8 | Laurie Blass | Mosaic two: A content-based writing book |
1996 | 978-0-07-114514-5 | Jami Ferrer-Hanreddy | Mosaic two: With learning strategies and language functions |
'' | 978-0-07-114515-2 | Brenda Wegmann | Mosaic two |
1995 | 978-0-07-114516-9 | Patricia K. Werner · John P. Nelson | Mosaic: Communicative Grammar Stage II (AN EBI book) |
1996 | 978-0-07-114518-3 | Mentel | Short Cuts: Interactive English Course: Book 1 |
1997 | 978-0-07-114520-6 | MENTEL | Short Cuts, Book 3 |
1996 | 978-0-07-114521-3 | Jack D. · McGraw-Hill Mattingly | Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion |
'' | 978-0-07-114522-0 | Jr Messier William F. | Auditing: A Systematic Approach |
'' | 978-0-07-114523-7 | J. Susan · McTeer, Paul M. · Corbet, James J. Milton | Introduction to Statistics |
1997 | 978-0-07-114524-4 | Blass | Mosaic I Writing Process Bk |
'' | 978-0-07-114525-1 | Diolata | Book: Bk2 Voices of Tomorran Intro English |
1996 | 978-0-07-114534-3 | Arnold Naiman · Gene Zirkel · Robert Rosenfeld | Understanding Statistics |
| 978-0-07-114535-0 | Sociology: A Critical Approach |
1987 | 978-0-07-114537-4 | Stephen G. And Ariela Sofer Nash | Linear and Nonlinear Programming |
1996 | 978-0-07-114538-1 | Keith Human Behavior at Work Davis John W. Newstrom | Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at Work |
1997 | 978-0-07-114539-8 | Timothy J. O'Leary · Linda I. O'Leary | Computing Essentials |
2000 | 978-0-07-114540-4 | Timothy J. · Oo'Leary, Linda Oleary | Brief Computing Essentials |
1996 | 978-0-07-114541-1 | Ralph Nyland | Silviculture |
1996 | 978-0-07-114542-8 | O'leary | Windows 95 1 Colour |
'' | 978-0-07-114543-5 | O'leary | Excel 7 Windows |
1996 | 978-0-07-114544-2 | O'leary | Word 7 Windows |
'' | 978-0-07-114545-9 | '' | Ms Access 7.0 Windows 95 |
'' | 978-0-07-114546-6 | Nelson | Tqm& Iso9000 for Architects |
1992 | 978-0-07-114549-7 | NAHMIAS | O/R Production& Operations Analysis |
'' | 978-0-07-114550-3 | NEAMEN | SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS |