Books by ISBN

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Responsible for this site: Tomas Schild, Martha-Schmidtmann-Str. 4, 70374 Stuttgart, Germany, <>, phone +49 0700-86627724, no fax, VAT ID DE264384680.


Where does this site get its data?
What is the use of this site, then?
My book is not on the site. How do I add it?
The information for my book is wrong. How to change it?
Where can I buy this book?
What's with the two different ISBNs given for each book?

Where does this site get its data?

This site collects data on books and other media collected from a number of web services that send XML data which this site processes further. At present these are:,,,,, and, also (as the number of data requests per day that can serve its users today is limited, my site queries only as a last resort, when the Amazon sites have no data.) A further data source is the data from on prefix ranges issued by the International ISBN Agency ( - my algorithm uses this display the ISBN properly segmented with dashes into country, publisher, book and check digit parts, which is information that the above mentioned web services do not deliver.

What is the use of this site, then?

The utility of this site is in collating the information from the above mentioned sites. The various Amazon sites only have information on the books sold in the relevant locale (many books are sold only in a subset of locales for commercial, licensing, legal etc. reasons)., on the other hand, only has information culled from the catalogs of libraries, which limits the information available on recent or forthcoming issues as well as books from non-English language publishers. Also this sites cross-references books published by the same author even when the various books cannot be found on the same site.

My book is not on the site. How do I add it?

Enter its ISBN (the 10-digit or the 13-digit one) into the search box on the home page. This site will try to retrieve data from the sites mentioned above and build a new page. This usually happens within a few minutes; sometimes (when the scripts need to do some deep thought for a large reindex) it takes a few hours.

If none of the sites named above have data on the ISBN - sorry, in this case I cannot add a page. Your best bet would probably be for your publisher to get your book listed in the appropriate Amazon store. How exactly to go about that? I do not know - I am not in the publishing industry myself.

The information for my book is wrong. How to change it?

Except when the page says "Details (" the data are from an Amazon database (usually from the locale that the first link points to). The Amazon sites all have a link on the page to "update product information" - you can submit your correction there. After Amazon has corrected their database this site will in due course update its information (the pages are cyclically refreshed.)

Where can I buy this book?

Sorry, I have got no information on that - I am not a bookseller nor a publisher. You cannot order the books listed on this site from me, nor am I privy to information where an out-of-print book listed on this site can be obtained. When one or more Amazon sites are linked you can usually (but not always) order the book there (a lot of books are listed at Amazon but out of print, though).

What's with the two different ISBNs given for each book?

Beginning with 1 January 2007 the old-style 10-digit ISBNs are superseded by 13-digit ISBNs (For an existing 10-digit ISBN the new ISBN can be calculated algorithmically). See the Wikipedia article on ISBN.

Privacy Statement/Information on protection of personal data

Summary: Data parsimony, no cookies, no sharing with third parties.

This site does neither allow nor require user accounts for its users, and does not include any transactions (such as sales) that require the input of personal information. So no personal information such as name, address etc. is collected or stored. Web users can only use this site anonymously.

This site does not set cookies.

For purposes of technical troubleshooting and countermeasures against mass access by robots, accesses to files on this web site are logged by the Apache web server (as is routine in almost all web sites).

This data is stored for seven days and is then automatically deleted.

The Apache server log data are: IP address, date/time, requested URL, HTTP response code, length of response, HTTP User-agent string, referrer string.

I do not know which Internet user uses a particular IP address

The server log data data is used by me from time to time to check on errors in the site's code, on how popular particular areas on the site are, and occasionally on what IP numbers need to be blocked because they try to download millions of URLs per day, overloading the site (Don't download other peoples's sites - program your own, dammit!)

I do not forward these server log data to any third party.

I do not share server logs or any other data connected with usage of this site with any third party (except for the hypothetical case where competent organs of the criminal justice system should lawfully demend them of me, which for a site of this content is extremely unlikely to ever happen.)

Other Notices

Tomas Schild/ is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Tomas Schild/ ist Teilnehmer des Partnerprogramms von Amazon EU, das zur Bereitstellung eines Mediums für Websites konzipiert wurde, mittels dessen durch die Platzierung von Werbeanzeigen und Links zu Werbekostenerstattung verdient werden kann.

Tomas Schild/ participe au Programme Partenaires d’Amazon EU, un programme d’affiliation conçu pour permettre à des sites de percevoir une rémunération grâce à la création de liens vers

Tomas Schild/ partecipa al Programma Affiliazione Amazon EU, un programma di affiliazione che consente ai siti di percepire una commissione pubblicitaria pubblicizzando e fornendo link al sito

Tomas Schild/ participa en el Programa de Afiliados de Amazon EU, un programa de publicidad para afiliados diseñado para ofrecer a sitios web un modo de obtener comisiones por publicidad, publicitando e incluyendo enlaces a

Tomas Schild/ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Tomas Schild/ is a participant in the, Inc. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Tomas Schild/ は、を挿入 を宣伝しリンクすることによってサイトが紹介料を獲得できる手段を提供することを目的に設定されたアフィリエイト宣伝プログラムである、Amazonアソシエイト・プログラムの参加者です。